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Connecting your H/PC to your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

By Craig Peacock


Web: http://www.craigtech.co.uk

One of the big benefits of having a Handheld PC is the communications ability. With Inbox and Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer available, there is no need to be confined to a chair in front of a desktop computer to get real work or fun done. However, you must be able to connect to the Internet and your Internet Service Provider (ISP). I use Enterprise Plc as my ISP, but the steps I used apply to virtually any ISP, here is how to do it:

  1. From the Start menu, tap on Programs, double tap Communications, and double tap Remote Networking.
  2. Next double tap on Make New Connection and define it. I used the default name, "My Connection." Then select Dial-up Connection as the type, and tap Next.
  3. Select the appropriate modem. If you have a modem inserted in your H/PC it should be shown.
  4. Tap the TCP/IP Settings button and assign the following in its dialog box:
  5. A. Server-assigned IP address: checked.
    B. Log on to network: unchecked.
    C. Use software compression: checked.
    D. Use IP header compression: checked.
    E. Server-assigned name server addresses: unchecked.
    F. Supply the IP addresses.
  6. Mine are as follows (These IP addresses are for my ISP, you need to enter the correct IP addresses for your ISP here):
  7. Primary DNS:
    Secondary DNS:
    Primary WINS:
    Secondary WINS:
    Then tap OK.
  8. Back in the Make New Direct Connection dialog box, double tap on Configure and selected the following in the Device Properties dialog box:
  9. A. Use Terminal Window after dialing: checked.
    B. Baud Rate: 19200 (for the 14.4 modem).
    C. Data Bits: 8.
    D. Parity: None.
    E. Stop Bits: 1.
    F. Flow Control: Hardware.
  10. Tap OK to save, supply the phone number in the appropriate box, and tap Finish. This will give you an Icon in the Remote Network folder. At this point make a desktop shortcut by highlighting the new icon, tapping File, Desktop Shortcut. That puts a shortcut icon on the desktop making it easy to connect up.

Now when you want to login, physically connect the modem and double tap on the icon. After dialing and physically connecting to the server, the terminal screen pops up, prompting you to login. Type in your login name and press Enter. Next you're prompted for the password. Type it in and press Enter. What appears to be gibberish but is PPP negotiation comes up on the screen. Ignore it and tap OK. A little box comes up with the message "User authenticated." It goes away on its own and the icon for the connection appears on the lower right task bar. (If it doesn't go away, a box will come up offering you the choices of Hide or Disconnect. Select Hide and it goes away to the task bar as described above. If the box says, "Hide and Cancel," you are not connected. Exit and start over again.) You're logged on until you double tap on the Connected Icon, next to the time, in the bottom right of the screen and select Disconnect. I am able to check e-mail on my Internet provider's account using this method with Inbox or surf the WWW using Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer. Please note that Windows CE will only work with ISPs supporting PPP, there is no SLIP support built into Windows CE. 

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