Tips and techniques

This chapter answers common questions about Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition, and offers some tips on how to get the most out of Netscape Navigator and the Internet. This chapter also lists error messages that might appear on your screen.

Please read this chapter before contacting Netscape Technical Support. In the Navigator window, you can also click Help | Frequently Asked Questions and Help | Release Notes to see the latest available information. To find out what other support is available, click Help | How to Get Support.

For all Windows users

Depending on what type of system you have--Windows 95 or Windows 3.1--tips and troubleshooting vary slightly. This chapter is divided into two sections, one for each type of user:

For Windows 95 users

This section contains the following subsections:

Before you connect

I can't connect to the Internet Account Server.

The Internet Account Server might be busy or temporarily not accepting calls. Wait a moment and try again.

I want to automate my TTY login.

Many Internet service providers require a TTY login--they require you to enter your user name and password each time you connect.

If you have the Microsoft Scripting Tool, you can create a script to automate the login process. Download the scripting tool from this URL:

Then create a simple script using a text editor. For more information on how to create a script, see the Web page with the following URL:

The Dial-Up Networking connection doesn't save my password.

Windows 95 automatically saves your password if you are connected to a local area network. If your computer is not part of a network, you can set your computer to save your password. To save your password, click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. Double-click the Passwords icon, click Users can customize their preferences and desktop settings, and click OK. You'll need to restart your computer before this change takes effect.

DNS configuration in Windows 95

"Netscape is unable to locate the server"

If you see this message, you probably have a pre-existing DNS server configured in Windows 95. This happens if you are connected to a local area network, if you previously set up Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition with a different service provider, or if you configured another dial-up connection through your Network control panel. You might have conflicting configurations. You can manually reconfigure your system, and either disable your DNS configuration or modify it.

Important: If you're on a local area network (LAN), ask your network administrator how to handle a previous DNS configuration.

Disable or modify DNS?

If you're not on a LAN, you need to disable or modify DNS. To help you decide whether to disable or modify DNS, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Network icon, select TCP/IP->Dial-Up Adapter in the list (you might have to scroll), and then click Properties.
  3. Select DNS Configuration.
  4. In the dialog box that appears, look under DNS Server Search Order. Are any DNS addresses listed (for example,

Disabling your DNS configuration

To disable DNS:

  1. Follow the steps in the previous section, "Disable or modify DNS?"
  2. Click Disable DNS, and then click OK.
  3. Close all the open dialog boxes by clicking OK.
  4. Restart your computer and try connecting again.

Modifying a previous DNS configuration

You can keep your previous DNS configuration and also create an account with a new service provider. First, fix your DNS configuration so you can connect to the Internet Account Server:

  1. Follow the steps in the previous section, "Disable or modify DNS?"In the TCP-IP Properties dialog box, you're limited to three DNS server addresses in Windows 95. Look at the list of addresses under DNS Search Order. If there are already three, you'll have to remove one. Before you do, make sure you write the address down so that you can add it back later. Then click the DNS address you want to remove, and click Remove.

  2. In the DNS Search Order field, type the DNS address of the Internet Account Server:


  4. Click Add. Make sure that the address you just added is first in the list. Then click OK.
  5. Restart your computer.
  6. Run Account Setup Wizard by double-clicking its icon in the Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition submenu. Indicate that you need to choose a service provider, and follow the instructions in each screen. You should be able to connect to the Internet Account Server and create a new account. Write down all of your account information.

After you set up a new account and disconnect from the Internet Account Server, you need to find the DNS address for your service provider's server:

  1. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
  2. Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon (you might have to scroll down) and right-click the dial-up connection for your service provider.
  3. In the menu, choose Properties, and then click the Server Type button in the dialog box that appears.
  4. Write down the DNS address for your service provider. Close all of the open dialog boxes.
  5. After you find the DNS address, you need to enter it into your DNS

  6. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
  7. Double-click the Network icon, select TCP/IP, and click Properties.
  8. Select DNS Configuration.
    Note: You're limited to three DNS server addresses in Windows 95. Look at the list of addresses under DNS Search Order. If there are already three, you can click the Internet Account Server's DNS address ( or, and then click Remove.
  9. In the DNS Search Order field, type the DNS address for your service provider, and then click Add. Make sure that the address you just added is first in the list.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Close Windows, and restart your computer. Try connecting again.

