____ _ _ _ / ___| _ __ __ _ ___ | | __ _ __ | | __ _ | | __//____ | | | '__|/ _` | / __|| |/ /| '__|_ | | / _` || |/ / / ___| | |___ | | | (_| || (__ | < | | | |_| || (_| || < \___ \ \____||_| \__,_| \___||_|\_\|_| \___/ \__,_||_|\_\ |____/ Hi, this is my first attempt at a gui(skin) for anything. It's a fresh look to winamp, without goin overboard and making it harder to use. It's dark blue cause thats my favorite color, and a crimson version is in the works. If you like it, then goto my homepage http://crackerjak.dyn.ml.org and e-mail me or sign my guestbook to leave me a message there. Enjoy! (¢: