Special note concerning this demo: You are specifically allowed to re-distribute this limited demo or re-publish it on non-commercial websites as long as all files are included and unchanged and PC Plus is acknowledged as the source. Commercial websites should contact PC Plus to check whether it is acceptable.

Want to know what it's all about?Welcome to the PC Plus Windows 98 Companion CD. Regular readers will know that we are the only magazine to have followed the new version of Windows (in print and on our SuperCDs) from its very early beta stage last year through to its release this month. We have brought our readers regular updates whenever a new beta was created, and have supplied numerous exclusive video interviews with Microsoft Windows product managers to get the inside story on Windows 98. So, here we are on the brink of its release, and PC Plus is very pleased to bring you this exclusive Companion to the new operating system written by the PC Plus team of experts.

It tells you everything you need to know about the new version of Windows, how it works, and how you can use it to get more out of your PC. The guide is written entirely in HTML and so is very easy to navigate. Throughout the CD, you'll find not only pages and pictures about each new feature, but also ScreenCam movies that show you how to use it. (ScreenCam movies require Windows 95 to run). Sections, like hardware, tell you about all the new developments that you'll never see because they are hidden away under the covers, but they are there making your PC ready for new technological advances or getting more out of existing ones.

This guide has been written based on the very latest Release Candidate, so every feature documented should be available in the final release which is on sale June 25. However, although changes to the OS at this stage are unlikely, we cannot guarantee that everything we have covered will appear exactly as we describe here. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about what's in Windows 98, but for our expert opinion on the final release, get the August issue of PC Plus, on sale on June 25, the very day of Windows 98's release.

David Taylor (davetaylor@futurenet.co.uk)
Editor, Windows 98 Companion CD

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Please send us your comments on this Companion CD, or on Windows 98. The PC Plus Web site at www.pcplus.co.uk will bring you more on Windows 98. Join in the discussions in our forums on the Web site, or on our news server at nntp.futurenet.com.