"Netscape is unable to locate the server: The server does not have a DNS entry. Check the server name in the Location (URL) and try again."

You'll see this message when you have a pre-existing DNS address configured in Windows 95 or if you incorrectly entered your existing service provider's DNS address in Account Setup Wizard. (You can have a pre-existing DNS address if you're on a local area network, or if you've previously used a different service provider.) In any case, you can manually enter the DNS server address of the service provider you want to use.

Important: If you're on a local area network, ask your network administrator how to handle a previous DNS configuration.

Finding your service provider's DNS address
To find the DNS address for your service provider's server:

  1. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
  2. Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon (you might have to scroll down) and right-click the dial-up connection for your service provider.
  3. In the menu, choose Properties, and then click the Server Type button in the dialog box that appears.
  4. Click the TCP/IP Settings button. Write down the DNS address for your service provider. Close all of the open dialog boxes.

Entering your service provider's DNS address

After you have the correct DNS address, you can enter it into your DNS

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Network icon, select TCP/IP->Dial-Up Adapter and
    click Properties.
  3. Select DNS Configuration.
    Note: You're limited to three DNS server addresses in Windows 95. Look at the list of addresses under DNS Search Order. If there are already three, you'll have to remove one. (You can remove the DNS address for Netscape that you entered in the previous section.) Before you do, make sure you write the address down so that you can add it back later. Then click the DNS address you want to remove, and click Remove.
  4. In the DNS Search Order field, type the DNS address for your service provider, and then click Add.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Close Windows, and restart your computer.

After you connect

I can't get my mail.

Make sure that you have the correct mail server addresses or host names. First call your service provider's technical support and verify the following:

Then, start Netscape Navigator and click Options. Click Mail and News Preferences, and then click the Servers page tab. Check the SMTP and POP server information entered there. Change the information if it isn't correct, and click OK.

While connected to the Internet, I'm suddenly cut off.

Your phone line probably has a service, such as Call Waiting, that interrupts your connection. Make sure you disable Call Waiting. You'll get the same results if someone in your home picks up the phone while you're connected.

Error messages

Error messages are listed alphabetically.

"A required .DLL file c:\windows\system\svrapi.dll was not found."

You don't have Dial-Up Networking set up before trying to use Account Setup Wizard. To set up Dial-Up Networking:

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Network icon.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Select Adapter in the list, and then click Add.
  5. Select Microsoft in the Manufacturers list. Select Dial-Up Adapter in the Network Adapters list, and then click OK.
  6. You return to the Control Panel. You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect. After you restart, try using Account Setup Wizard again.


You have not selected TCP/IP as the network protocol for your dial-up adapter (a way to connect to your service provider). You can reinstall Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition (TCP/IP should be installed automatically). With your Windows 95 CD or disks in hand, you can also install TCP/IP yourself:

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Network icon, click Add, select Protocol, and click Add.
  3. Select Microsoft as the manufacturer and TCP/IP as the protocol.
  4. Click OK.

"Internal Authentication error."

You haven't selected a dial-up adapter (a way to connect to your service provider). You can reinstall Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition (Dial-Up Networking will be installed automatically).

"Netscape is unable to locate the server: The server does not have a DNS entry. Check the server name in the Location (URL) and try again."

See here for information on this error message.

"Netscape is unable to locate the server"

See here for information on this error message.

"The modem is not plugged in or is out of service."

