And welcome to .net, Britain's best-selling Internet magazine. Judging by our bulging mailboxes, Net users in general and .net readers in particular have one over-riding concern in common - to a man (or woman) you're nearly all fed up with your service provider. Whether you picked your ISP on personal recommendation, after seeing an advert or having using a free 30-day trial, there's hardly a service provider out there that doesn't have a host of unhappy subscribers. Because knowledge is power, this month we bring you the complete guide to choosing an Internet service provider - and because a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, we provide essential advice on how to minimise the hassle when you switch to a better one. whichever ISP you end up choosing, there is one rubric that you should always live by, namely 'the squeaking wheel gets the grease'. Make your voice heard. Richard Longhurst Editor,