Add Bookmark (Bookmarks menu) 14
COM port
checking 50
setting 33
troubleshooting 60-61
defined 24
DNS server 37
service provider 37, 41
alt (Usenet) 24
Auto Load Images (Options) 12
automating login
Windows 3.1 users 32-33, 52
Windows 95 users 30, 36


Back (Navigator Toolbar) 16
boldface type 6
bookmarks 14
Bookmarks (Window menu) 15
Bookmarks menu 14


cellular phone lines 46, 54
checking modems 50, 57-58, 60-61
colors, Navigator window 22
com domain, defined 24
COM port
checking 50
Dialer settings 33
troubleshooting 50, 57-58, 60-61
comp (Usenet) 24
computer requirements 4
computers, Usenet groups 24
slow 50, 52
Windows 3.1 version 9
with Dialer 31-32
Windows 95 version 8, 28
customizing Netscape Navigator 22


Windows 3.1 version 30
dialing 31
locations 31-32, 53
login scripts 32-33, 52
modem settings 33
Windows 95 version 28-30
login scripts 30
Windows 3.1 version 31-32
Windows 95 version 28
Dial-Up Networking 28
directories, installation 6
Directory buttons 17
disabling DNS configuration 38
disconnection, unexpected 54, 63
DNS server, configuring 37-42
domain names
defined 24
examples of 24


Edit Script button 52
edu domain, defined 24
email, see mail
encryption, page 13
engines, search 17
error messages
A connection attempt is already in progress. 55
A required .DLL file c:windowssystemsvrapi.dll was not found. 43
Authentication failed; no response from remote device. 55
Authentication failed; too many unsuccessful attempts. 56
Cannot connect to host. 56
Could not create socket. Insufficient system resources or Network down. 56
Dial-in driver not loaded. 57
Error opening serial port; invalid BPS rate specified. 57
Error opening serial port; invalid port specified. 58
Error opening serial port; port is already in use. 57
Error opening serial port; port is already open. 58
Error opening serial port; unknown reason (x). 58
Internal Authentication error. 44
Invalid dynamic link call; device 000E, service 5 59
Invalid I/O address specified. Please enter a valid hexadecimal number, or select `Default'. 60
Invalid IRQ number specified. Please enter a number between 2 and 15, or select 'Default'. 61
Modem entry not found in modems.ini file. 61
ShivaPPP dial-in driver is not installed. 63
The server does not have a DNS entry. 45
Unable to communicate with answering device. Please check that it is installed and configured properly. 61
Unable to display statistics. 61
Unable to locate host. 62
Unable to negotiate dial-in connection (failed). 62
Unable to negotiate dial-in connection. 46
Unable to open communications port. The port is either in use by another telephony application or is not supported. 62
Warning: Your time limit for this dial-in connection will be exceeded in minutes.63
Windows dial-in driver (dial.386) not loaded. Unable to connect. 63
You have been disconnected by the remote device possibly due to inactivity. 63
Your modem and the remote modem don't connect. 64
Your remote network connection has been lost. 64
Your system is configured for another Domain Name System (DNS) server. Read your Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition User's Guide before you set up your account. 46


File menu
Mail Document 19
New Mail Message 19
New Web Browser 10
Find (Navigator Toolbar) 16
newsgroups 20
pages 17
previous pages 14, 15
words in pages 16
bookmark 15
mail 18
newsgroup 21
fonts, Navigator window 22
Forward (Navigator Toolbar) 16
Frequently Asked Questions (Help menu) 35
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
defined 25


General (Options menu) 23
Generic Modem setting 50
Go menu, title list 14
gov domain, defined 24
graphic, page
link 11
loading 12


Handbook, see Navigator Handbook
hard-disk requirement 4
Hayes Compatible modem setting 50
getting 5, 35
online Help 5
technical support 5, 35, 52
Help menu 35
history list 14
Home button 16
home page 10
changing 22
default 10
How to Get Support (Help menu) 35
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
defined 25
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol)
URLs and 25


Windows 3.1 version 30
Windows 95 version 28
mail 18
Netscape Navigator
window 13
Windows 3.1 version 9
Windows 95 version 8
Images button 12, 16
see Installation and Setup Guide
installation, directories 6
Internet addresses, defined 24


