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Title: Saloon Cars Deluxe Extra Courses **** (£20)
Three extra tracks. Requires the original Saloon Cars Deluxe.
Links: None
4th Dimension
Players: 1
Type: Racing
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On SA: ?


Title: Scrabble ****
What can I say? Scrabble! (You know, that famous word game thing)
Links: None
Supplier: US Gold
Players: 4
Type: Scrabble
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: ? SA: Yes


Title: SeaTrek * (£8)
Very simplistic search-and-find game, where you must wander around a large, empty seascape avoiding the odd enemy and looking for randomly placed tokens. Boring beyond belief. Generation Design offer a free 14-day home trial of their games, and this game is aimed at children.
Links: None
Generation Design
Players: 1
Type: Scrolling token collection
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: ?


Title: Sensible Soccer ****
Very popular football game which frankly leaves me unmoved. The music doesn't work with 16-bit sound.
Links: None
Supplier: Renegade
Players: 1
Type: Soccer
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On 2 SA: StrongCache, but sound is corrupt


Title: Serpents (£20)
Links: None
Supplier: CIS
Players: 1
Type: Snake
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On SA: AutoCache


Title: Shuggy *** (£25.95)
Very average arcade adventure game starring Shuggy the Elf. Simplistic design in the 'old school' style of arcade adventure. Add £1.50 P+P if ordering direct by mail.
Links: Demo:
Werewolf Software web pages Review: On these pages
Supplier: Werewolf Software
Players: 1
Type: Arcade adventure
Needs: 2MB OS 2: No OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: Yes


Title: Sim City *** (£35)
Poor port of the classic 'God' game. Running only in a desktop window, vile use of colour (predominantly red) ruins this game, and you can't even scroll the window in the normal RISC OS fashion - you must hold down a mouse button near the edge of the window. Eurgh! It's also far too expensive. On the other hand, it is still Sim City, and so quite fun to play, if you can put up with the crippling scrolling method. Also see Sim City 2000.
Links: None
Players: 1
Type: God
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: No


Title: Sim City 2000 *****
Superbly fun game. This is a vast improvement on the Acorn version of Sim City. It runs outside the desktop this time, features much nicer graphics, and has a bit more depth. Two versions are available: a Risc PC version and an A5000 version, the latter having a minimum specification of a multiscan monitor, harddisc and 4Mb of RAM.
Links: None
Players: 1
Type: God
Needs: 4MB HD OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: Yes, with Crunchfix - but some sound corruption


Title: Simon the Sorcerer (£40 floppy/45 CD)
This point'n'click adventure game often relies on you meticulously searching each screen pixel-by-pixel with your mouse pointer, and problem solving relies more on the "try doing everything" approach than anything else. Conversations are long and tedious, and the fact that you can't step through them at your own speed - you have to wait patiently for the next sentence to appear - makes certain parts of the game extremely tedious. Even at its fastest, the game seems to assume you have a reading age of about five. But despite all this, the game is still fun - most of the time! The majority of the graphics are lovely, although there is a disturbing tendency to map everything to grey in some of the backgrounds - some dithering would have been nice, and there is no special Risc PC version. Due to some mild bad language this game may not be appropriate for young children.
Music doesn't work with 16-bit sound. Unplayable without a harddisc. Also available on CD (but don't buy that version, since the speech breaks up continually).
Links: None
Supplier: Gamesware
Players: 1
Type: Point'n'click graphic adventure
Needs: 2MB OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: No


Title: Slappit
Like Ballistix on the BBC (and others), where you have to guide a ball into your opponents goal, traversing a pitch littered with odd obstacles. Not very good.
Links: None
Supplier: Unknown
Players: 1
Type: Sport
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: ? RPC: ? SA: No


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32-bit Acorn Gaming

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Gareth Moore
Database last updated 07/09/97
Copyright Gareth Moore 1997