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Calculator Software


A mathematical/scientific calculator that can be used for simple arithmetic, plotting elementary functions, differential calculus, harmonic analysis, optimization, plotting of equipotential lines and field of directions. Can be used as an effective educational tool for self-instruction and teaching mathematics. Has a user-friendly interface.

Price: Shareware, $15.00
Use with: H/PC
Contact: ArtSoft
E-mail: info@artsoft.ru
Web: www.artsoft.ru/eng/artsghpc.htm


A calculator supporting arithmetic, base conversion, logarithm functions, statistics, and memory functions.

Price: $19.95
Use with: H/PC
Contact: Queen image
Web: www.queenimage.com/

Calcy Force

Calcy Force is a Scientific Calculator for the H/PC. It provides users with an intuitive interface to perform all the basic functions you need from a calculator. Calcy Force supports base conversions, arithmetic, logical, trigonometric and logarithmic functions.

Price: $35
Use with: H/PC; Demo or download available
Contact: Ruksun Software
Phone: +91 212 678286
E-mail: info@ruksun.com
Web: www.ruksun.com/wince


CoolCalc is 10 different calculators, plus the ability to customize calculators and create your own. You get a basic calculator, 2 scientific calculators (one with RPN, one non-RPN), a computer math calculator, plus the ability to solve currency conversion, loans, and time value of money problems. 100 + functions.

Price: $29.95
Use with: H/PC; P/PC
Contact: Applian Technologies
Phone: 415-831-1499
E-mail: info@applian.com
Web: www.applian.com

Dyna Metric

A metric conversion tool for Windows CE. It provides a calculation conversion interface allowing you to convert many units from a variety of sources.

Shareware: Price, $5.00
Use with: H/PC; H/PC Pro; Demo or download available
Contact: ITIL
Phone: +91 11 695 900 Ext. 344
E-mail: palmix@itil.com
Web: www.itil.com

Euro Calculator

A simple calculator that can also do currency conversion between the European currency EURO and the other eleven participating countries. The currencies of any five out of eleven member nations are listed and can be compared against each other and their Euro value accurately.

Price: Shareware, $3.00
Use with: H/PC; P/PC; Demo or download available
Contact: ITIL
Phone: +91 11 695 900 Ext. 344
E-mail: palmix@itil.com;
Web: www.itil.com

Financial Consultant

An advanced business calculator that accepts RPN and Algebraic input. Solver forms provide a fill-in-the-blanks environment for solving a range of business calculations. Other features include: Statistics and Scientific functions, Investment analysis, Date Calculations, Loans, Leasing and Mortgages, Onscreen Amortization tables, extensive online help and user guide.

Price: $39.95
Use with: H/PC; P/PC
Contact: LandWare Inc
Phone: 800-526-3977 or 201-261-7944
E-mail: sales@landware.com
Web: www.landware.com

Fiscal Pro

Fiscal Pro is a forms-based financial problem solver. It includes amortization, currency and unit conversions, data calculations, retail percentages, and investment analysis. (Special bundle Price: $49.95 includes Financial Consultant.)

Price: $39.95
Use with: H/PC
Contact: LandWare Inc
Phone: 800-526-3977 or 201-261-7944
E-mail: sales@landware.com
Web: www.landware.com

Formulae 1 CE

Graphing calculator for Windows CE designed for the teaching and exploration of mathematics. Gives the user the ability to see the intermediate STEPS taken to solve any problem. Supports Arithmetic, Polynomials, Matrices, Functions, Algebra, Calculus, Graphing, Finite, Trigonometry, and much more.

Price: Freeware
Use with: H/PC, Demo or download available
Contact: Poliplus Software
Phone: 519-747-0668 PDA Central
E-mail: cbazza@poliplus.com
Web: www.poliplus.com

Graphics Plotter

Turns your CE device into a graphic calculator that can plot 2D functions. Calculator-like button input makes it easy to enter expressions from the touch screen.

