PREF Title Ex VAT Inc VAT SPAC 100 Beautiful Landscapes 19.95 23.44 SPAC 100 Classic Cars 19.95 23.44 SPAC 100 Flowering Plants 19.95 23.44 APPI 1066 : the Conquest 29.50 34.66 ANGL 19th Century Biographies 25.00 29.37 APPI 1st Find it! 25.00 29.37 RESO 1st Paint OREG 2067 BC 16.98 19.95 FIRST AA & Restaurant Guide 19.99 23.49 OAK ABC Version 3 70.00 82.25 TOPO Acheton/Kingdom of Hamil 17.02 20.00 KUDO ACross 21.27 24.99 SIR Active Book: Abena & the Rock 16.98 19.95 SIR Active Book: Just a Pile of rice 16.98 19.95 SIR Active Book: The Snowball Rent 16.98 19.95 LONG Advantage 52.00 61.10 ALPI Adventure Collection 15.00 17.62 STOR Adventure Playground,age 5-8 22.12 25.99 BRILL Adventures of Katy the Caterpillar 19.00 22.32 SUPE Air Supremacy 21.23 24.95 SHER All New Talking Alphabet,Age3-6 29.95 35.19 BEEB All you need to know about the internet 14.95 17.57 KRIS Alone in the Dark 29.78 34.99 CLAR Alphabase 44.21 51.95 ALPI ALPS - Adventure Language Programming 34.95 41.07 ALPI ALPS Support disk 19.95 23.44 CAMB Amazing Maths 19.95 23.44 STOR Amazing Ollie age 4+ 15.31 17.99 BRILL Amazing One Bear Band (The), Site licenc 19.00 22.32 FOUR Anagram Genius 16.98 19.95 MINE Ancestry II 85.06 99.95 ANGL Ancient Egypt 12.00 14.10 IMS Ancient Lands 39.00 45.82 SHER Animated Numbers,Age 3-6 24.95 29.32 CLAR Animator 21.23 24.95 IMS Ann Hoopers Ultimate sex guide ANT Ant Internet Suite 99.00 116.32 OAK Apollonius PDT 150.00 176.25 OREG AppleFS 59.95 70.44 PILL ArcFax 29.79 35.00 VTI ArcFS2 25.00 29.37 SIGM Archimedes Game Makers Manual CLAR Archimedes Toolkit Plus 43.40 51.00 ASPE Architech 169.00 198.57 ASPE ArchiTech (License for 10 computers) 369.00 433.57 ASPE ArchiTech (License for 5 computers) 269.00 316.07 ASPE Architech Site Licence 495.00 581.62 OREG Archivist Pro 38.26 44.96 OAK ArcLight 45.00 52.87 ASPE Arcol Desktop 50.00 58.75 SERI Arcterm 7 FOUR ARCticulate 22.09 25.96 FOUR ARCtist 22.09 25.96 OREG Arcturus 21.23 24.95 SHER Arcventure III...The Vikings, Age 7-11 34.95 41.07 SHER Arcventure III..The Vikings S/Licence 52.43 61.61 SHER Arcventure II, Primary Site Licence 52.43 61.61 SHER Arcventure II..The Egyptians, Age 8-10 34.95 41.07 SHER Arcventure I, Primary Site Licence 52.43 61.61 SHER Arcventure I...The Roman's, Age 8-12 34.95 41.07 GAME Aries 25.52 29.99 CLAR Armadeus 69.79 82.00 SHER Around the world in 80 Days, Age 7-11 44.95 52.82 IMS Art Gallery AVP Art in the National Curriculum 75.00 88.12 IMS ArtSchool 25.49 29.95 ANGL Art Store-looking at animals 50.00 58.75 COMP Artworks (CD Version) 99.00 116.32 COMP Artworks ClipArt 1 (CD) 19.00 22.32 COMP Artworks ClipArt 2 (CD) 19.00 22.32 COMP Artworks (Floppy version) 99.00 116.32 DABS Artworks Made Easy COMP Artworks Site Licence 440.00 517.00 YITM Aspects of Religion 79.99 93.99 TOPO Astra:what makes the solar system tick 30.00 35.25 DIGY Asylum MINE Atelier,KS2-4 29.74 34.94 COMP Audioworks 48.99 57.56 TBA Axis 21.27 24.99 ANGL Aztecs 12.00 14.10 SHER Aztecs, Age 7-11 44.95 52.82 SHER Badger Trails,age 9-11 44.95 52.82 SHER Badger Trails, Primary site licence 67.43 79.23 TOPO Ballons: Learn to add 15.00 17.62 TOPO Ballons & Zoo 20.00 23.50 KUDL Banner II 30.00 35.25 KRIS Battlechess 25.52 29.99 OAK Battle of the Somme 45.00 52.87 BRILL Beetles:music curriculum 36.00 42.30 BRILL Beetles Site licence 72.00 84.60 ANGL Being a Scientist 40.00 47.00 ESM Best Four Adventure 39.51 46.42 ESM Best Four Language 39.51 46.42 4MAT Betsi, Age 7-12 34.50 40.54 4MAT Betsi Site licence, age 7-12 69.00 81.07 LONG Big Picture 10 user Licence (The) 219.00 257.32 LONG Big Picture 5 User Licence (The) 156.00 183.30 LONG Big Picture (The) 73.00 85.77 ANGL Birds of Aust. & New Zealand 12.00 14.10 FOUR Birds of War (Not RiscPC) 29.75 34.96 FOUR Birds of War (RiscPC Version) 29.75 34.96 LONG Bitfolio 6 CD 29.95 35.19 LONG Bitfolio 7 CD 59.95 70.44 LOOK Bitfolio Cartoon Graphics FOUR Black Angel 29.75 34.96 QUAN Blinds BRILL Blob1 & Blob2 18.08 21.24 SHER Bodywise, age 9-14 45.00 52.87 LONG Book Project 75.00 88.12 ESM Bookstore 39.50 46.41 ESM Bookstore, Secondary 62.50 73.44 SOFT7 BootAce 15.00 17.62 FOUR Break 147 & Superpool (not RiscPC) 21.23 24.95 FOUR Break 147 & Superpool RiscPC Version 21.23 24.95 YITM Breakaway Maths 65.00 76.37 ANGL Britain from the Air 40.00 47.00 ANGL Britain Since 1930 25.00 29.37 YITM British Birds,age 7-12 99.99 117.49 PILL Bubble Help 5.96 7.00 XOB Bulletin 89.00 104.57 OREG Burn Out 21.23 24.95 MINE Business Accounts 68.04 79.95 LING Buttons 24.00 28.20 MINE CADet 85.06 99.95 STOR Calabash Pirates, age 7-11 22.12 25.99 KUDL Calender 25.00 29.37 OAK Cambridge Pascal 69.99 82.24 SHER Cambridge Reading Talking books 40.00 47.00 KRIS Cannon Fodder 22.12 25.99 CLAR Cardshop 21.23 24.95 FOUR Carnage Inc. 22.08 25.94 FOUR Carnage Inc. for Risc PC 22.08 25.94 CAMB Cars - Maths in Motion CD 49.95 58.69 CAMB Cars - Maths in motion Floppy 49.95 58.69 STOR Castle of Dreams, age 7-11 22.12 25.99 ANGL Castles CD 40.00 47.00 ANGL Castles Clip Art 12.00 14.10 FOUR Cataclysm 16.98 19.95 YITM CD Francais 45.00 52.87 UNIQ CDSampler(!) 