IISSUE 46 OIIWelcome to the Internet And welcome to .net. When supercilious people talk about the magazine you know hold in your hands (or rest on your lap), they snigger into their lavender-scented handkerchiefs and, thinking themselves the epitome of originality, haughtily question "A magazine about the Internet? Surely that's a contradiction in terms! What can possibly be the point of that?" I sigh wearily and patiently explain. Put simply, magazines are good at some things, the Internet is good at others. In a Catch 22 situation that would no doubt please Joseph Heller, you need to get on the Net to find out to use it, but you can't get on the Net if you don't know how to use it. Clearly, the Net's not very good at is teaching people how to use itself, but it just so happens that this one of .net's fortes. The .net know-how section (page 35) explains how to get on the Net and how to use the most popular Internet software. In-depth features, such as this month's article searching the Net (page 62), are also much easier to read on paper than on screen, not least because you don't have a finger-tapping pause while you wait for each page's text and pictures to download. Many readers have told us they've been having problems accessing our Web site, a matter for which we apologise most humbly. Our site's address - http://www.netmag.co.uk/ - is an alias which should take you straight to the real location of the site at http://www.futurenet.com/net But for some deeply uninteresting technical reason, the alias wasn't actually doing its job for a few weeks last month. If the www.netmag.co.uk address doesn't work for you, try the FutureNet one instead - and make sure you let us know what you think of the site when you get there. Cheers, Richard Longhurst Editor, richard@netmag.co.ukSSUE 46 ON SALE 29TH MAYN SALE 29TH MAY