Price: Shareware, $14.95
Use with: P/PC; Demo or download available
Contact: SWForCE
Web: www.swforce.com/


A fully-functional graphing calculator for Windows CE 2.0 or better PC Companions. GraphIt supports standard scientific calculator functions, including absolute value, logn, and a wide range of trigonometric functions, including hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent! In addition to graphing any expression you can throw at it, it can also plot parametric curves (fun!), functions translated to the y-axis (i.e. functions in the form x=f(y)), and that╒s not all! It also includes the popular Polynomial Calculator, capable of performing lightning-fast operations on polynomials with any number of variables.

Price: $20
Use with: H/PC, H/PC Pro, P/PC
Demo available;
E-mail: christopher.jansen@worldnet.att.net 


A scientific calculator that supports regular math functions as well as SINE, COS, exponents, factorials, e, pi, stacking, loading and saving data to files, variables, etc.

Price: Freeware
Use with: H/PC, H/PC Pro, P/PC
Demo; AeonigmaSoft; http://julio.ortiz.home.mindspring.com 
E-mail: jortiz@early.com 

Resistor Calc

A simple Visual Basic program to calculate resistance values. VB RunTime files included.

Price: Freeware
Use with: H/PC Pro; 
Demo available at: http://home.pacific.net.sg/~siongwei/windowsce.htm 

KSE Abacus XT

Comes with extensive technical and scientific functions as well as computer science and financial functions. Capable of computations with binary-, octal-, decimal and hexadecimal numbers, logical operators (AND, OR, exclusive OR, NOT) and computations with complex figures. Can also compute percentage and currency conversion from Dollar to Euro and Euro to Dollar also Euro to Deutsch Mark and from Deutsch Mark to Euro.

Price: $34.90
Contact: KSE Software
Phone: +49 211 209 966
E-mail: sales@kse.de
Web: www.kse.de/

Loan Calculator

Calculate the loan principal when you enter in the interest rate, the term in years and the loan payment. Calculate the loan payment when you enter in the interest rate, the term in years and the loan principal. (CE 2.11 and above)

Price: Freeware
Use with: P/PC; Demo or download available
Contact: CE Station
Web: www.handango.com 


A unit conversion program that converts for length, area, volume, mass, temperature, power, energy, speed, frequency, pressure, force, dB-Uout/Uin, time and currency.

Price: Freeware
Use with: H/PC; P/PC; Demo or download available
Contact: META TOOLS GmbH
Web: www.metatools.de


A combination forms based financial problem solver with built-in finance/sci. calculator. Supports TVM, Investment analysis, date calculations, conversions, and more.

Price: $29.95
Use with: H/PC; H/PC Pro; P/PC
Contact: LandWare Inc
Phone: 800-526-3977 or 201-261-7944
E-mail: sales@landware.com
Web: www.landware.com

OpTrax 1.0

Stock option tracker that calculates vesting schedules. Registered version has additional features.

Price: Shareware, $15
Use with: H/PC; Demo or download available
Contact: BnKsoft
E-mail: info@bnksoft.com
Web: www.bnksoft.com


A scientific calculator for Palm-size PCs.

Price: Freeware
Use with: P/PC; Demo or download available
Contact: CE Station
Web: www.handango.com


Small program that lets you figure pi up to 20,000 decimal places.

Price: Freeware
Use with: H/PC
Contact: Fong Chee Keat
E-mail: cheekeat@iname.com
Web: www.cecon.home.ml.org

Pocket BizCalc

A full-featured business/financial software calculator that emulates the HP-12C. Using RPN logic, it performs: loan/mortgage, discounted cash flow, bond, compound interest, leasing, actuarial and markup functions, depreciation, and amortization schedule.

Price: $39.95
Use with: H/PC; H/PC Pro; P/PC
Contact: Odyssey Computing Inc
E-mail: info@odysseyinc.com
Phone: 800-965-7224 or 619-675-3660
Web: www.odysseyinc.com/ 

Pocket GraphCalc

A graphic calculator that plots equations and performs other types of advanced calculations. Also works with 1/2 VGA screen H/PC Pros.