25.00 29.37 CLAR Celebration 29.75 34.96 CLAR Celebration Site Licence 70.00 82.25 4MAT Chameleon (not Risc PC) 37.50 44.06 PILL Charm 8.51 10.00 BEEB Chartwell 25.49 29.95 4MAT Chatter 37.50 44.06 PILL Chess 8.51 10.00 PILL Chess II 13.62 16.00 FOUR Chocks Away Compendium 29.75 34.96 BRILL Choices 34.92 41.03 FOUR Chopper Force For RiscPC 25.49 29.95 FOUR Chopper Force (not Risc PC) 25.49 29.95 ANGL Christian Symbols 12.00 14.10 STOR Christmas Adventure 22.12 25.99 SHER Christmas allsorts Clip art 17.95 21.09 KRIS Chuck Rock (not Risc PC) 8.50 9.99 OREG Cineworks 136.13 159.95 OAK Cistercian Abbeys 45.00 52.87 COLT Classcardz for Results COLT Classcardz for Wordz BRILL Claude & Maud 36.00 42.30 BRILL Claude & Maud, Site licence 72.00 84.60 BRILL Clicker Plus 55.00 64.62 SEME Climatic Change 35.00 41.12 SEME Clip art : just pictures 14.00 16.45 4MAT Clockwise 24.50 28.79 DABS C (New Edition) with Disc TBA Cobalt Seed 21.27 24.99 STOR Coffee, age9+ 25.52 29.99 IRLA ColorMobile Software Driver 49.00 57.57 SMAR Colourfun 12.72 14.95 TBA Command Ship 21.27 24.99 BRILL Compere 27.00 31.72 IOTA Complete Animator 84.26 99.01 IOTA Complete Animator site licence 11+ 399.00 468.82 IOTA Complete Animator site licence up to 10 249.00 292.57 CAMB Complete Control 49.95 58.69 SIR Complete Maths Workshop 2 51.02 59.95 ESP Compose World 48.00 56.40 CLAR Composition (Risc PC Only) 144.64 169.95 COMP Compression 29.00 34.07 CTUT Computer basics 16.98 19.95 SHER Connections,Age 5-8 31.96 37.55 SUPE Conquerer 21.23 24.95 SEME Conservation 35.00 41.12 FIRST Copernicus 25.52 29.99 ANGL Counties of the British Isles 40.00 47.00 ANGL Countries of the World 40.00 47.00 BRILL Count with Blob 20.00 23.50 4MAT Craftshop 1 19.95 23.44 4MAT Craftshop 2 19.95 23.44 ESM Create your own Timelines 35.00 41.12 ALPI Creator Games & Demos 34.95 41.07 ALPI Creator II 49.00 57.57 ALPI Creator Support Disk 19.95 23.44 SEME Creatures Collection 59.00 69.32 MDI Creepy Crawlies 42.55 50.00 PILL CrossStar 8.51 10.00 SHER Crystal Maze, age 7+ 25.49 29.95 SHER Crystal Rain Forest 2(Miss.Cont),age 8-1 44.95 52.82 SHER Crystal Rain Forest, age 8-11 44.95 52.82 SHER Crystal Rain Forest, Primary Site Licenc 67.43 79.23 TBA Cyber Ape 17.01 19.99 FOUR Cyber Chess 29.74 34.94 IMS Dangerous Creatures 39.00 45.82 ECLI Darkwood 21.27 24.99 4MAT Darryl the Dragon KS1,2 19.50 22.91 4MAT Darryl the Dragon KS1,2 ActivitySheets 10.00 11.75 4MAT Darryl the Dragon KS1,2 Site Licence 39.00 45.82 APPI Data-100 Series Topic Disc: America in 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series Topic Disc: Black people 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series Topic Disc: Britain and 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series Topic Disc:Early Railway 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series Topic Disc: Everyday lif 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series Topic Disc: Hiroshima an 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series Topic Disc: Japan 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series Topic Disc: Medicine and 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series Topic Disc: Roman Britai 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series topic Disc:Russia 1917-4 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series topic Disc: Superpower 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series topic Disc: The Tudors 19.50 22.91 APPI Data-100 Series topic Disc: The Vikings 19.50 22.91 TOPO Datagraph:Type the data,print the graph 30.00 35.25 IOTA Datapower 149.00 175.07 IOTA Datapower Geography Pack 35.00 41.12 IOTA Datapower Site Licence for 11+ 599.00 703.82 IOTA Datapower Site licence for up to 10 347.00 407.72 KUDL DataSheet 40.00 47.00 KUDL DataSweet 2 40.00 47.00 ASPE DaVinci 90 (license for 10 computers) 169.00 198.57 ASPE DaVinci 90 (license for 5 computers) 119.00 139.82 ASPE DaVinci 90 (Single User) 69.00 81.07 ASPE DaVinci (Site License) 269.00 316.07 SEME Dazzle 49.00 57.57 SEME Dazzle (Site License) 98.00 115.15 4MAT DB Edit 30.00 35.25 FOUR Demon's Lair 22.09 25.96 OAK Design Processor 1200.00 1410.00 BEEB DeskEdit 4 27.19 31.95 ESM Desktop Folio,KS1-4 48.50 56.99 ESM Desktop Folio, Secondary licence 145.00 170.37 ESM Desktop Folio Theme packs 25.00 29.37 MINE Desktop Office v2 42.51 49.95 TOPO Desktop ScreenTurtle 45.00 52.87 BEEB Desktop Theasaurus 19.00 22.32 VTI Desktop Tracker 39.00 45.82 TOPO Desktop Turtle upgde from ScTurtle 10.00 11.75 MDI Dictionary of the Living World 49.00 50.00 MILL Diggers OREG Digital Symphony 51.02 59.95 OREG Digital Symphony + CD ROM 59.53 69.95 4MAT Dinosaur Discovery,KS2 27.50 32.31 4MAT Dinosaur Discovery Site Licence 55.00 64.62 IMS Dinosaurs 39.00 45.82 10OU Dinosaurs, all ages 22.08 25.94 YITM Directions 2000 79.99 93.99 SEME Directions 2000 FRENCH 99.00 116.32 TOPO Directions: Explore Freddys home town 20.00 23.50 LOOK Disc Rescue IMS Dogs 39.00 45.82 SELE Don the Professor,KS2,3 BRILL Doodle 20.00 23.50 ICS Draw Bender 10.00 11.75 ICS DrawBender Site Licence 30.00 35.25 SHER !Draw Help age 13+ 15.95 18.74 OAK Draw Print & Plot 30.00 35.25 ISVP DrawWorks 9.00 10.57 SHER Dreamtime,age 5-7 24.95 29.32 10OU Driving Test,(Drivers & Learners) 22.08 25.94 FOUR Drop Ship 16.98 19.95 4MAT DTP Seeds 8.45 9.93 GAME Dual Power Pad 29.78 34.99 ECLI Dune II 29.78 34.99 ECLI Dune II CD 38.29 44.99 FOUR Dungeon for Risc PC 29.74 34.94 FOUR Dungeon (not RiscPC) 29.75 34.96 SEME Dwindling Resources 35.00 41.12 10OU Early Essentials, age 3-7 22.08 25.94 BRILL Early Learning Pack 25.60 30.08 AVP Earth & Atmosphere 99.00 116.32 SILI Easel 3 ICON EasiWriter ICON EasiWriter Professional BEEB Easy C++ 99.00 116.32 FABIS Easyclip 29.79 35.00 BEEB Easy C (not Risc PC) 59.00 69.32 FABIS EasyFont 3 LONG Eesox A5 Pressure-Sensitive Graphics 299.00 351.32 EESO Eesox SCSI 2 Driver 25.00 29.37 COMP Eidoscope 169.00 198.57 SEME Elements: Science Series 99.00 116.32 SHER Elf Tales 32.95 38.72 HYBR Elite 32.00 37.60 UNIQ EMConvert(!) 25.00 29.37 UNIQ Empire(!) 