First, make sure your modem is connected to your computer, plugged in, and turned on. You'll also see this message when you haven't selected the correct modem in Account Setup Wizard. To select the correct modem:

  1. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
  2. Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon. (You might have to scroll the window.)
  3. Right-click the dial-up connection for your Internet service provider, and choose Properties on the menu.
  4. Check that the modem has been configured for that connection. If it isn't the right modem, follow these steps:
    1. Click Server Type and write down the settings in this panel.
    2. Click Cancel.
    3. Then, choose a different modem under Connect using.
    4. Click Server Type again, and enter your server settings.
    5. Click OK, and click OK again to exit the dialog box.

"The server does not have a DNS entry."

The possible causes for this message include the following:

Try another URL. If you keep getting this message when you try other
URLs, you might have problems with your DNS configuration. Click here
for more information.

"Unable to negotiate dial-in connection."

You are unable to connect to the remote modem. This might be caused by excessive noise on the phone line. Try connecting again in a few minutes, or see if your service provider has a second phone number you can try.

"Your system is configured for another Domain Name System (DNS) server. Read your Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition User's Guide before you set up your account."

If you've already modified your DNS configuration and see this message, continue with Account Setup Wizard. If you see this message and haven't modified your DNS configuration, follow the instructions by clicking here.

For Windows 3.1 users

This section contains the following subsections:

If you have Win32s installed

Win32s is an application that lets 32-bit applications run under Windows 3.1. If you're using Win32s version 1.15 or earlier, you need to make some changes before you can install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition: Either upgrade to a later version of Win32s, or disable Win32s on your system. If you're using version 1.2 or later, you can install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition without making any changes.

First, determine which version of Win32s you have by using one of the following two methods.

If you have Win32s version 1.15 or earlier

If you have Win32s version 1.15 or earlier and you're certain that no
applications on your system require it, you can disable Win32s and install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition.

If you have Win32s version 1.15 or earlier and you need it, you must upgrade to Win32s version 1.2 or later before you can install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition. To simplify upgrading, you can disable your old version of Win32s, install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition, and then use Netscape Navigator to download a new version of Win32s. After you download and install the new Win32s, then go back and enable Win32s on your system.

Disable Win32s

To disable Win32s, edit the SYSTEM.INI file:

  1. Make a backup copy of SYSTEM.INI in case you need it later.
  2. Use a text editor (such as Notepad) to open SYSTEM.INI. This file is stored in the WINDOWS directory.
  3. In the [386Enh] section, add a semicolon to the beginning of the device= line for the Win32s driver. For example,
    1. ;device=c:\windows\system\win32s\w32s.386

  4. Save the file, then exit and restart Windows before you install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition.

Important:If you're going to now install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition and then upgrade Win32s, remember to go back and enable Win32s. Follow the previous steps, but remove the semicolon instead of adding it.

Upgrade Win32s

If you have applications that require Win32s, you'll need to upgrade to Win32s version 1.2 or later.

First, get the most recent version of Win32s (at the time of this printing, version 1.30A) by downloading PW1118.EXE from the Microsoft Software Library (MSL) from one of the following services:

Use Netscape Navigator:

  1. In the Navigator window, type in the Location field, and press Enter.
  2. Click Search, and enter Win32s. Press Enter.
  3. Scroll the list of pages, and select the recent version of Win32s.

You can also use CompuServe to get a recent version of Win32s:

  1. GO MSL
  2. Search for PW1118.EXE.
  3. Choose Access the Software Library.
  4. Select File name and enter PW1118.EXE. Then click OK.
  5. After the search, select Display Selected Titles.
  6. In the dialog box, click Retrieve to start the download process.
  7. In the Save As dialog box, select a place to save the downloaded file.
    Click OK.
  8. In the directory you selected for the download, run SETUP.EXE. The new version of Win32s will be installed.

Important: If you previously disabled Win32s, remember to go back and enable it. Follow the instructions under Disable Win32s, but remove the semicolon instead of adding it.

Before you connect

The Modem Wizard can't detect my modem.

