
With Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition, you're about to experience the world of the Internet. Dial-Up Edition helps you establish a dial-up connection to the Internet, which means that you'll connect to the Internet using your computer, modem, and phone line. After you're connected, you can use Netscape Navigator to explore the World Wide Web.

The basics

As you install and set up Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition, it's helpful to understand how Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition helps you connect to the Internet and explore the World Wide Web. If you're not sure about how this works, check out the following information before you continue:

Here's a quick summary of the steps that you'll follow to install and set up Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition. For detailed steps, see the following section, "Installing Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition."

  1. Check your modem. Because your modem is an important part of your Internet connection, make sure it's installed, connected, and turned on. For a modem checklist, see "What about my modem?" on page 10.
  2. Install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition. Insert the Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition CD in your CD-ROM drive, or, if you have disks, insert Disk 1 into your disk drive. Follow the instructions on your screen. For more information, see the next section, "Installing Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition."
  3. Use Account Setup Wizard. Account Setup Wizard gathers information from you, and uses it to establish your Internet connection. For more information, see "Account Setup Wizard" on page 13.
  4. Start Netscape Navigator. When you're done installing and setting up, you can start Netscape Navigator and connect to your service provider, all in one step. You're ready to explore! For more information, see User's Guide.

Users on a local area network

If you're on a local area network (LAN), you should talk to your network administrator before you install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition. Ask about the best way for you to connect to the Internet; you might be able to connect using your LAN, rather than a dial-up connection with a service provider.

In Windows 95 only, if you do use a dial-up connection and you're on a LAN with MS-TCP/IP and a network adapter, you might have conflicts with your DNS configuration. Talk to your network administrator about it, and also see "DNS configuration in Windows 95" in User's Guide for more information.

Installing Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition

Follow these steps to install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition:

  1. Make sure your modem is ready. (See "What about my modem?" on page 10 for a checklist.)
  2. Run Windows 95 or Windows 3.1, and close all open applications.
  3. If you're upgrading from a previous version of Netscape Navigator Personal Edition or Dial-Up Edition, see "If you have a previous version of Netscape Navigator Personal Edition or Dial-Up Edition" on page 11 before you continue.
  4. Place the Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition CD in your CD-ROM drive.
    1. Windows 95 users: Click Start|Run.

      Windows 3.1 users: Click File|Run.

    2. In the Command Line box, type the following:

      where "D" represents the letter of your CD-ROM drive

    3. Click OK.

  5. Install Wizard appears. Your next step depends on whether you use Windows 95 or Windows 3.1.

Windows 95 Install Wizard

The following table contains descriptions of all the Install Wizard screens and messages that a user might see; however, most users won't see all of the screens.

Note: If you see a screen in the following table that doesn't appear on your computer screen, just skip it and go to the next one.

Install Wizard screen

In the introductory screen, you're reminded to close any open applications. If you have open applications, click Cancel to exit Install Wizard, close applications, and repeat steps 4 through 6 in the list under "Installing Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition." Otherwise, click Next to continue.

If you previously installed version 1.1 of Netscape Navigator Personal Edition, you'll be asked if it's OK to deinstall it. You must opt to deinstall version 1.1 before you can install this new version. When you deinstall version 1.1, Install Wizard will transfer your bookmarks, Dialer setup, and Navigator preferences to the new version. Click Next to continue.

You'll see an additional screen that tells you which system files will be modified. Click Next to continue. After the files are modified, you'll see confirmation of which files were changed. Click Next to continue.

You're asked where you want to install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition. Install Wizard is pre-set with a suggested directory. If you're installing for the first time, or if you're upgrading, it's a good idea to install in the suggested directory. To install in a different directory, click Browse and select another directory. When you're ready, click Next.

If you've never installed Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking before, you'll see a screen asking whether you want to install it. You need to install Dial-Up Networking so your dial-up connection will work. Click Yes, get out your Windows 95 CD (you'll need it for installation), and follow instructions on your screen.

When you're done installing Dial-Up Networking and Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition, you'll see an Install Wizard screen asking whether you want to restart your computer. You must restart your computer before you can use Account Setup Wizard and complete your Internet connection. Install Wizard makes this easy for you--you can restart your computer from this screen. Just click Yes, I want to restart my computer now, then click Finish. Then follow instructions in the following section, "What's next for Windows 95 users."

Important: If you have unsaved information in other open applications, you should not restart your computer from this screen. Instead, follow these steps:
  1. Click No, I'll restart later, then click Finish.
  2. Save information in your open applications, then close the applications.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Follow instructions in the following section, "What's next for Windows 95 users."

You're notified when Install Wizard is done. Click OK. Then follow instructions in the following section, "What's next for Windows 95 users."

What's next for Windows 95 users

When you finish Install Wizard, Account Setup Wizard will start..

Note: If you installed Dial-Up Networking as part of installation, you must restart your computer before Account Setup Wizard will start.

Follow the instructions in "Account Setup Wizard," starting on page 13.

Windows 3.1 Install Wizard

The following table contains descriptions of all the Install Wizard screens and messages that a user might see; however, most users won't see all of the screens.

Note: If you see a screen in the following table that doesn't appear on your computer screen, just skip it and go to the next one.

If you use Win32s software (to run Windows 95 programs in Windows 3.1), first see page 61 in User's Guide.

