---------------------------AMP-1101XG---------------------------------- Created by ^Moonman on 3/20/98. All rights reserved. New skin with Green display ( hoscilloscop and text) New buttons (prev, for, play, stop, pause, eq , pl) Installation: unzip the file under the WINAMP\skins directory (i.e C:\winamp\skins\amp1011xg) This is my third skin The first one was the AMP-1101 V. 1.0 ( with the original WINAMP hoscilloscope) The second one was the AMP-1101 V. 1.1 ( orange hoscilloscope) There will be more......... :o) Any comments??? Any plug-ins ? Ideas?? just email me: Rerus@the-spa.com or Moony75@hotmail.com Bye -------------------------------------------------------------------