99.00 116.32 MAGN Empire Soccer 21.23 24.95 IMS Encarta 96 World Atlas 39.00 45.82 IMS Encyclopedia of Nature IMS Encyclopedia of Science 10OU English,age 6-16 22.08 25.94 AVP English Architecture 75.00 88.12 10OU English as a Foreign Language ,all ages 22.08 25.94 YITM !En Marcha 79.99 93.99 SEME En Marcha SPANISH 99.00 116.32 YITM En Route 79.99 93.99 FOUR Enter the Realm 21.23 24.95 YITM Environment Series 1 : Land & Air 79.99 93.99 YITM Environment Series 1 : Water 79.99 93.99 YITM Environment Series : Double pack 119.99 140.99 AVP Era of the Second World War 99.00 116.32 10OU Essential Geography, age 5-12 22.08 25.94 10OU Essential IT, age 5-10 22.08 25.94 10OU Essential Maths, age 5-12 22.08 25.94 10OU Essential Science,age 5-12 22.08 25.94 YITM Essential Steps to Swimming 53.58 62.96 4MAT Ethnic Borders 10.00 11.75 FOUR E-Type 2 for Risc PC 29.74 34.94 FOUR E-Type 2 (not Risc PC) 29.74 34.94 FOUR E-Type Compendium 22.08 25.94 LONG Eureka 3 99.00 116.32 BRILL Everyday Signs 24.00 28.20 BRILL Everyday Signs Site licence 28.00 32.90 FOUR Exotic Adventures of Sylvia Layne (The) 22.08 25.94 IMS Explorapedia World of Nature 39.00 45.82 ALPI Explorer 30.00 35.25 YITM Exploring Maps 59.99 70.49 ESM Eye for Spelling 37.50 44.06 IMS Eyewitness Museum virtual reality cat IMS Eyewitness Virtual reality bird MAGN Falcon analogue joystick interface 34.00 39.95 ANGL Famous Faces 1 12.00 14.10 AVP Famous Faces from History 49.00 57.57 ANGL Farm Animals 12.00 14.10 CTUT Farmer Giles 16.98 19.95 CTUT Farmer Giles 2 16.98 19.95 SHER Farm (The),Maths&Language Util. age 5-7 20.95 24.62 CLAR Fervour 16.98 19.95 APPI Find It! 35.00 41.12 WARNE Fire and Ice 22.12 25.99 COLT Fireworkz 99.00 116.32 COLT Fireworkz Pro 149.00 175.07 COLT Fireworkz Pro Primary Site Licence COLT Fireworkz Pro Secondary Site Licence LONG First Logo 26.00 30.55 LONG First Page 52.00 61.10 SIR First steps 16.98 19.95 BRILL First Steps 24.00 28.20 BRILL First Steps Site licence 48.00 56.40 STOR First Words with Smudge age 4+ 22.12 25.99 AVP First World War and it's Consequences 99.00 116.32 USGO Flashback, 1.6Mb disc 23.82 27.99 USGO Flashback, 800Kb discs 23.82 27.99 SHER Fleet Street Phantom, age 9-11 28.95 34.02 MINE Flexifile 25.49 29.95 STOR Flight Path 25.52 29.99 SIMI Flight Sim Tool Kit 4MAT Flossy the Frog Art Disc 10.00 11.75 4MAT Flossy the Frog,KS1 24.50 28.79 4MAT Flossy the Frog, Site Licence, KS1 49.00 57.57 ESM Folio for the Archimedes 25.00 29.37 ICS Fontasy 15.00 17.62 ICS Fontasy/Drawbender/Placard 30.00 35.25 ICS Fontasy Site Licence 45.00 52.87 LOOK Font Directory DATA FontFX DATA FontFX Site Licence SHER Food for Thought (not Risc PC),age 6-16 17.95 21.09 TBA Formula Two Thousand 21.27 24.99 COMP Formulix 69.00 81.07 ANGL Fossils 12.00 14.10 TOPO Freddys Adventure: Solve puzzles 15.00 17.62 TOPO Freddy Teddy 15.00 17.62 TOPO Freddy Teddy:Puddle & Wardrobe 20.00 23.50 TOPO Freddy Teddy:The Playground 25.00 29.37 10OU French ,age 8-16 22.08 25.94 APPI French Revolution 18.50 21.74 BRILL Front End 25.60 30.08 CAMB Frontier 2000 49.95 58.69 CAMB Frontier 2000 CDrom 79.95 93.94 SEME Full Phase 39.00 45.82 SEME Full Phase + 2 49.00 57.57 SEME Full Phase Guide to the Designer 14.00 16.45 EURO Fun School 3: age 5-7 21.27 24.99 EURO Fun School 3: age 8+ 21.27 24.99 EURO Fun School 3: age upto 5 21.27 24.99 EURO Fun School 4: age5-7 21.27 24.99 EURO Fun School 4:age7-11 21.27 24.99 EURO Fun School 4:age upto 5 21.27 24.99 FOUR Galactic Dan 16.98 19.95 ARMC Game On! 2 12.77 15.00 VTI Games Wizard 19.00 22.32 ANGL Garden Wildlife 40.00 47.00 CAMB Gemini 19.95 23.44 OAK Genesis Professional 120.00 141.00 OAK Genesis Project 50.00 58.75 APA Genup Lite 49.00 57.57 ESM Geography 59.51 69.92 SEME Geography Collection 59.00 69.32 10OU German,age 8-16 22.08 25.94 SIR Global Advanced Maths - Pure 50.21 59.00 ECLI Global Effect 29.78 34.99 SIR Global English Part 1 reading,listening 38.29 44.99 SIR Global French 25.52 29.99 SIR Global German 25.52 29.99 SIR Global Italian 25.52 29.99 SIR Global Maths 38.29 44.99 SIR Global Spanish 25.52 29.99 KRIS Gods (not Risc PC) 8.50 9.99 SEME GO! GO! 39.00 45.82 SEME GO! GO! - Pathways 19.00 22.32 OAK Goldilocks 25.00 29.37 4MAT Granny's Garden 24.50 28.79 4MAT Granny's Garden CD 34.00 39.95 4MAT Granny's Garden French 24.50 28.79 4MAT Granny's Garden Resource Pack 15.00 17.62 4MAT Granny's Garden Site Licence 49.00 57.57 MINE Graphbox, KS3,4 42.51 49.95 MINE Graphbox Professional, KS4 85.06 99.95 COMP Graphics Loaders 39.00 45.82 SHER Graph IT , age 8-16+ 20.95 24.62 ANGL Greeks (The) 12.00 14.10 4MAT GridPro (not Risc PC) 37.50 44.06 4MAT GridPro Site Licence (not Risc PC) 75.00 88.12 FOUR Grievous Bodily'ARM (not Risc PC) 16.98 19.95 4MAT Guardians of the Greenwood 49.49 58.15 BRILL Hairy Maclary 24.00 28.20 BEEB Hard Disc Companion II 45.00 52.87 4MAT Hatchback 35.00 41.12 FOUR Haunted House 22.08 25.94 BRILL Hear Here 20.00 23.50 BEEB Hearsay II 75.00 88.12 KRIS Heimdall 25.52 29.99 MODUS High Risc Racing 21.28 25.00 10OU History 22.09 25.96 IMS History of the world FOUR Holed Out Compendium 22.08 25.94 EXPL Holy Bible Good News Bible 45.00 52.87 EXPL Holy Bible Greek Font (Times Classical) 20.00 23.50 EXPL Holy Bible Hebrew Font (HebClassic) 20.00 23.50 EXPL Holy Bible Hebrew Font (Royal) 20.00 23.50 EXPL Holy Bible Hebrew Old Testament 25.00 29.37 EXPL Holy Bible (Illustrated) BASE PACK 70.00 82.25 EXPL Holy Bible New International Version 25.00 29.37 EXPL Holy Bible New Testament Greek 25.00 29.37 EXPL Holy Bible NRSV Study Bible 45.00 52.87 EXPL Holy bible Site Licence 