Price: $40
Use with: H/PC
Contact: Surerange Analysis Ltd
Phone: + 44 (0)1483 301901
E-mail: info@surerange.com
Web: www.surerange.com

Pocket MBA-Calc

Using algebraic logic, it performs the following calculations as well as others: Annuity/Actuarial, Amortization, Arithmetic, Bond, Compound & Simple Interest, Date, Depreciation, Discounted Cash Flow (NPV, IRR), Loan/Mortgage, Interest Conversions, Markup and Math Functions. It also incorporates a tape display.

Price: $39.95
Use with: H/PC; H/PC PRO; P/PC; Demo or download available; Contact: Odyssey Computing Inc
Phone: 800-965-7224 or 619-675-3660
E-mail: info@odysseyinc.com
Web: www.odysseyinc.com/

Pocket Solver

Palm-size PC version of calculator program that lets you type in an equation and enter values for all but one of the variables. Unlike a spreadsheet, any unknown variable can be found without having to rearrange the equation. Also works with 1/2 VGA screen H/PC Pros.

Price: $32
Use with: H/PC; P/PC
Contact Surerange Analysis Ltd
Phone: + 44 (0)1483 301901
E-mail: info@surerange.com
Web: www.surerange.com


Proficiency is a Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator providing business, financial, statistical, scientific, engineering and computer science functionality. It provides functional emulation of Hewlett-Packard Company's HP-12C financial calculator, most of the HP-15C engineering/scientific calculator and portions of the HP-16C computer science calculator. Provides an extensive library of preprogrammed functions.

Price: $49
Use with: H/PC; P/PC
Contact: MVA Software Inc
Phone: 714-970-9147
E-mail: info@mvasoftware.com
Web: www.mvasoftware.com


Lets you time multiple cars, motorcycles, boats, karts, horses, or any moving object and calculate measurements of the racers' pace using Windows CE-based Handheld, Handheld Pro and Palm-size PC's Shareware.

Price: $34.95
Use with: H/PC; H/PC Pro; P/PC
Contact Cambridge Computer Corp
Phone: 800-462-4481
Web: www.cam.com/windowsce.html
E-mail: webmaster@cam.com


RapidCalc is accessed from the soft-input panel window on your Palm-size PC, allowing you to perform calculations while working with other applications.

Price: $16.95
Use with: P/PC
Contact: Developer One Inc
Phone: 414-423-7276
E-mail: sales@developerone.com
Web: www.developerone.com

RPN Calculator

A Reverse Polish Notation programmable calculator for science and engineering that supports over 180 functions and 11 data types (real, integer, variable, vector, matrix, list, program, unit, complex, string, and tag).

Price: Freeware
Use with: H/PC; P/PC; Demo or download available
Contact: Interlog
E-mail: support@interlog.com
Web: www.interlog.com/~tpboldt/rpncalc.ht

Tascal Gauge

Lets you quickly convert to and from various units of measurement, including length, extent, measure, and weight.

Price: Freeware
Use with: H/PC; P/PC
Contact: Tascal Soft
Web: www.meshnet.or.jp/~tascal/index_e


Calculator that lets you solve financial problems involving irregular payments, balloons, and changing interest rates. TValue accepts any combination of loans, payments, and rate changes.

Price: $59.00
Use with: H/PC
Contact: TimeValue Software
Phone: 714 727-1800
E-mail: info@timevalue.com
Web: www.timevalue.com


A sophisticated count-down multi-timer lets you count down up to four events at once. Comes with a large digital display of timer and the option to synchronize the timers. Alarms feature lets you choose Sound, Led, and Vibrate (on supported devices). Include a spoken count-down option, color support, quick-help on setup.

Price: $15.00
Use with: P/PC; Demo or download available
Contact: Whittaker Moore Associates
E-mail: enquiries@whittakermoore.com
Web: www.whittakermoore.com/

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