FILE_ID.TXT 4:38PM 8/9/93 Pc Survival Tip Services by Albert C. Ashton Copyright © 1993 View #1 -------- alley.exe 327,656 bytes alley.txt 10,950 bytes alley.wri 64,896 bytes author.txt 1,325 bytes file_id.txt 868 bytes 405,695 total bytes in 5 files 409,600 bytes disk space occupied, 0% slack View #2 ------- alley.exe 327656 8-08-93 11:43a alley.txt 10950 8-09-93 4:24p alley.wri 64896 8-09-93 4:27p author.txt 1325 8-09-93 4:38p file_id.txt 868 8-09-93 4:38p 405,695 bytes in 5 file(s) 409,600 bytes allocated Pc Survival Tip Services by Albert C. Ashton Copyright © 1993 These are the true totals of the these files as of 4:40PM 8/9/93 (ACA) For more info and details take a look at the Author.txt file enclosed with this file.