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The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ

Susan G. Kleinmann (,
Sven Rudolph (, and
Joost Witteveen (

01 May 1997

This document answers questions frequently asked about Debian GNU/Linux. (See section copyrights for the Copyright details.)

1. Meta-questions

2. Definitions and Overview

3. Hardware Requirements

4. Compatibility issues

5. Software available in the Debian system

6. Basics of the Debian Package Management System

7. The Debian Package Management Tools

8. Getting and Installing Debian GNU/Linux

9. Keeping Your Debian System Up To Date

10. Debian and the kernel

11. Customizing your installation of Debian GNU/Linux

12. Getting support for Debian Linux

13. The Debian Bug Report System

14. Contributing to the Debian project

15. Redistributing Debian GNU/Linux in a commercial product

16. What kind of changes should I expect to see in the next major release of Debian Linux?

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