199.00 233.82 MINE Home Accounts 29.74 34.94 SUPE Hostages 16.98 19.95 CHAL House of Numbers YITM How We Used to Live:Early Victorians 7-1 99.99 117.49 ANGL Human Biology 12.00 14.10 ATTI Hutchinson's Encyclopedia 49.95 58.69 YITM HWUTL : Late Victorians 79.99 93.99 TAG Hyperstudio (Corporate) 5 User 499.95 587.44 TAG Hyperstudio (Corporate) Single User 149.95 176.19 TAG Hyperstudio (Education/Home) 5 User 299.95 352.44 TAG Hyperstudio (Education/Home) Single Ext. 37.00 43.47 TAG Hyperstudio (Education/Home) Single User 99.95 117.44 CLAR Illusionist 42.51 49.95 IOTA Image Animator 49.00 57.57 IRLA ImageBank Picture Compression Library 26.50 31.14 ALTE ImageFS 24.95 29.32 ALTE ImageFS 2 39.95 46.94 PILL Imagemaster 29.79 35.00 PILL ImageMaster/Agfa 35.00 41.12 PILL ImageMaster/Canon 35.00 41.12 PILL ImageMaster/Epson 35.00 41.12 PILL ImageMaster/HP 35.00 41.12 PILL ImageMaster/Microtek 35.00 41.12 PILL ImageMaster/Mustek 35.00 41.12 PILL ImageMaster/Nikon 35.00 35.00 PILL ImageMaster/UMAX 35.00 41.12 IOTA Image Outliner 49.00 57.57 IOTA Image Outliner site licence 11+ 229.00 269.07 IOTA Image Outliner site licence up to 10 129.00 151.57 TOPO Imagine:explore links between maths & ar 25.00 29.37 AVP Impressionism In The Twentieth Century 75.00 88.12 COMP Impression Publisher 129.00 151.57 COMP Impression Publisher Plus 229.00 269.07 COMP Impression Publisher Site Licence 440.00 517.00 COMP Impression Pub+,upgrade from Imp.Pub 99.00 116.32 COMP Impression Style 79.00 92.82 COMP Impression Style Site Licence 350.00 411.25 QUAN Impressive ANGL Industrial Revolution 90.00 105.75 ANGL Industrial Revolution with key plus 110.00 129.25 BRILL Informax 29.00 34.07 LONG Insight 73.00 85.77 CLAR Interdictor II 30.64 36.00 BEEB Internet Survival Guide 6.95 8.17 COMP Inter-sheet 2 29.00 34.07 ANGL Invaders 12.00 14.10 YITM Inventors & Inventions 150.00 176.25 OAK Investigating Local Industry 95.00 111.62 ESM Investigating Maths 37.51 44.07 VTI Investigator III 49.00 57.57 CTUT Isle of Wight 20.85 24.50 10OU Italian, age 8-16 22.08 25.94 OAK IT in the real world 30.00 35.25 ECLI Ixion TOPO Izzy & Lizzy: (Risc PC only) 5.00 5.87 KRIS Jahangir Khan Squash 8.50 9.99 ECLI James Pond 2+ 17.01 19.99 KRIS James Pond (not Risc PC) 8.50 9.99 SKIL James Pond UndrwtrAgnt/RuningWtr KS1-4 30.63 35.99 4MAT Jiglet 19.95 23.44 4MAT Jigsaw 19.95 23.44 YITM Journeys into History,age 9-14 89.99 105.74 IOTA Junior Database, KS1-3 49.00 57.57 IOTA Junior database site licence 11+ 299.00 351.32 IOTA Junior database site licence up to 10 159.00 186.82 10OU Junior Essentials, age 5-11 22.08 25.94 LONG Junior Insight 47.00 55.22 LONG Junior Pinpoint 31.00 36.42 LONG Junior pinpoint Dataworkshop CD 73.00 85.77 SIBE Junior Sibelius 49.00 57.57 SEME Just Pictures : Ancient Greece 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : At work 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Aztecs 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : British Animals 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Castle life 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Christmas 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Dinosaurs 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Egyptians 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Farm 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Fruit & Veg 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Garden Birds 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Holidays 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Home 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : I Can 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Maths Pictures 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Nativity 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Once Upon.... 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Pond Life 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Romans 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Science Equipment 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Second World War 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Space 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Toys 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Tudors, Stuarts 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Vehicles 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Victorians 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Vikings 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Pictures : Zoo Animals 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Sounds : Farm 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Sounds : Home 14.00 16.45 SEME Just Sounds : Transport 14.00 16.45 CUMA Karaoke MacBeth 29.99 35.24 SPAC Kepler 29.50 34.66 ANGL Key Author 55.00 64.62 ANGL Key Calc 60.00 70.50 SOFT Key clip art for Windows ANGL Keycount 32.50 38.19 ANGL Key Image 60.00 70.50 ANGL Keynote 2.0 27.50 32.31 ANGL Key Plus 3.0 60.00 70.50 QUAN Keystroke ESM Kid Pix 2 39.50 46.41 ESM Kingfisher Childrens Micropedia 90.00 105.75 CLAR Knowledge Organiser 2 68.04 79.95 KRIS Krisalis Champions(collection) 25.52 29.99 KRIS Krisalis Collection (not Risc PC) 25.52 29.99 SEME Land & Air: Environment series 99.00 116.32 LONG Landmarks Aztecs 27.00 31.72 LONG Landmarks Civil War 27.00 31.72 LONG Landmarks Columbus 27.00 31.72 LONG Landmarks Egypt 27.00 31.72 LONG Landmarks Elizabeth I 27.00 31.72 LONG Landmarks Rainforest 27.00 31.72 LONG Landmarks second World War 27.00 31.72 LONG Landmarks Victorians 27.00 31.72 SUPE Last Ninja (The) 21.23 24.95 10OU Latin,age 