105 Internet Properties 4300 You are about to use a Windows system directory or a root directory. Please use a different directory. 4301 Select a folder for the disk cache. 4302 Internet Explorer could not determine the Windows system directory. Do you want to continue? 4303 You must restart Windows before these changes can take effect. Until it is restarted, the old directory will be used. 4304 Registry Error 4305 Warning 4308 Reboot 4310 The folder you selected is invalid (it is a computer name). Please select a different folder to use. 4311 Invalid Path 4312 Internet 4313 Changes your Internet settings. 4314 Internet Properties 4316 RASAPI32.DLL 4317 IEXPLORE.HLP 4318 Disabl&e... 4319 &Enable... 4320 There is not enough memory to continue. Quit one or more programs, and then try again. 4322 You need to choose a Dial-Up Networking connection in order to use AutoDial. 4323 Users 4324 Sets up and manages multiple users on your computer. 4424 Delete all items in your History folder? 4427 File Types 4428 url.dll 4455 Are you sure you want to delete this certificate? 4474 Smallest 4475 Smaller 4476 Medium 4477 Larger 4478 Largest 4602 A user-defined string cannot contain any of the following characters:\n [ ] , ; = 4603 English 4604 User-Defined 4605 An error occurred setting up Automatic Configuration.\nPlease verify that the URL you entered is correct. If it is, you may need to reinstall Internet Explorer to correct this problem. 4606 To view the new settings, close the Internet Properties dialog box, and then reopen it. 4607 Your connection to the Internet via a proxy is on, but all of its settings are blank. This prevents access to the Internet. Do you want to turn off the proxy connection? 4608 Invalid Proxy 4609 ICWCONN1.EXE 4612 %d.%dMB (%d%% of drive) 4614 It is not recommended that you set the security level for this zone below "%s". Doing so could cause harmful content to be downloaded to your computer. Are you sure you want to change the security level? 4615 Warning! 4616 You cannot set the security level for this zone below "%s" . 4617 High security 4618 Medium security 4619 Low security 4620 Network client authentication 4621 Network server authentication 4622 Secure e-mail 4623 Software Publishing 4624 The site name you entered is invalid. You must use a valid protocol at the beginning of the name, such as http:// or https://. 4625 Security 4629 Server verification is required for sites added to this zone. To be accepted, sites must use the https:// prefix. 4630 There was an unexpected error with your zone settings. Unable to add this site. 4631 css 4632 Stylesheets@*.css@All Files@*.*@ 4633 The style sheet you selected could not be found. 4634 Error 4635 Internet Options 4636 pfx 4637 Personal Certificates@*.pfx;*.p12@All Files@*.*@ 4638 The site you entered already exists in another zone. Please remove the site from that zone, before adding it to the current zone. 4639 You have entered an invalid wildcard sequence.\nExamples of valid patterns:\n *://*.mysite.com\n http://*.mysite.co.jp\n\n file:\\localsvr\share\n *://157.54.100-200.*\nExamples of invalid patterns:\n http://*.sub.mysite.edu\n ftp://* 4640 The certificate was successfully exported. 4641 Certificate Exported Successfully 4642 Revoke all permissions you have granted to web sites to use your profile information? 4643 The selected file does not contain a valid certificate or the certificate is not a Root Authority. 4644 The passwords entered do not match. Please re-enter. 4645 Moving the location of Temporary Internet Files folder will delete all of your offline data.\nDo you wish to continue? 4646 Local Area Network 4648 Settings 4649 Local Area Network Settings 4653 Are you sure you want to delete this dial-up networking connection? 4654 &Certificates... 4655 You have entered an invalid number of redial attempts. 4656 You have entered an invalid redial interval. 4657 You have entered an invalid autodisconnect time.