Key indicator 13


LAN users 3, 37
laptops 54
loading pages 11-13
location field 10
locations 31-32
troubleshooting 53
Windows 3.1 users 32-33, 52
Windows 95 users 30
Windows 3.1 users 32-33, 52
Windows 95 users 30, 36
login name, see user name
login, TTY
Windows 3.1 users 32-33, 52
Windows 95 users 30, 36


mail 17-19
icon 18
server 17
troubleshooting 54
Mail Document (File menu) 19
memory requirement 4
Message Composition window 19
mail 18, 18-19
newsgroup 22
mil domain, defined 24
misc (Usenet) 24
modem settings
in Dialer 33
troubleshooting 60-61
Modem Wizard
Windows 3.1 version 50
requirements 4
under Windows 3.1 49, 50, 53


Navigator Handbook 23
Navigator, see Netscape Navigator
net domain, defined 24
Net Search button 17
Netscape Mail (Window menu) 18
Netscape Navigator
appearance 22
home page default 22
window 13
Windows 3.1 version 9
Windows 95 version 8
preferences 22
Windows 3.1 version 9
Windows 95 version 8
window 10
Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition
requirements 4
New Mail Message (File menu) 19
New Web Browser (File menu) 10
news (Usenet) 20-22, 24
newsgroups 20-22
finding 20
subscribing 21


Open (Navigator Toolbar) 16
Options menu
Auto Load Images 12
General 23
org domain, defined 24
overrun errors 53


page, World Wide Web 10
content 10
default home page 10
encryption 13
graphic 11, 12
home page 10, 22
loading 11-13
searching for 17
searching in 16
title 10, 14
underlined text 11
URL 10, 11
recently viewed 14
viewing 11-13
panes, resizing 19
Windows 3.1 version
saving 31
troubleshooting 52
Windows 95 version
saving 37
troubleshooting 37
PCMCIA modem card 46, 54
port, see COM port
Print (Navigator Toolbar) 16
protocols, setting up 44


RAM requirement 4
rec (Usenet) 24
Record Script button 32, 52
recording login script
Windows 3.1 users 32-33, 52
Windows 95 users 30
Release Notes (Help menu) 35
Reload button 16
resizing panes 19


sci (Usenet) 24
science, Usenet groups 24
script, login
Windows 3.1 users 32-33, 52
Windows 95 users 30, 36
search utilities 17
for pages 17
in pages 16
mail 17
news 20
service provider 1-3
connection problems 53
DNS address 37
finding 41
slow connection 50, 52
soc (Usenet) 24
Software button 17
Windows 3.1 version 31
Windows 95 version 28
Netscape Navigator 8
Statistics window 53
Stop (Navigator Toolbar) 16
subscribing to newgroups 21


talk (Usenet) 24
technical support 5, 35, 52
testing modems 50, 57-58, 60-61
text, underlined 11
title, page 10
Go menu 14
recently viewed 14
Toolbar 16
TTY login
Windows 3.1 users 32-33, 52
Windows 95 users 30, 36


UART chip 53
underlined text 11
modems 53
see also Installation and Setup Guide
Win32s 48
URL 10, 11
defined 24
format of 25
recently viewed 14
Usenet 20
categories 24
user ID, see user name
user name
Windows 3.1 version
entering 31
troubleshooting 52
Windows 95 version
entering 28
utilities, search 17


VCD driver 59
bookmarks 15
pages 11-13


Web, see World Wide Web
What's Cool! button 17
What's New! button 17
Win32s 47-49
Window menu
Bookmarks 15
Netscape Mail 18
Windows 3.1 version 6
Dialer 30, 31-32
dialing 53
locations 31-32, 53
starting Netscape Navigator 9
Windows 95 version
Dialer 28-30
starting Netscape Navigator 8
World Wide Web
addresses defined 24
page 10
content 10
encryption 13
graphic 11, 12
home 10, 22
loading 11-13
searching for 17
searching in 16
title 10, 14
underlined text 11
URL 10, 11, 14
viewing 11-13
searching 17
WWW, see World Wide Web