Some modems aren't easily detectable. In this case, you need to choose your modem manually from a list. Look in your modem's documentation to find your modem's manufacturer and model name. Then follow the instructions in Account Setup Wizard. See the next section for more information.

Sometimes the Modem Wizard detects a modem other than your manufacturer's. This can happen because different modem manufacturers often use the same chips. Rather than detecting the specific manufacturer, the Modem Wizard detects your modem's chip. For example, you might have a US Robotics modem, and the Modem Wizard might detect it as "Rockwell based WinRPI." The Modem Wizard detected the Rockwell chip in your US Robotics modem. In this case, your modem was detected correctly and it's fine to finish the
Modem Wizard.

In the Modem Wizard, I need to choose my modem from a list, and my modem isn't in the list.

If your modem brand and model name aren't in the list of modems, first click Hayes Compatible in the Manufacturer list. Then click a model with your modem's speed in the Model list.

If your modem fails to work (or "initialize") after following the previous step, either click the Back button in Account Setup Wizard until you reach the Modem Wizard, or run Account Setup Wizard again. This time, select Generic Modem in the Manufacturer list, and then click a model with your modem's speed in the Model list.

I can't connect to the Internet Account Server.

The Internet Account Server might be busy or temporarily not accepting calls. Wait a moment and try again.

I installed Netscape Navigator, but my modem won't dial.

Your modem probably isn't configured correctly. You can rerun Account Setup Wizard and make sure it detects the correct modem, or specify the modem and COM port yourself. To check whether your modem is configured properly, follow these steps:

  1. Check that your modem is connected to a phone line. If it's an external modem, also make sure that it's connected to your computer and turned on.
  2. Open the Accessories group in Program Manager, and double-click Terminal.
  3. If there's a blinking cursor on the Terminal screen, type ATZ and press Enter.
  4. If you see OK on the screen, type ATL3 and press Enter.
  5. Type ATA and listen for a dial tone. Press Enter to hang up the phone line.

If you don't see a blinking cursor, see OK on the screen, or hear a dial tone, your modem isn't set to use the correct COM port. Follow these steps to find the correct COM port:

  1. In Terminal, click Settings | Communications.
  2. Check the COM port setting. If you know the proper COM port, set it in this dialog box. If you're not sure, you can use the process of elimination to figure it out: select another COM port, and click OK. Then test the modem using the previous steps 2 through 5. If the modem doesn't respond, click Settings | Communications and try another COM port. When you test the modem and hear a dial tone, you've found the correct COM port setting.
  3. Some computers using external modems will not have all the COM ports enabled. Check your computer's documentation about enabling COM ports and using external modems.

You can rerun Account Setup Wizard and choose your modem and COM port from lists, or you can enter the correct settings in the Dialer. If your phone line needs an outside-line access number (such as 9), make sure you enter it in Account Setup Wizard or the Dialer.

I want to automate my TTY login.

Many Internet service providers require a TTY login--they require you to manually enter your user name and password each time you connect. With Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition, you can create a script to automate your login. The easiest way to create a script is to record the login process:

  1. Before you connect, double-click the Dialer icon in the Netscape group.
  2. In the dialog box, click the Properties button.
  3. On the General page, click the checkbox next to Automatically log in with a script.
  4. Click the Record Script button.
  5. The Dialer dials your service provider and begins the connection process. A window appears that shows you the status of your connection to the service provider. The Scripter window appears.
  6. In the Scripter window, enter appropriate information after the prompts (For example, you might be prompted for your user name and password.)
  7. When you're done logging in, click the End Record button on the Scripter window.
  8. The next time you connect to your service provider, you'll log in
    automatically and won't have to type your user name and password.

Troubleshooting your login script

If your login script doesn't work, try recording a new script. Or you can try to find what's wrong with the current script by following these steps:

  1. Open the Dialer dialog box and click Properties.
  2. Click the box next to Show script while logging in. When this box is checked, the Dialer will still use your script to log in and also will display what happens in the process.