Install Wizard screen

The introductory screen reviews the steps for installing and setting up Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition. Click Next to continue.

If you previously installed version 1.1 of Netscape Navigator Personal Edition, you'll be asked if it's OK to deinstall it. You must opt to deinstall version 1.1 before you can install this new version. When you deinstall version 1.1, Install Wizard will transfer your bookmarks, Dialer setup, and Navigator preferences to the new version. Click Next to continue.

You'll see an additional screen that tells you which system files will be modified. Click Next to continue. After the files are modified, you'll see confirmation of which files were changed. Click Next to continue.

What kind of installation do you want?

Typical. Most users will choose Typical. This choice installs the software you need for an Internet connection. You'll get the Netscape Dialer (special software that helps you connect to a service provider). You'll also get Account Setup Wizard, which sets up your Internet connection, and Netscape Navigator.

Custom. This choice installs just Netscape Navigator. If you have your own networking software, and you want to create your own dial-up connection, click this choice. If you're going to connect to the Internet using a local area network (LAN), you might also choose this installation. Check with your network administrator.

In what directory do you want to install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition? Install Wizard is pre-set with a suggested directory. If you're installing for the first time, or if you're upgrading, it's a good idea to install in the suggested directory. To install in a different directory, click Browse and select another directory. When you're ready, click Next.

Wait while Install Wizard installs Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition.

When Install Wizard is done, you must restart Windows before you continue setting up Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition. Install Wizard makes this easy for you-you can restart Windows from this screen. Just click Yes, I want to restart Windows now, then click Finish. Then follow instructions in the following section, "What's next for Windows 3.1 users."

Important: If you have unsaved information in other open applications, you should not restart Windows from this screen. Instead, follow these steps:
  1. Click No, I'll restart later, then click Finish.
  2. Save information in your open applications, then close the applications.
  3. Restart Windows.
  4. Follow instructions in the following section, "What's next for Windows 3.1 users."

What's next for Windows 3.1 users

After you finish Install Wizard and restart Windows, you must run Account Setup Wizard. To run Account Setup Wizard, follow these steps:

  1. You'll see a new program group titled Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition in Program Manager. Open this group if it's not already open.
  3. Double-click the Account Setup Wizard icon. Account Setup Wizard appears.
  4. Follow the instructions in "Account Setup Wizard," starting on page 13.

What about my modem?

Your modem is an important part of your Internet connection, and it's important to set it up correctly. Here's a modem checklist to help you.

Check off this item Internal modems External modems
Physically install the modem according to manufacturer's instructions. Either have your modem professionally installed, or do it yourself. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Take your modem out of the box and make sure you have all the necessary cables.
Connect the modem. Plug the phone line into the modem jack on the back of your computer. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. First connect the modem to the computer; then plug the phone line into the modem. Finally, plug the modem into a power outlet.
Turn on the modem. If your computer is on, your modem is also on. Flip the "on" switch on the modem.
Install special modem software if it came with your modem. yes yes
Keep the modem's packaging and literature for future reference. yes yes

If you have a previous version of Netscape Navigator Personal Edition or Dial-Up Edition

If you're upgrading from a previous version of Netscape Navigator Personal Edition or Dial-Up Edition, here's what will happen when you install this new version into the same directory as your previous installation:

Important: It's always a good idea to install this new version of Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition in the same directory as your previous installation.

Depending on whether you're a Windows 95 or Windows 3.1 user, read one of the following sections for more information about upgrading.

For Windows 95 users

In Windows 95, Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition uses Dial-Up Networking to connect you to your service provider. If you've never used Dial-Up Networking before, you'll be prompted to insert your Windows 95 disks or CD when you install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition. Make sure you have your Windows 95 disks or CD nearby when you start installing.

From Windows 3.1 to Windows 95

If you're upgrading from a Windows 3.1 version of Netscape Navigator Personal Edition or Dial-Up Edition to a Windows 95 version, the new version will use Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking, rather than the Netscape Dialer, to connect you to your service provider.

Because you previously used a Windows 3.1 version of Netscape Navigator Personal Edition or Dial-Up Edition, you have some Netscape Dialer connection files on your computer. When you run Account Setup Wizard, you'll have the option of upgrading these connection files. If you upgrade, your service provider account information will be transferred to Dial-Up Networking. This way, you won't have to enter this account information yourself. And just so you know: Your old Netscape Dialer connection files will remain in the NETSCAPE\DIALER directory, but won't be used to connect you to the Internet.

For Windows 3.1 users

When you upgrade to this new version under Windows 3.1, you can still use your previous dial-up connection to your service provider.

From version 1.1

If you're upgrading from Netscape Navigator Personal Edition version 1.1 specifically, Install Wizard will ask you if you want to deinstall version 1.1. You must deinstall version 1.1 before you can install version 3.0. Install Wizard will preserve your bookmarks, Dialer configuration, and Navigator preferences.


If you're using Win32s version 1.15 or earlier, you must either upgrade to a later version or disable Win32s before you install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition. For more information, see "If you have Win32s installed" on page 47 of the User's Guide.

What's next

After you install Netscape Navigator Dial-Up Edition, your next step is to run Account Setup Wizard and set up your Internet connection. Turn to "Account Setup Wizard" on page 13 for important instructions on using Account Setup Wizard.

If you've already completed Account Setup Wizard, you can install more cool software. See page 37 for more information.

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