Who and how to contact Acorn User

There are several different e-mail addresses you can use to contact the magazine:

If you have any news stories or leads that you think would be of interest to us us this address.
Event Diary
Any Acorn-related events you think we ought to know about and want to tell the rest of the Acorn world about should be sent to this address. It'll be included on the Web site and in the magazine.
Free Ads
The famous Acorn User free ads service. You send us the ad we'll put it in the magazine or on the magazine disc -- 25 words maximum.
Letters Page
Do you have something to say about the Acorn market? The Acorn User Letters Page might be for you.
Q & A
Mike Cook's technical answers and general ramble through the Acorn woods. If you have any questions or suggestions you can contact him via this address.
The amazing utilities and graphics pages, send any contributions 'uuencoded' of course.
Magazine submissions
If you have any articles or programs you think we'd be interested in you can send them to this address (encoded apporpriately) however before writing anything send us a description of what you've got and we'll let you know whether we're interested.
Magazine subscriptions
Queries about subscriptions can be sent to this address, they are forwarded automatically to the subscription company Database Direct.
If you're entering an Acorn User competition you can send your answers to this address. Make sure you include your physical address, and put the name of the competition in the subject line.

The editorial team can all be contacted at the editorial address:
Acorn User, IDG Media, Media House, Adlington Park, Macclesfield SK10 4NP, England, tel: +44 1625 878888, fax: +44 1625 850652
or by e-mail to the people below:

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(Page last updated 18th April 1996)