You can modify the script by clicking Edit Script on the General page of Dialer properties. For more information on scripts, see Tech Note #10122 on the Web page with the following URL:

The connection is slow.

If your phone line is noisy, your modem either slows down to ensure good data transfer or retransmits information several times. Try redialing first to see if you simply had a bad phone line. Use the Dialer Statistics window to see if you experience overruns or other errors.

My service provider's server doesn't accept my user name and password.

In the Dialer, check your service provider's phone number and make sure it's correct, and then check that you're using the correct user ID and password. Most logins are case sensitive so make sure your entries are correct.

The Statistics window shows a lot of overrun errors while communicating with my service provider.

An overrun error occurs when data comes into your computer from the service provider faster than your computer can handle it. As a result data is lost.

This problem usually occurs when you use a fast modem with an 8250 or 16540 UART chip. The UART chip is on your serial board and handles the flow of data through the COM port to your computer. Newer computers should have serial boards that contain a 16550A UART chip. The 16550A chip can usually handle communications from high-speed modems. You might want to upgrade or replace your serial board (usually an inexpensive procedure) to the 16550A UART chip.

You can find out which UART chip your computer has by clicking the Statistics button when connected. To reduce overruns, go to the Modem page in Dialer properties, reduce your maximum port speed setting, and connect again. Click here for more information on the Dialer.

I can't connect to my Internet service provider.

The most common reason for this problem is that the service provider's phone line is busy or doesn't answer. If your provider has two numbers, create a location using the second number. Then set the Dialer to use the new location. Click here for more information on the Dialer.

Also, you might have trouble connecting because the phone line was noisy, so the Dialer disconnected. You might want to call your service provider and make sure the connection is open.

When I use a different location, the Dialer can't connect to my Internet service provider.

In the Dialer, make sure the location uses the correct phone number (including area code and dialing settings). Check all options on the Locations property page, including the Calling Card dialog box.

After you connect

While connected to the Internet, I'm suddenly cut off.

Your phone line probably has a service, such as Call Waiting, that interrupts your phone line. Make sure you disable Call Waiting by changing options in the Dialer. You'll get the same results if someone in your home picks up the phone while you're connected.

You're also disconnected automatically when your computer is idle for a certain length of time. You can set the amount of time allowed for inactivity on the General page of Dialer properties.

It's also possible that your modem is trying to transfer data too fast. Use the Dialer to slow down your modem's data transfer rate. Click here for more information.

I can't get my mail.

Make sure that you have the correct mail server addresses or host names. First call your service provider's technical support and verify the following:

Then, start Netscape Navigator and click Options. Click Mail and News Preferences, and then click the Servers page tab. Check the SMTP and POP server information entered there. Change the information if it isn't correct, and click OK.

If you're a laptop user

If you're using a PCMCIA modem card that supports cellular phone lines, you can use your modem with either a cellular or regular phone line. However, some PCMCIA modems need to be initialized differently depending on whether they use a cellular or regular phone line.

Error messages

Error messages are listed alphabetically.

"A connection attempt is already in progress."

You tried to dial in while the Dialer was already trying to establish a connection. Wait until the current dial-in session is finished, and then try again.

"Authentication failed; no response from remote device."

The Dialer connected successfully with the remote access server but could not verify that your dial-in name and password are correct because the remote server disconnected. This can happen if your name and password are incorrect, if there is too much noise on the telephone lines, or if there is some other unknown interruption.

Make sure your user name and password are correct, and then try again. If you're not sure that your password is correct, enter it again in the Dialer. If this problem persists, contact your service provider to verify that the remote access server is operating correctly and that your user name and password are correct.

"Authentication failed; too many unsuccessful attempts."

The Dialer connected successfully with your service provider but you tried to connect with the wrong password too many times. Your service provider sets the maximum number of times you can try to connect with an incorrect password. When you exceed the maximum number of attempts, you should contact your service provider to verify your user name and password.

