Body Factory 1. Think ... about what you eat. Do you get a variety of fruits and veggies? Try something new this week, like guava. 2. You Go Girl ... to a yoga class. Or rent a videotape about yoga or some other form of exercise you haven’t tried yet. Give it a shot! See how good it makes you feel! 3. Dear Diary ... “How much exercise do I really get?” Keep a log of your activities for one week, including walking, riding your bike, and anything else that gets your heart beating a little faster. (No, your boyfriend doesn’t count!) 4. Friends ... don’t let friends get bored. Make a pact with a pal to have fun outdoors at least once a week. Ride your bikes, take a walk, hike, or jog. If it’s too cold outside, try ice skating indoors at a rink or free-style aerobics--dancing around in your room to your favorite tunes. 5. Online ... you can always get more info. Has this quiz made you think differently about how you eat and/or exercise? Email us our website. We want to know about any healthy changes you make in your life. 6. Do-over ... as often as you want. Now that you know so much about your body, test your new-found knowledge by taking the quiz again. If your friends are watching, they’ll all be so impressed!