Welcome to the 32-bit Acorn Gaming Pages!

"Jewel in the crown of games sites" "Attractive and well structured"
Archimedes World, 1997
"A high quality resource"
Acorn User, 1995
"The best general place to start"
Acorn User, 1997
"Definitely a top rated site" "The most comprehensive Acorn gaming site"
Digital Oasis, 1996

Acorn User version
Last update: 7th September 1997


Important: Voyager and ArcWeb users click here

[What's New] Latest additions to these pages

[News] News about new and forthcoming releases

[Database] Full details about all published commercial games

[Features] Acorn World, !6502Em compatibility and more

[Archive] Lots of useful information and older articles

[Hints] Passwords, solutions, cheat mods and more

[Freeware] Details and reviews of free games

[Reviews] Full reviews of some games

[WWW Links] Lots of Acorn and gaming-related WWW sites

[PC Card] Information about running PC games

[(c) Gareth Moore 1995, 1996, 1997]
Acorn User version
Last update: 7th September 1997

This web space provided by DoggySoft Ltd. [DoggySoft Ltd. Logo]

These pages have no connection with Acorn Computers Ltd. or any other company.
Gareth Moore - glm20@cam.ac.uk
© Copyright Gareth Moore 1995, 1996, 1997