"Cannot connect to host"

This error might be caused by one of the following reasons:

"Could not create socket. Insufficient system resources or Network down."

The Dialer failed to connect with your service provider for some reason, and Netscape Navigator couldn't complete its task. (For example, it couldn't find your home page because you weren't connected to the server where the page is stored.) First close the Navigator window. Double-click the Dialer icon to connect to your service provider, and then double-click the Netscape Navigator icon to start Navigator.

It's also possible that there are a lot of people using the same Internet service provider and the server has too much traffic, making all connections slow.

Dial-up driver not loaded.

You must restart Windows after completing Install Wizard. Save any unsaved data, and close open applications. Then restart Windows.

"Error opening serial port; invalid BPS rate specified."

The port speed set in the Dialer Modem properties isn't a valid speed. Valid port speeds include 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.

"Error opening serial port; port is already in use."

Another application is using the COM port for your modem. It's also possible that another application didn't close the COM port when it was done using it. This can happen if the other application closed unexpectedly (such as after a General Protection Fault or Application Error). To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Close the application that is using the COM port, and try connecting again.
  2. If there are no other applications using the COM port, restart Windows and try connecting again.
  3. If you still get this error message, close all open applications and close Windows. Then turn off the computer and modem, and turn them on again. Try connecting again.

"Error opening serial port; port is already open."

Another application is using the COM port for your modem. It's also possible that another application didn't close the COM port when it was done using it. This can happen if the other application closed unexpectedly (such as after a General Protection Fault or Application Error). To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Close the application that is using the COM port, and try connecting again.
  2. If there are no other applications using the COM port, restart Windows and try connecting again.
  3. If you still get this error message, close all open applications and close Windows. Then turn off the computer and modem, and turn them on again. Try connecting again.

"Error opening serial port; invalid port specified."

The Dialer couldn't access your modem. This can happen if you incorrectly set up your modem or if you moved your modem from one COM port to another. Reconfigure your modem by using the Change Modem button in the Dialer Modems property page.

"Error opening serial port; unknown reason (x)."

The Dialer couldn't use the COM port you selected for an unknown reason. Try choosing a different COM port or click the Change Modem button on the Modem properties page to redetect your modem. Then try dialing again. You can also restart your computer and try again.

"Invalid dynamic link call; device 000E, service 5"

There is a problem with the Microsoft Windows virtual communication device (VCD) driver. After Windows 3.1 was released, Microsoft added two new services to its VCD driver. These new services let a virtual device driver claim ownership of a COM port so that no other application can use it. The version number of the new VCD driver was 3.11, and Microsoft included this version with all releases of Windows after 3.1.

The DIAL.386 driver included with Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition uses the services in the new VCD driver to make sure no other application uses the COM port while it is being used. The Dialer checks the VCD driver to make sure it is Version 3.11 or later before using these new services.

A problem can occur when another company has released their own version of the VCD driver that appears to be Version 3.11 or later but that doesn't support the new services. When this happens, the previous error message appears.

To avoid this error message in the future, make sure you are using ShivaPPP Version 3.5 or later. Go to the Dialer properties dialog box, and click the About page tab. Then add the following section and line to your SYSTEM.INI file (usually found in your C:\WINDOWS directory):



This entry tells the Dialer not to use the VCD driver regardless of which
version it is.

"Invalid I/O address specified. Please enter a valid hexadecimal number, or select `Default'."

The COM port cannot be used. This can happen if the COM port you selected has been configured with an incorrect port (or I/O) address or IRQ number. To solve this problem, first find the correct settings:

  1. Exit Windows.
  2. At the DOS prompt, type
    and press Enter.
  3. The Microsoft® Diagnostics main menu appears. Press C to go to the COM port screen.
  4. In the COM port screen, find the column for your modem's COM port (for example, COM1:).
  5. Find the Port address for the COM port, and write it down. Press Enter to exit the COM port screen.
  6. In the main menu, press Q to go to the IRQ screen.
  7. In the Detected column, find your modem's COM port (for example, COM1:). Follow that line to the left, and find the number in the IRQ column. Write it down, and then press Enter to exit this screen.
  8. Press F3 to exit Microsoft Diagnostics, and then restart Windows.