8-16 22.08 25.94 ANGL Leaving the Planet 18.00 21.15 KRIS Lemmings 22.12 25.99 KRIS Lemmings II (Tribes) 25.52 29.99 KRIS Lemmings & OhNo MoreLemmings(Risc PCOnly 25.52 29.99 SIR Little Artist 16.98 19.95 SIR Little Author 16.98 19.95 SELE Little Red Riding Hood,age 5-8 LONG Live Interface / Junior Insight Bundle 146.00 171.55 SHER Look Hear Talking Topics(set of 6),Age5+ 59.75 70.21 SHER Look Hear!Talk.Top: Body 11.95 14.04 SHER Look Hear!Talk.Top: Dinosaurs 11.95 14.04 SHER Look Hear!Talk.Top: Homes 11.95 14.04 SHER Look Hear!Talk.Top: Land Transp 11.95 14.04 SHER Look Hear!Talk.Top: Pets 11.95 14.04 SHER Look Hear!Talk.Top: Seashore 11.95 14.04 BRILL Look & Listen 30.00 35.25 BRILL Look & Listen Site licence 60.00 70.50 LONG Look & Read: Earthwarp 27.00 31.72 LONG Look & Read: Geordie Racer 27.00 31.72 LONG Look & Read: Sky Hunter 27.00 31.72 LONG Look & Read: Spywatch 27.00 31.72 LONG Look & Read: Through the Dragon's Eye 27.00 31.72 KRIS Lotus Turbo Challenge 2(not Risc PC) 22.12 25.99 LONG LRTV 27.00 31.72 COMP MacFS 98.99 116.31 COMP MacFS Light 48.99 57.56 KRIS Mad Professor Mariarti 8.50 9.99 USGO Magic Pockets 22.12 25.99 LONG Magpie 62.00 72.85 LONG Magpie CD 62.00 72.85 APPI Making Choices 29.50 34.66 ESM Making of the United Kingdom(The) 35.00 41.12 KRIS Manchester United Europe (not Risc PC) 8.50 9.99 KRIS Manchester United (not Risc PC) 8.50 9.99 CTUT Mapper 20.85 24.50 ESM Mapping skills 29.51 34.67 CAMB Mary Rose 39.95 46.94 SUPE Master Break 16.98 19.95 BEEB Masterfile III 49.00 57.57 SEME Materials: Science Series 99.00 116.32 LONG Mathematics through WinLogo 31.00 36.42 TOPO Mathmania 25.00 29.37 TOPO Mathmania Site Licence 50.00 58.75 10OU Maths(algebra),age 6-16 22.08 25.94 4MAT Maths Circus 27.50 32.31 4MAT Maths Circus - Site licence 55.00 64.62 CTUT Maths Explorer 42.00 49.35 COMT Maths Explorer 10OU Maths(Geometry),age 6-16 22.08 25.94 10OU Maths(Number), age 6-16 22.08 25.94 COMT Maths Odyssey CTUT Maths sieve 16.98 19.95 10OU Maths(Statistics) 22.08 25.94 YITM Maximania, age 4-7 59.99 70.49 YITM Max & The Machines, age 4-7 59.99 82.24 YITM Medieval Realms 150.00 176.25 ESM Medieval Realms 35.00 41.12 ANGL Medieval Realms 12.00 14.10 LCL Mega Maths 21.27 24.99 SEME Meine Welt 39.00 45.82 APPI Mentor 60.00 70.50 DATAF Merlin - Raytracing Program 100.00 117.50 SHER Microbugs(The) ,age 9-13 28.95 34.02 LCL Micro English 21.27 24.99 LCL Micro French 21.27 24.99 LCL Micro German 21.27 24.99 LCL Micro Maths 21.27 24.99 LCL Micro Science 21.27 24.99 LCL Micro Spanish 21.27 24.99 BRILL Microworlds 30.00 35.25 BRILL Microworlds, Site licence 60.00 70.50 LONG Microworld: The Victorian Era 27.00 31.72 LONG Microworld: The War Years 27.00 31.72 ESP Midi Synthesiser 39.95 46.94 TBA Mirror Image 17.01 19.99 BRILL Mosiac 19.00 22.32 4MAT Mouse in Holland 29.50 34.66 4MAT Mouse in Holland Site Licence 59.00 69.32 BRILL Moving in Again 25.00 29.37 MINE Multistore II 68.04 79.95 IMS Musical Instruments 39.00 45.82 TOPO Music Box 35.00 41.12 TOPO Music Box, prim. Site licence ALPI Music Disks 1.50 1.76 ANGL Music & Instruments 12.00 14.10 LONG Music Studio 32 83.00 97.52 IOTA Musketeer(dtapwer,impresn,style,schema2) 249.00 292.57 IMS My First incredible amazing dictionary CAMB My First Words 19.95 23.44 SEME My World 33.00 38.77 SEME My World 2 39.00 45.82 SEME My World 2 - 100 square 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2+2 49.00 57.57 SEME My World 2 - Airlines 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Ashton 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 - Awards & Rewards 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - Birthday 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Board Games 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - CAD 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Carroll Diagrams 20.00 23.50 SEME My World 2 - Castles 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 CD Extra 59.00 69.32 SEME My World 2 - Chart 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - Cheques 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Christmas Ideas 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 - Cloze Reading 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - Colour 20.00 23.50 SEME My World 2 - Copy & Watch 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - Design a Castle 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Design a watch 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - Digital Time 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Dinosaurs 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 - Drawing 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - Early Learning 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - EID 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Events 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Face IT 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - Fairy Tales 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 - Fashion 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - First Christmas 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 - Food 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Food Chains 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Fun Graphs 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - Fuzzbuzz Level 1 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 - Fuzzbuzz - The Clan 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 - Garden 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 - Geography 