HardBack is a hard disc backup utility which allows you to protect your data from unforeseen events. If your hard disc crashes or you accidentally delete an important file, having a backup copy can save you a great deal of trouble and prevent you losing what may be many hours work. It can also help, for example, if your computer is stolen or some errant virus deletes your hard work.
HardBack is Shareware, which means that, if you like it, use it regularly or want the features of the full version, then you send £10 to the author: click here for details.
Supplied is a demonstration version of HardBack, which means that a large number of features – compression being a major one – have been removed. However, you can still get the feel of the program using this demo, so that you can decide if the registered version would be useful to you. There will be no further demo versions of HardBack, except possibly small bug fixes, as I shall now spend time improving the registered version.
A list of features of this demo of HardBack
Guide to using the demo version
How HardBack has been improved in the registered version