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Cambridge Pascal

The Cambridge Pascal compiler

The Cambridge Pascal compiler supports a comprehensive version of the Pascal language and includes many extra features such as full string and local error handling. Additional extensions allow the use of random access files and provide direct access to the operating system routines including star commands.

The compiler runs under the RISC OS desktop and will accept text program files written in Edit or any similar text editor which can produce an ASCII file and will produce optimised object code from them.

The compiler supports a wide range of 'compiler directives' including a set to allow the compilation of source files into relocatable modules, conditional compilation and include files.

To ease the process of developing Pascal source programs, the compiler produces comprehensive error meaasges, rather than just error number. In Addition, a trace facility is supplied, to allow the path through the program to be reported, a message being given by each statement as it is executed.

As well as built in extensions, Pascal comes complete with a library of procedures and functions which support access to the window manager.

Here is a list of a few example extensions over and above standard Pascal:

Single copy £70 (£82.25 inc.VAT) Site licence £280 (£329 inc.VAT)

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Last updated: 11.4.96