*********************************************************************** Welcome to NetObjects Fusion(tm) Version 2.0 for Windows *********************************************************************** Welcome to NetObjects Fusion 2.0 for Windows. NetObjects Fusion is the first smart Web site application that combines automatic site building, professional-quality design, and data publishing features. NetObjects Fusion 2.0 includes more than 100 new feature enhancements including many new features that our customers requested. Please carefully read the release notes below before using this software. These notes include specific information about upgrading from NetObjects Fusion 1.0. We hope that you like the new features and improvements we've made in this new version of NetObjects Fusion 2.0 for Windows. Thanks from all of us at NetObjects. *********************************************************************** For the most current information on NetObjects Fusion, please refer to the NetObjects Web site at: http://www.netobjects.com Our Web site has the latest product updates, frequently asked questions (FAQs), usage notes, newsgroups, and support information. You can also send us feedback about the product or questions about how to make the most of a NetObjects Fusion site by sending mail to support@netobjects.com. Table of Contents ================= A) System Requirements B) Installing NetObjects Fusion 2.0 C) Uninstalling NetObjects Fusion 2.0 D) Upgrading files from NetObjects Fusion 1.0 E) Acadia Infuse F) Usage Suggestions G) Accessing Support A) System Requirements ====================== -Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.5x (or later) -486/66 PC (Pentium strongly recommended) with a minimum of 16 MB of RAM (32 MB on Windows NT preferred) -80 MB of available hard-disk space for full installation (20 MB for minimum install) -Minimum of 800 X 600 X 256 resolution monitor -TCP/IP compliant with WinSock version 1.1 or later -32-bit ODBC drivers for external database connectivity -A mouse is highly recommended You will also need a Web browser installed on your machine. NetObjects Fusion is optimized for: a) Netscape Navigator 2.0 and higher b) Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 and higher c) Other HTML 3.x compatible browsers 16 bit browsers will have trouble supporting long file names. If you are using an internet service provider to host your site, please consult with them for specific support and documentation before publishing your site. B) Installing NetObjects Fusion 2.0 =================================== Download the software from our web site to a temporary folder on your hard drive outside of the folder where you will install NetObjects Fusion 2.0. From File Manager or Windows Explorer, double-click on the file named NO2GM1.exe to unzip the files automatically and launch the NetObjects 2.0 installer. Please follow the on screen installation directions. The necessary files will be installed by default in a folder at C:\NetObjects Fusion 2.0\. Be sure to use the installer to copy any NetObjects Fusion 1.0 styles which you have been using. The styles will be placed into the C:\NetObjects Fusion 2.0\Styles folder and you can then import them into any .nod file that you use. The data files created with NetObjects Fusion 2.0 have a .NOD extension. The files will be stored by default in the User Sites folder. C) Uninstalling a Pre-Release Version of NetObjects Fusion 2.0 ============================================================== For Windows 95 and NT 4.0 Users: To uninstall NetObjects Fusion 2.0, launch the Add/Remove Program from your Control Panel and select NetObjects Fusion 2.0. The Uninstaller will not delete any files you have created with NetObjects Fusion 2.0. For NT 3.51 Users: Click on the Uninstall Icon in the NetObjects Fusion program group. The Uninstaller will not delete any files you have created with NetObjects Fusion 2.0. During Uninstallation, if you encounter a message asking to confirm the removal of any .dll or system files, we recommend that you choose yes. D) Upgrading files from NetObjects Fusion 1.0 ============================================= You can run both NetObjects Fusion 1.0 and NetObjects Fusion 2.0 on the same machine. This version of NetObjects Fusion 2.0 is designed to be compatible with any .nod files you created with a previous release of NetObjects Fusion. When you first open a file created with NetObjects Fusion 1.0, the program will offer you the choice to upgrade the file from a copy of the original file before proceeding. We recommend that you do so. If you choose "Yes", NetObjects Fusion 2.0 will automatically make a copy of your 1.0 file and open the copy (in the 2.0 format). Once the files have been opened in NetObjects Fusion 2.0 they are *NOT* backward compatible and cannot be used with NetObjects Fusion 1.0 for Windows or Macintosh. NetObjects Fusion 2.0 is shipping with a new set of SiteStyles. If you want to continue using a file with a 1.0 style, you will have to copy the style into NetObjects Fusion 2.0 and update the styles list in the Styles View. If you already copied the styles during installation, open your 1.0 file and go to the Styles View. Select "Import Style" from the File menu or click the "New Style" button and add the name of your 1.0 Style. Click OK and your 1.0 style will become part of your new file. If you did not copy the styles during installation, you can copy them manually from the 1.0 Styles folder. Select the 1.0 styles folders that you want to continue using, and copy them into the Styles folder of NetObjects Fusion 2.0. In NetObjects Fusion 2.0, open your 1.0 file and go to the Styles view. Select "Import Style" from the File menu or Select the "New Style" button. Add the name of your 1.0 style and click OK. The 1.0 Style will be imported into your new 2.0 file. If you want to import all of your 1.0 styles into a file, choose Edit|Update Styles List and all of the styles in your styles folder will be imported into the .nod file. E) Acadia Infuse ================ The full shipping version of NetObjects Fusion 2.0 for Windows includes the award winning Infuse JavaScript and LiveWire script editor from Acadia Software. With Infuse you can add client and server side scripting to your NetObjects Fusion web site. Acadia Infuse enables you to rapidly create JavaScript scripts and develop LiveWire applications within a visual, drag-and-drop editing environment. Learn more about Acadia Infuse from www.acadians.com F) Usage Suggestions ==================== *) NetObjects Fusion 2.0, is not optimized for very large Web sites. If your site is more than 250 pages, we recommend that you divide it into multiple sites of less than 250 pages. *) After importing a site, some of the pages may have some overlapping objects. You can try to adjust the font size in the Preferences dialog to match the original settings that were used when designing the site. *) After choosing auto-resize margins in Edit|Preferences, your master borders will resize as you move objects placed within the borders. *) When importing a local site, make sure to fill out the domain name field. This will ensure that pages and links in the imported pages are correctly handled as internal objects. *) External HTML pages will be published into a folder called "MY_HTML." Be sure that all of your links and assets refer to the correct folder upon publishing. NetObjects Fusion will not automatically move the assets. G) Accessing Support ===================== NetObjects provides a newsgroups for direct support from NetObjects Technical Support. Our newsgroups are also an excellent source of information from other NetObjects Fusion customers. For access to the NetObjects Fusion newsgroups you can enter the following server id into your favorite newsreader software or browser: http://www.netobjects.com/html/boards.html NetObjects Support also has a library of Usage Notes on a wide range of topics. The Usage Notes provide extensive step by step instructions for many of the most popular requests from our customers. The Table of Contents for the Usage Notes can be found at: http://www.netobjects.com/support/usage_notes/index.html You can also receive assistance from technical support by sending e-mail to: support@netobjects.com Thank you from everyone at NetObjects.