OK, it's the third month of our Search feature and we're now completely clued up on the subject. We set a criteria of what a search agent should achieve and put this to Sergey Kryloff, President of Kryloff technologies who put forward his product SSSpider to clash with our needs... We decided that an agent should: 1) Have a purpose, 2) Be aware of its surroundings, 3) Have the ability to interact with its user, 4) Be able to adapt to unexpected, or changing, situations, 5) Have the ability to learn based on its own independent research as well as inputs from the user, 6) Once programmed, be capable of independent action, relying on the user for only occasional input. Sergey replied: I totally agree with you that yes, some or formally even all of the requirements to IA can be equally applied to any application, can't they? Being a mathematician by education, I should like to tell you that due to the above statement it is not too easy for me to say that, if some particular package meets a given list of requirements, it automatically falls into a predefined category... Anyway, to make a long story short let me do what you asked and merely describe features in SSSpider related to the outlined topics.