Using Account Setup Wizard if you already have an Internet account

If you already have an Internet account, Account Setup Wizard gathers information from you and uses it to establish a connection to your service provider. This chapter tells you what information you must provide, and tells you how to use Account Setup Wizard.

Get ready to use Account Setup Wizard

Have the following information ready when you use Account Setup Wizard.

Phone line information

Account Setup Wizard needs the following information about your modem's phone line.

Phone line information
What's the phone number?
Does the line have Call Waiting?
If the line has Call Waiting, what code do you use to disable it?
Check your phone bill or the phone book, or call the phone company
Does the line use Tone or Pulse dialing?
Most phone systems use Tone, but some older systems use Pulse. If you're not sure, call the phone company.
Do you have to dial a special number (such as 9) to get an outside line?

Modem information

You have to know the following information about your modem:

Modem information
Manufacturer name
Model name or number
Speed (bps) For example, 14,400 or 28,800.

Account information

When you signed up with your service provider, you were given the information in the following table. Make sure you have all the information ready before you use Account Setup Wizard. If you're missing anything, call your service provider.

Important: Make sure that you have complete and up-to-date information. To make your dial-up connection work (including your email), you must enter exact information in Account Setup Wizard.

What you need to know What it is
User name (also called a login name or user ID) The name you use to log in to your service provider (for example, jdoe)
Password The password you enter after entering your user name.
Whether or not you need a login window This is required by some service providers. If you must type a login name and password each time you connect to your service provider, you probably need a login window. To be sure, check with your service provider
User name and password for email To get email, some service providers give you a different user name and password.
Service provider's area code and phone number The phone number that your modem dials to connect to your service provider.
DNS address The IP address for your service provider's Domain Name System (DNS) server (for example, Your service provider might have also given you a second DNS address.
SMTP and POP server names The IP addresses or host names of your service provider's mail servers (for example, or Your service provider might use just one mail server; if so, the name will be the same for both SMTP and POP.
NNTP server name The IP address or host name for your service provider's news server (for example,

Use Account Setup Wizard

Use Account Setup Wizard to establish your connection to your service provider. Follow these steps:

  1. Start Account Setup Wizard.

  2. Account Setup Wizard appears. Follow the instructions in each screen, and click the Next button to continue.

  3. In each subsequent screen of Account Setup Wizard, click the Help button for convenient, pertinent information about the screen. You can click Cancel at any time to exit, and any information you've entered will be discarded.

  4. When you're done entering information, a congratulations screen appears. You can immediately connect to the Internet and register your software, or connect later. When you've decided how to continue, click Next.

  5. To finish Account Setup Wizard, follow the instructions on your screen.

After you finish Account Setup Wizard

When you're done, Account Setup Wizard creates a connection to your service provider, and places icons for Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition in your Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition submenu or program group. Depending on whether you use Windows 95 or Windows 3.1, you'll find the following:

Windows 95

On your desktop in Windows 95, you'll see shortcut icons for Netscape Navigator and your service provider. Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition icons also appear in the Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition submenu (on the Start|Programs menu).

On the Start|Programs menu, select the following items to perform the following tasks:

Windows 3.1

Your program group will have icons to perform the following tasks:

What's next

After you complete Account Setup Wizard, you're ready to go!

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