Welcome to Topologika's home page. When we started the business in 1987 'Home, page' was something a knight on a white horse said to his stable lad - well, something like that anyway. Technology is moving fast. In 1970 I was writing software at the Royal College of Art (London), modem-ing it to the multi-room Atlas computer in Cambridge - then catching a weekly train to go look at the results. Twenty-six years later you don't need a train (what's a train, mummy?). You just need an Acorn...
I used to be a teacher, as did many of Topologika's contributors. Some still are and we think we know what works in school and what works for kids. The fact that we've won two National awards shows we're getting something right. So, have a look at what we do. On these pages you'll find excerpts from our catalogue - and some demos. If you like what you see and want to buy, you'll find contact details at the bottom of this page.
With very best wishes
You can order by 'phone, fax, mail or e-mail. Schools and other educational institutions can have software on 30 days approval. Site Licences versions cost twice the single user prices quoted in this catalogue. Click 'How to order' for more details