Now you can configure the COM port with the correct settings:

  1. In Windows, open the Main program group. Double-click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Ports, and then click Settings.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Enter the correct port address and IRQ number, and click OK. Click OK to close the open dialog boxes.

"Invalid IRQ number specified. Please enter a number between 2 and 15, or select 'Default'."

The number you entered in the Advanced dialog box for the IRQ number for the COM port is incorrect (see the previous error messages). In general, COM 1 uses IRQ 4, COM 2 uses IRQ 3, and COM 3 and COM 4 are selectable. To find out the correct IRQ setting, click here. Then enter the correct number.

"Modem entry not found in modems.ini file."

The Dialer cannot find the MODEMS.INI file that contains a complete listing of all the modems you can use. If you moved this file, move or copy the file back into the NETSCAPE\DIALER directory. If the file has been deleted, reinstall Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition, and run Account Setup Wizard again.

"Unable to communicate with answering device. Please check that it is installed and configured properly."

The Dialer established a connection with your service provider's modem but was unable to establish a connection with the remote access server. This can happen for any of the following reasons:

"Unable to display statistics."

The Dialer couldn't open the Statistics window because there wasn't enough system resources to do so. Try closing other applications.

"Unable to locate host."

This error might be due to one of the following reasons:

"Unable to negotiate dial-in connection (failed)."

You are unable to connect to the remote modem. This might be caused by excessive noise on the phone line. Try connecting again in a few minutes or see if your service provider has a second phone number you can try. (See Creating a location for more information on using a second phone number.)

"Unable to open communications port. The port is either in use by another telephony application or is not supported."

Another application is using the COM port for your modem. If there is a modem on another COM port, close the application that is using the COM port, and then try to dial again. Otherwise, specify the modem and available COM port you want to use on the Modem page in Dialer properties dialog box. (See Changing modem settings.)

It's also possible that another application didn't close the COM port when it was done using it. This can happen if the other application closed unexpectedly (such as after a General Protection Fault or Application Error). To remedy this problem, exit and restart Windows, then try to connect again. You might also have to restart your computer to reset the modem. You can also try turning off your machine and modem, and then turning them on again.

"Warning: Your time limit for this dial-in connection will be exceeded in <X> minutes."

You are approaching the maximum time allowed by your service provider for your connection. You should finish your work as quickly as possible because you'll be disconnected soon. You can reconnect later.

"Windows dial-in driver (dial.386) not loaded. Unable to connect."
"ShivaPPP dial-in driver is not installed."

The files ShivaPPP needs were not loaded when you launched Microsoft Windows. This is because of one of the following reasons:


The previous line might differ if you installed in a directory other than the default. See About this book for more on conventions used in this book.

"You have been disconnected by the remote device possibly due to inactivity."

The Internet service provider closed your dial-in connection, possibly because your computer was idle for longer than allowed. Try to redial. If this error continues to appear, there might be a problem with the service provider; contact their technical support for assistance.

"Your modem and the remote modem don't connect."

Check the Dialer Modem properties to make sure you have specified the proper COM port and modem. Make sure the phone number you have entered is correct, and that it includes any access codes needed to place a call from your location. For example, many office telephone systems require dialing a 9 before any outside number.

It's also possible (but very rare) that the service provider's modem is down. If you think this is the case, try calling later or contact the service provider.

"Your remote network connection has been lost."

Your connection closed for unknown reasons. This can happen if the modem was suddenly disconnected, or if the telephone connection between your modem and the remote modem was cut off. You need to redial to reconnect with your service provider. If you aren't successful, contact the service provider to report the problem.

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