3184 This certificate is OK 3185 There is a problem with this certificate 3186 This certificate is for %1 and was issued by %2 3187 This certificate is for %1 (%3) and was issued by %2 3188 Version 3189 Serial Number 3190 Signature Algorithm 3191 Issuer 3192 Effective Date 3193 Expiration Date 3194 Subject 3195 Public Key 3196 Certificate Issued to %1 from %2 3197 This certificate is valid 3198 This certificate is not valid 3199 You trust this certificate 3200 You do not trust this certificate 3201 Start date has not been reached 3202 Expiration date has passed 3203 Certificate has been tampered with 3204 Unable to get a full chain 3205 Certificate is revoked 3206 Certificate used for wrong purpose 3207 Certificate used for wrong purpose 3208 Certificate not valid for this purpose 3209 Issuer cannot issue this certificate 3213 Trust Status indicates whether you trust the individual, group or corporation to whom this certificate is issued. 3214 A Certificate is issued by a Certifying Authority to individuals, groups and corporations that it recognizes.\n\n 3215 Certificate Properties 3216 Valid from %1 to %2 3217 A Certificate can be used to digitally sign a piece of information so that you can determine the author of the information.\n\n 3218 A Certificate can also be used to encrypt information to prevent other people from viewing it. 3219 3220 3221 3222 The certificate can then be used for the specified purposes such as sending/receiving email, trusting a web site having the certificate, etc. 3223 3224 3225 To save these changes, click Yes when prompted to add a certificate to the Root Store. 3226 Edit Trust 3227 E-Mail Encryption and Authentication