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - Graphs Pack 1 19.00 22.32 SEME My World 2 - Handwriting 28.00 32.90 SEME My World 2 - Human Biology 1 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2 - I'm Special 22.00 25.85 SEME My World 2 - Islands 29.00 34.07 SEME My World 2 - Jigsaw 24.00 28.20 SEME My World 2-Technology & Design 59.00 69.32 SEME My World - Alphabet 24.00 28.20 SEME My World - Ancient Egypt 20.00 23.50 SEME My World - Atlas Screens 20.00 23.50 SEME My World - Early Phonics 19.00 22.32 SEME My World - Maths 19.00 22.32 SEME My World - Me 19.00 22.32 SEME My World - Pirates & seafarers 29.00 34.07 SEME My World - Problem solving 19.00 22.32 SEME My World - Proof reading 19.00 22.32 SEME My World - Skeletons 19.00 22.32 SEME My World - Sorting & grading 19.00 22.32 SEME My World - Town & Village 24.00 28.20 SEME My World - Visual Perception 19.00 22.32 ANGL Natural History of Britain 12.00 14.10 IMS Nature Graphics 16.98 19.95 SHER Nature Park Adventure, age 7-9 31.95 37.54 SHER Naughty Stories1(set of 6)(not RiscPC)5+ 54.75 64.33 SHER Naughty Stories2(setof6),Age 5-7 54.75 64.33 SHER Naughty Stories Vols.1+2(set of 12) 87.50 102.81 TOPO Navigator 35.00 41.12 ANGL Nelson and the British Navy 50.00 58.75 CLAR Nightsky 68.04 79.95 4MAT Noot Art Disc 10.00 11.75 4MAT Noot (not Risc PC) 45.00 52.87 4MAT Noot site licence (not Risc PC) 90.00 105.75 ANGL North American Animals 12.00 14.10 LONG Notate 62.00 72.85 LONG Notate 10 user licence 186.00 218.55 LONG Notate 5 user Licence 132.00 155.10 ESM Number in the National Curriculum 37.51 44.07 TOPO Number Tiles: Number skills,logical thin 25.00 29.37 LONG Numbertime 27.00 31.72 HAZL Number Time 2 CD 24.67 28.99 LONG Numbertime patterns 27.00 31.72 LONG Numbertime Shapes 27.00 31.72 BRILL Nursery Rhymes 19.00 22.32 OAK Oak PCB II 70.51 82.85 KRIS Oh No More Lemmings (requires Lemmings) 17.01 19.99 STOR Ollie Octopus Sketchpad 15.31 17.99 SPAC Orrery 95.00 111.62 BEEB Outline Font Pack 1 47.39 55.68 BEEB Ovation 69.00 81.07 BEEB Ovation Pro 165.00 193.87 SHER Oxford Reading Stage 2 Wrens 40.00 47.00 SHER OxfordReadingTree: Stage2 MoreTalkinSt. 40.00 47.00 SHER OxfordReadingTree: Stage2 Story Book 5.96 7.00 SHER OxfordReadingTree: Stage2 TalkingStories 40.00 47.00 SHER OxfordReadingTree: Stage3 MoreTalkinSt. 40.00 47.00 SHER OxfordReadingTree: Stage3 Story Book 5.96 7.00 SHER OxfordReadingTree: Stage3 TalkingStories 40.00 47.00 SHER Oxford Talking Infant Atlas KS1 20.00 23.50 FOUR Pandora's Box 22.08 25.94 PILL Panorama 8.51 10.00 IMS P.B.Bears Birthday Party 32.00 37.60 BEEB PC Survival Guide(book) 5.95 6.99 ARMC PD/Shareware CD from ARM Club (The 1st) 16.17 19.00 LONG Pendown 57.00 66.97 LONG Pendown Etoiles 57.00 66.97 LONG Pendown Plus 83.00 97.52 APRI Personal Accounts V3 42.51 49.95 TECH Perspectives AVP Perspectives Francaises 75.00 88.12 LONG Photobase Decades:Britain since the 1930 41.00 48.17 LONG Photobase Decades: The 1920's 52.00 61.10 LONG Photobase Decades: The 1930's 52.00 61.10 LONG Photobase Decades: The 1940's 52.00 61.10 LONG Photobase Decades: The 1950's 52.00 61.10 LONG Photobase Decades: The 1960's 52.00 61.10 LONG Photobase Decades: Victorians bundle 61.00 71.67 LONG Photobase Landscapes 52.00 61.10 LONG Photobase Primary Images 52.00 61.10 LONG Photobase Science 52.00 61.10 LONG Photobase Victorians 52.00 61.10 SPAC Photodesk 169.95 199.69 SPAC Photodesk 2 229.36 269.50 OREG Phototouch 79.95 93.94 SEME Physical Geography 99.00 116.32 YITM Physical World 79.99 93.99 KUDL Pictogram/Word library 25.00 29.37 APPI Picture It! Master Pack 29.95 35.19 LONG PicturePoint 31.00 36.42 LONG PicturePoint CD 31.00 36.42 LONG Picturepoint Site Licence 90.00 105.75 LONG Pinpoint 2 99.00 116.32 LONG Pinpoint Datafile: 1851 Census 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafile: Ancient Civilisations 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafile: Britain since 1930 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafile: Looking at the world 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafiles Animal Kingdom 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafiles Diet & Nutrition 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafiles Dinosaurs 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafiles Faraway Places 15.00 17.62 LONG PinPoint Datafiles Festivals 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint DataFiles Food glorious Food 15.00 17.62 LONG PinPoint Datafiles Junior Olympics 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafiles Kartei 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafiles Les Finches Francais 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafiles The second world war 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafiles The solar system 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafiles Victorians 15.00 17.62 LONG Pinpoint Datafile: The British Monarchs 15.00 17.62 COLT Pipedream 4 99.00 116.32 SHER Plantwise age 9-14 44.99 52.86 BEEB PlayBack 19.00 22.32 SKIL Playdays age 3-8 22.11 25.98 SUPE Play It Again Sam 1 ARC 21.23 24.95 SUPE Play It Again Sam 2 21.23 24.95 SUPE Play It Again Sam 3 21.23 24.95 CLAR Plot 68.04 79.95 ESM Podd 29.96 35.20 ESM Polydron Primer software 25.00 29.37 BEEB Polyglot 16.98 19.95 KRIS Populous 25.52 29.99 4MAT Poster 89.00 104.57 ANGL Prehistoric Animals 12.00 14.10 GREM Premier Manager 22.12 25.99 LING Presenter GTI 66.00 77.55 COMP Pressure Tool (requires Artworks) 39.00 45.82 IOTA Primary Maths CD-ROM 1 49.00 57.57 LCL Primary Maths course 21.27 24.99 LONG Primary Science