Ask a roomful of Internet gurus for advice on setting up a website and they'll start going on about Sparc Stations, 20MBit lines and JavaScript. Unfortunately, this sort of jargon scares off most newcomers - unnecessarily so, because you don't actually need any of these things. Still with me? Good. Next you'll meet internet cynics who feel that they have a God-given right to proclaim that the best sites on the internet are all froth and no substance. Meanwhile those sites continue to get bigger and better while the cynic's site looks more pre-historic every day. Ignore these people. With a bit of thought, it's simple enough to create vibrant and interesting internet sites that are a pleasure to look at and browse through. All you need is common sense, a computer and access to the internet. And with .net, starting right here you have a no-nonsense step by step guide to making your own website, right from the basics. So ignore the techies, gurus and cynics, get it together and let us show you what a doddle it really is. These tutorials first appeared in issue 32 of .net magazine. But now, view them on your computer using Adobe Acrobat.