Let's Talk About ME! Too v1.0 (c) 1997 Davidson & Associates, Inc. and Simon & Schuster, the publishing operation of Viacom, Inc. ____________________________________________________________ MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 486/66 Mhz. or better Windows 3.1/Windows 95 or higher 8 MB RAM SoundBlaster 16 or 100% SoundBlaster-compatible sound card 2x CD-ROM or faster 256 colors or better ____________________________________________________________ GETTING STARTED: Windows 95 Installation: 1. Place the Let's Talk About ME! Too CD into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop. Double-click the CD-ROM icon titled About_ME2. 3. Double-click the SETUP.EXE icon and follow the on-screen prompts. 4. If you have installed Let's Talk About ME!, the installation will find the correct directory and install Let's Talk About ME! Too in the same place. 5. At the end of the installation, you will have the option to register your product by modem. If you have a modem and wish to register your copy of Let's Talk About ME! Too, click the Yes button. Follow the on-screen prompts. 6. If you do not wish to register at this time, you can always do it later by clicking th eElectronic Registration icon in the Let's Talk About ME program group. 7. To run Let's Talk About ME! Too, make sure you have the CD in the CD-ROM drive. Click the Start button and select Programs then Let's Talk About ME! Too. Click the Let's Talk About ME! Too icon to start the program. Windows 3.x Installation: 1. Place the Let's Talk About ME! Too CD into your CD-ROM drive. 2. From the File menu, select Run. Click the Browse button and select your CD-ROM drive. Double-click on SETUP.EXE. Click OK. 3. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the program. 4. If you have installed Let's Talk About ME!, the installation will find the correct directory and install Let's Talk About ME! Too in the same place. 5. At the end of the installation, you will have the option to register your product by modem. If you have a modem, and wish to register your copy of Let's Talk About ME! Too, click the Yes button. Follow the on-screen prompts. 6. If you do not wish to register at this time, you can always do it later by clicking the Electronic Registration icon in the Let's Talk About ME program group. 7. To run Let's Talk About ME! Too, make sure you have the CD in the CD-ROM drive. Double-click the program group titled "Let's Talk About ME." Click the Let's Talk About ME! Too icon to start the program. ____________________________________________________________ TROUBLESHOOTING: To add your pictures to the Diary: You can add your own pictures into the Diary. Just follow the steps below: 1. Create a new picture that is 100x100 pixels in size. 2. Save your picture as a PICT (or BMP) file and name it Lxxxxxx.PCT (or .BMP) Your filename has to start with an "L"! 3. Resize your picture to be 50x50 pixels in size. 4. Save your picture as a PICT (or BMP) file and name it Txxxxxx.PCT (or .BMP) Your filename has to start with a "T" and the rest of the name has to be exactly the same as the Lxxxxxx.PCT name. For example: Lmydog.pct Tmydog.pct 5. Copy both of these files into your PICS directory. To find the PICS folder on your hard drive, open the folder called "Let's Talk About Me". There will be a folder with your name on it. Open this folder. Then open the folder called PICS. Copy both your files into this directory. 6. Go into the Diary and select My Pictures to see all your pictures you can add to your diary! Notes About Custom Pictures in the Diary: 1. Your display must be running 256 colors to access your pictures in the Diary. 2. If you save Diary pages with your custom pictures, do not delete your custom pictures from your PICS folder. I can't get into the Salon-a-tron: 1. If you are running Windows in higher than 256 colors, you cannot use the Salon-a-tron. Quit Let's Talk About ME! Too and change your color settings in Windows. Refer to your Windows manual for instructions on changing your color depth. ____________________________________________________________ My pictures don't show up in the Salon-a-tron list: 1. Make sure you put your pictures into the right folder. Using Explorer or File Manager, locate the folder on your hard drive where Let's Talk About ME! Too is installed. Open that folder. There should be a folder with your log-in name. Open that folder. Open the Hairstuf folder, then the toTrim folder. Copy your files into the toTrim folder. These files will only be available when you use this login name. 2. Your files need to be in PICT format with the .PCT file extension or Bitmap format with the .BMP file extension. (Example: ME.PCT) If they are in some other format you will need a graphics program to change them to PICT or BMP. 3. If your pictures are larger than 500K in size they will not appear in the Salon-a-tron list. Edit your pictures using any popular graphics program to reduce the size. If you make your picture smaller, decrease the resolution or decrease the color depth, the file size will generaly decrease as well. ____________________________________________________________ UNINSTALL: Windows 95: 1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Go to Start menu and select Programs. Then select the Let's Talk About ME! Too Program Group. 3. Choose "Uninstall-insert CD" and follow the on-screen prompts. 4. If you have any saved files from the Diary or Hairmaster Deluxe, they will not be deleted. You must manually delete these files. Windows 3.x: 1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Go to the Program Manager and select the Let's Talk About ME! Too Program Group. 3. Double-click the "Uninstall-insert CD" icon and follow the on-screen prompts. 4. If you have any saved files from the Diary or Hairmaster Deluxe they will not be deleted. You must manually delete these files. ____________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SUPPORT We hope you have fun with this product. If you have problems while running Let's Talk About ME! Too, please call Technical Support for assistance. Telephone: Call (800) 457-8357 toll-free, or in California (310) 793-0600. Technical Support Hours are: Monday - Friday, 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. Pacific Time E-mail: support@education.com World Wide Web address: http://www.education.com/ ____________________________________________________________ Please visit the Girl Games, Inc. web site for information about us and cool things to do, at: http://www.planetgirl.com/