Datafile: Environment 15.00 17.62 LONG Primary science datafile: Materials 15.00 17.62 LONG Primary Science datafile:Plants & Animal 15.00 17.62 LONG Primary Science datafiles: Natural Force 15.00 17.62 MINE PrimeArt Display Kit KS1-4 21.23 24.95 MINE PrimeArt KS1-4 42.51 49.95 MINE PrimeMover KS2-4 59.53 69.95 MINE PrimeSolver full version KS1-4 59.53 69.95 MINE PrimeSolver home version KS1-4 42.51 49.95 MINE PrimeWord KS2-4 42.51 49.95 OAK Printer Driver Canon bubblejet 15.00 17.62 OAK Printer Driver Canon LBP 15.00 17.62 BEEB Printer Driver Deskjet500/550C 7.50 8.81 OAK Printer Driver Epsom ESC-P2 15.00 17.62 VTI Printer Port Samp. & Desktop Tracker 69.00 81.07 VTI Printer Port Sampler 49.00 57.57 CLAR ProArtisan 2 45.51 53.47 CLAR ProArtisan 24 (Risc PC Only) 144.64 169.95 CLAR ProArtisan 2 CD 136.17 160.00 MINE ProCAD, KS4 495.00 581.62 APRI Prophet 2 170.00 199.75 SMAR PublishArt release 2,Artworks Format SMAR PublishArt release 2, Draw Format TOPO Puzzle:Which Clothes was he wearing(The) 15.00 17.62 KRIS Quest For Gold 22.12 25.99 ICS QuicKey 10.00 11.75 ICS QuicKey Site licence 30.00 35.25 LONG Rainbow 31.00 36.42 APA Really Useful CD-ROM - Vol. 2 (The) 49.00 57.57 FOUR Real McCoy 4 29.74 34.94 SHER Recall 34.95 41.07 COLT Recordz 99.00 116.32 COLT Recordz Primary site licence COLT Recordz Secondary site licence ATOM RemoteFS Parrallel Port ATOM RemoteFS Serial Port CLAR Render Bender 42.51 49.95 CLAR Render Bender 2 45.51 53.47 OAK Rephorm 50.00 58.75 CREA Report Writer KS1/2,KS1/2 CREA Report Writer KS3/4,KS3/4 OAK Repro 50.00 58.75 KUDL RepTile 30.00 35.25 SUPE Repton 3 21.23 24.95 SUPE Repton 4 21.23 24.95 CAMB Rescue 19.95 23.44 COLT Resultz 79.00 92.82 COLT Resultz Secondary site licence KUDL ReTreeval 40.00 47.00 LONG Revelation 2 Prim. site licence 190.00 223.25 CLAR Rhapsody 2 52.72 61.95 CLAR Rhapsody 3 85.06 99.95 CLAR Rhythm-Bed 42.51 49.95 ESP Rhythm Maker 34.00 39.95 HITM Rick Dangerous 14.43 16.96 SHER Ridiculous Rhymes 40.00 47.00 SILI RiscBASIC compiler UNIQ Risc Disc Vol.1 12.77 15.00 UNIQ Risc Disc Vol.2 21.28 25.00 ANGL Romans (The) 12.00 14.10 SHER Rosie & Jim:Duck loses his quack.age4-6 10.00 11.75 SHER Rosie & Jim:Jim gets the Sneezes.age 4-6 10.00 11.75 STOR Round the World Yacht Race,age 9+ 25.52 29.99 COMP RTF and Wordperfect Loaders & Savers 29.00 34.07 OREG Sally & Wally 21.23 24.95 FOUR Saloon Cars Deluxe 29.75 34.96 FOUR Saloon Cars Deluxe, Extra Courses 16.98 19.95 LONG S-Base Personal v2 41.70 49.00 CLAR Schema 2 114.89 135.00 IMS Science 25.49 29.95 10OU Science Chemistry 22.09 25.96 YITM Science Explorer 59.99 70.49 10OU Science Physics 22.09 25.96 YITM Science Series 1 : Elements 79.99 93.99 YITM Science Series 2 : Materials 79.99 93.99 YITM Science Series 3 : Elec. & Magnetism 79.99 93.99 YITM Science Series : Double Pack 119.99 140.99 USGO Scrabble 23.82 27.99 TOPO ScreenTurtle 35.00 41.12 STOR Search & Rescue, age 9+ 25.52 29.99 SHER Sea Rescue,age 7-9 26.95 31.67 ANGL Seashore Life,age 7-11 40.00 47.00 SIR Second Steps 16.98 19.95 CAMB Secure IT Plus 29.95 35.19 ESM Seelinks-Ourselves,KS1,2 32.50 38.19 ESM Seelinks-Pond Watch 39.51 46.42 ESM Seelinks-Transport 39.51 46.42 SHER Sellardore Tales,age 10-12 24.95 29.32 ECLI Sensible Soccer 22.12 25.99 BRILL Sequencer 25.00 29.37 CLAR Serenade 85.06 99.95 ESM Settlement 35.00 41.12 ANGL Shakespearean Characters 12.00 14.10 DATA ShapeFX APRI !Shares3 34.00 39.95 SHER Sherston Naughty Stories Vol 1,age 5-7 54.75 64.33 SHER Sherston Naughty Stories Vol 2, 54.75 64.33 ANGL Ships through the Ages 12.00 14.10 SIBE Sibelius 6 179.00 210.32 SIBE Sibelius 6 Primary site licence SIBE Sibelius 6 Secondary site licence SIBE Sibelius 6 licence+Sibelius7Stu SIBE Sibelius 6 + Sibelius 7 student SIBE Sibelius 7 888.00 1043.40 SIBE Sibelius 7 Student 495.00 581.62 SIBE Sibelius 7 Student site licence KRIS Sim City 2000 (for A5000) 34.03 39.99 KRIS Sim City 2000 (for Risc PC) 34.03 39.99 KRIS Sim City (Archimedes) 29.78 34.99 GAME Simon the Sorcerer 34.03 39.99 GAME Simon the Sorcerer(CD-ROM) 39.14 45.99 BEEB Sleuth 2 99.00 116.32 4MAT smArtFiler 25.00 29.37 4MAT smArt Files Disks 16.00 18.80 4MAT smArt Modern Language Pack 20.00 23.50 4MAT smArt (not Risc PC) 35.00 41.12 STOR Smudge Discovers the World 45.99 STOR Smudge Punctuates 29.78 34.99 STOR Smudge the Scientist, age 4+ 39.14 45.99 STOR Smudge the Spaniel, age 4+ 22.12 25.99 STOR Smudge the Spaniel,age 4+ Site licence 44.24 51.98 OAK SnapHappy 4MAT Snippet 37.50 44.06 SILI SolidCAD LONG Somerset Talking CP Learning Materials 31.00 36.42 ALPI Sound FX Disk 5.00 5.87 SHER Space City age 7-9 28.95 34.02 SHER Space City Primary Site Licence 43.43 51.03 SHER Space City Secondary Site licence 57.90 68.03 SHER Space Mission Mada,age 9-13 28.95 34.02 PILL SparkFS 21.28 25.00 BRILL Speakeasy 24.00 28.20 ICS Special 10.00 11.75 BRILL Special access disc 19.00 22.32 ICS Special site licence 30.00 35.25 SUPE Speech! 