Fiasco Release 2.2 ================== Due to the size of the distribution, the Fiasco distribution has been divided into several parts: Fiasco_main.lha Contains the main program, libraries, locale catalogs and example databases. Fiasco_doc_eng.lha Contains the english documentation in AmigaGuide and TeX-DVI format. Fiasco_doc_deu.lha Contains the german documentation in AmigaGuide and TeX-DVI format. Legal Things ------------ The Program "Fiasco" and associated files, hereafter called Fiasco, are provided "as is". No representations or warranties are made regarding to accuracy, reliability or correctness of Fiasco, either expressed or implied. In no case am I responsible for any damages caused by this software. If you store important data on your computer, you should create in any case backup copies of these data! Fiasco is not Public Domain. I reserve all rights. Fiasco Copyright © 1995-1998 Nils Bandener. Fiasco may be redistributed under the following conditions: · The program package has to be complete. Starting with release 2.0, the distribution has been due to its size divided into several parts. The archive Fiasco_main.lha contains the main program, libraries, locale catalogs and example databases. The archives Fiasco_doc_eng.lha and Fiasco_doc_deu.lha contain the Fiasco documentation in the respective languages in AmigaGuide and TeX-DVI format. Because of the seperate archives for documentation, the main archive does not contain any documentation. Thus, you must distribute at least one of the language archives. It is still strongly recommended, that you distribute all archives of the Fiasco distribution, especially when you distribute Fiasco on a CD-ROM. Distributing Fiasco in unarchived form is allowed, as long you keep the conditions stated above. · Fiasco may not be distributed for commercial purposes without a written permission by the author. This includes the distribution of Fiasco for excessively high prices. You may only charge a small fee for media and copying. The distribution on CD-ROMs is allowed, if the price of a single CD-ROM is not higher than USD 20 or DM 30. Distribution on cover disks or cover CDs of magazines is allowed, if the price of the magazine is less than USD 10 or DM 12 in the case of floppy disks or USD 12 or DM 16 in the case of compact disks. I grant herby special permission to distribute Fiasco on the "Meeting Pearls" CD-ROMs and on the "Aminet" CD-ROMs. There is a special floppy disk based distribution of Fiasco 2.2. It consists of two disks with archived contents and an installer script which has been adapted to handle extraction and installation automatically. This distribution is not available via Aminet. If you are interested in it, send me a mail and the shipping costs listed in the Registration Form. You will also recieve this distribution if you order a registered Fiasco version on DD disks. If you include Fiasco in your PD collection, coverdisk, etc. and a copy is left over, you may feel free to send me this copy. The keyfile, which you recieve after registering for Fiasco, is not freely redistributable. You may use it only on your own computer system. Manipulating the keyfile is also prohibited. textfield.gadget 3.1 is Copyright © 1995 by Mark Thomas. The complete textfield.gadget distribution, including developer information, can be found on Aminet or on the Aminet Set 2C CD-ROM in dev/gui/textfield.lha. gtlayout.library is by Olaf Barthel. It may be freely distributed and freely used. New versions of the gtlayout.library appear frequently with `term'. WBPath is Copyright © 1994 by Ralph Babel. The WBPath developer information is distributed with Fiasco in the Development/WBPath directory. LX is written by Jonathan Forbes and Copyright © 1993 by Xenomiga Technology. LX is used by the installer script of the Fiasco disk distribution. The complete LX distribution can be found in Aminet or on the Aminet Set 2A CD-ROM in util/arc/lx103.lha. Installer and Installer project icon Copyright © 1995-1996 ESCOM AG. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced and distributed under license from ESCOM AG. Installer software is provided "as-is" and subject to change; no warranties are made. All use is at your own risk. No liability or responsibility is assumed. Shareware --------- Fiasco release 2.2 is shareware. See the documentation and the registration form for information on how to register Fiasco. Support ------- The author can be reached over these addresses: Nils Bandener Dekanatsgasse 4 D-34369 Hofgeismar Germany eMail: Updates ------- New versions of Fiasco will be uploaded to Aminet first. They should be available in the directory biz/dbase. For more information about Aminet, send an eMail with the word Help in the mail body to Mailing List ------------ There is now a mailing list for Fiasco, on which you may ask questions or give hints concerning Fiasco. To subscribe the list, send an eMail with the text "subscribe fiasco" in the mail body to To write messages to the list, send these to If you have problems while subscribing to the mailing list, you may try to subscribe to the backup mailing list. This mailing list will be used in the case when the normal mailing list is be down. Send a mail with the subject "subscribe fiasco" to . Please also read the introduction mail from the mailing list. Word Wide Web ------------- There is also an internet support site for Fiasco. You may obtain the latest news about Fiasco there. The URL is .