Filename: umoria/arc Size: 273k Short: A Dungeons and Dragons type search for a magic potion. UMORIA: Archimedes conversion by Edouard Poor This is a conversion of a sort of adventure game. Each level of the dungeon is generated randomly each time you move to different level. Most of the rules of Dungeons and Dragons apply, and many of the monsters, weapons and spells available in Dungeons and Dragons can be found somewhere in the dungeon. The rules of D&D are followed reasonably closely. The ultimate challenge in this game is to defeat the Balrog. This should not be attempted until you are able to brush aside ordinary dragons with almost no effort at all. The 'Monster Memory' will remember details of monsters you have previously encountered, in this life or in previous games - this means that you don't need to make notes about which monsters score most points or have special attacks, anything you've ever seen a monster do is remembered for you. E.g:- The Violet Mold: At least 96 of these creatures have been killed by contributors to your monster memory. It is normally found at depths of 750 feet, and moves at normal speed, but does not deign to chase intruders. A kill of this creature is worth 31.25 points for a 24th level character. It is magical, casting spells which drain mana; 1 time in 9. It has an armour rating of 15 and a life rating of 17d8. It is susceptible to fire. It can hit to paralyse with damage 1d2. Suggested location: /pub/archimedes/games/