21.23 24.95 KRIS Speedball 2 25.52 29.99 BRILL Speedy Keys 36.00 42.30 BRILL Speedy Keys, Site licence 72.00 84.60 PILL Spell 8.51 10.00 10OU Spelling & Punctuation,age 8-Adult 22.08 25.94 CHAL Spelling Week-by-Week ASPE Spex Environment Classroom 19.95 23.44 ASPE Spex Environment Leisure Pool 19.95 23.44 ASPE Spex Environment Moonbase 19.95 23.44 ASPE Spex Environment Street 19.95 23.44 ASPE Spex+ Full version 39.00 45.82 ASPE Spex+ Home Version 34.00 39.95 ASPE Spex+ (license for 10 computers) 99.00 116.32 ASPE Spex+ (license for 5 computers) 59.00 69.32 ASPE Spex+ (Site License) 139.00 163.32 SHER Splash 20.95 24.62 SHER Split an Image (not RiscPC),age 6-16 17.95 21.09 KUDL Splosh+ 39.00 45.82 KUDL Splosh+ Prim. Site Licence 59.00 69.32 KUDL Splosh+ Secon. Site Licence 89.00 104.57 FOUR Spobbleoid Fantasy 24.95 29.32 CLAR Spooler 12.77 15.00 BRILL Spot on Games 24.00 28.20 ALPI Sprite Library Disk 1 5.00 5.87 DSL Squirrel Data base 139.00 163.32 ESM Sreenprint (star LC-10C/Epsom comp.) 39.51 46.42 BEEB Star colour printer driver 15.00 17.62 FEDN Star Fighter 3000 25.49 29.95 FISH Starspell 27.50 32.31 FISH Starspell (Speaking) 42.50 49.94 FOUR Stereoworld 25.49 29.95 SHER Stig of the Dump, age 9-13 24.95 29.32 SHER Story Starts,age 7-11 24.95 29.32 IMS Stowaway BRILL Street wise 24.00 28.20 BRILL Street Wise, Site licence 49.00 57.57 10OU Structured Spelling, age -9 & SpLD 22.09 25.96 PINE Studio 24 127.55 149.87 FOUR Stuntracer 2000 Extra Tracks 16.98 19.95 FOUR Stuntracer 2000 for RiscPC 29.78 34.99 FOUR Stuntracer 2000 (not RiscPC) 29.78 34.99 BRILL Switch Clicker Plus 95.00 111.62 BRILL Switch on programs 24.00 28.20 KRIS Swiv 8.50 9.99 SHER Table Aliens 24.95 29.32 ISVP TableCalc ASPE TABS 95.00 111.62 SHER Talking Animated Alphabet (The),age 3-6 29.95 35.19 TOPO Talking Clocks 35.00 41.12 SHER Talking Oxford Infant Atlas 20.00 23.50 LONG Talking Pendown 68.00 79.90 TOPO Talking Rhymes 1 25.00 29.37 TOPO Talking Rhymes 2 25.00 29.37 SHER Teacher's Cupboard,age 5-7 31.95 37.54 SUPE Technodream (Nevryon 2) 21.23 24.95 SEME Technology & Design YITM Technology & Design,age 7-12 59.00 69.32 ICON TechWriter Professional SHER Teddy Bear's Picnic,age 4-7 28.95 34.02 SHER Teddy Bear's Rainy Day,age 5-7 28.95 34.02 BRILL Ted's Adventures 24.00 28.20 DOGG Termite Basic 49.95 58.69 DOGG Termite Internet 79.95 93.94 SOFT Textease V2 (Talking) inc. Site Licence 65.00 76.37 SOFT Textease Version2 inc. Site licence 49.00 57.57 FISH Thinksheet 39.00 45.82 SHER Time Detectives...The Victorians,age 7-1 44.95 52.82 FOUR Time Machine 22.09 25.96 ESM Time Traveller..Britain since 1930,KS2 35.00 41.12 ESM Time Traveller, KS2 39.50 46.41 ESM Time Traveller.Tudor & Stuart Times,KS2 35.00 41.12 TOPO TinyDraw/TinyLogo 25.00 29.37 TOPO Tiny Puzzle:Computer jigsaw 20.00 23.50 CLAR Titler 85.06 99.95 SHER Toby at the Seaside,age 5-7 28.96 34.03 SHER Toby at the Seaside Site Licence(PRIM) 43.93 51.62 BRILL Tom & Rudy build a boat 24.00 28.20 CLAR Topographer 68.04 79.95 BRILL Touche 20.00 23.50 BRILL Touch Games 1,2 & Touch Funfair 24.00 28.20 BRILL Touch Games 1,2 & Touch Funfair 48.00 56.40 IOTA Touch Type 42.00 49.35 IOTA Touch type site licence for 11+ 259.00 304.32 IOTA Touch Type Site licence for up to 10 138.00 162.15 BRILL Touch Variety pack 36.00 42.30 BRILL Touch variety pack, site licence 72.00 84.60 PILL Trace 8.51 10.00 ESM Trade & Industry 35.00 41.12 APRI Transfer 17.00 19.97 SEME Treasure Chest 69.00 81.07 TBA Trecka 17.01 19.99 YITM Troubled Century (The) 79.99 93.99 COMP Turbodriver (Canon) 49.00 57.57 COMP Turbodriver (Epsom Stylus) 48.99 57.56 COMP Turbodriver (HP) 49.00 57.57 PILL Twain various titles 17.02 20.00 OAK Tween 30.00 35.25 ICS TWO (Task & Window Organiser) 10.00 11.75 BEEB Typestudio 29.00 34.07 AVP UK Habitats 150.00 176.25 IMS Ultimate human body (The) ALPI Ultrasonic Sound System 30.00 35.25 ANGL Understanding Energy 50.00 58.75 ANGL Understanding the Body 40.00 47.00 ANGL United Kingdom 1500-1750 12.00 14.10 YITM Unterwegs 79.99 93.99 4MAT Vector (not RiscPC) 85.00 99.87 OAK VersaTile LONG Versatile 41.00 48.17 AVP Victorian Britain 99.00 116.32 LONG Victorian crime & Punishment CD 41.00 48.17 ESM Victorians Early & Late 1837-1901(The) 35.00 41.12 ANGL Videopack Various Titles 34.50 40.54 SHER Viewpoints 45.00 52.87 FOUR Virtual Golf 29.75 34.96 CLAR Virtualise 21.23 24.95 CLAR Vox Box 42.51 49.95 SHER Voyage of Discovery, age 9-13 34.95 41.07 TOPO Wardrobe:What should Freddy wear (The) 15.00 17.62 LONG Watch-Magic Grandad 90 years Ago 27.00 31.72 LONG Watch - Pinpont Datafile Festivals and 15.00 17.62 GAME Wavelength 17.01 19.99 IMS Way things work (The) VTI Wearnes Driver 29.38 25.00 SILI WimpGEN BEEB WIMP Programmers Toolkit 18.68 21.95 BEEB WIMP Programming for all 12.95 15.22 BEEB Windows 95 Survival guide 10.16 11.94 LONG Win Logo 73.00 85.77 SHER Wizard's Return,age 9-11 24.95 29.32 SHER Wizard's Revenge,age 7-9 20.95 24.62 SEME Wold War II; Sources & Analysis 99.00 116.32 POWE Wolfenstein 3D 25.49 29.95 APA Woodland Junior 49.00 57.57 APA Woodland Wildlife-1 BRILL Words & Pictures 24.00 28.20 LONG Words & Pictures Pack 1 27.00 31.72 LONG Words & Pictures Pack 2 27.00 31.72 LONG Words & Pictures Pack 3 27.00 31.72 PILL Word Square 8.51 10.00 COMP WordWorks 39.00 45.82 COLT Wordz 59.00 69.32 ESM World Maker,KS3,4 57.50 67.56 ESM World Map Study,KS2,4 59.50 69.91 NMP World of numbers CAMB World of Robert Burns(The) 79.95 93.94 IMS World Reference Atlas ANGL World's Weather (The) 50.00 58.75 YITM World War 1 CD 79.99 93.99 ANGL World War 2 (CD) 25.00 29.37 ANGL World War 2 (Clip ART) 12.00 14.10 YITM World War II CD: Global Conflict 79.99 93.99 SEME World War II CD: Global Conflict 99.00 116.32 YITM World War II CD: Sources & Analysis 79.99 93.99 OAK WorraCad 70.51 82.85 OAK WorraCad site licence 280.00 329.00 SHER Worst Witch (The), age 7-10 28.95 34.02 BRILL Writing with symbols 60.00 70.50 ECLI Xenon II 17.01 19.99 FOUR X-Fire 16.98 19.95 LONG Zig-Zag - The Anglo Saxons 34.00 39.95 LONG Zig Zag - The Romans 34.00 39.95 LONG Zig Zag - The Vikings 34.00 39.95 TOPO Zoo:Count the animals at Freds zoo (The) 15.00 17.62 GREM Zool 12.77 15.00 Compiled by CJE Software Distribution (c) May 1996