Clearing - Breaking Up Concrete

   There's no easy way around it--removing existing concrete patios, driveways, and pathways is hard work. Whether or not you can do it by yourself depends on the thickness of the concrete and the strength of your back.
   If the concrete is under 3 inches thick, you can break it up with a sledgehammer. Go to an edge and with a shovel dig a short distance under the concrete. Pry it up, then swing away. A pry bar will help you separate the pieces.
   For bigger jobs, rent an electric jackhammer or pneumatic jackhammer.


   Wear safety goggles, thick gloves and heavy work boots.

Safety-related resources on the Web:
Index of Occupational Safety and Health Resources (
National Safety Council (
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (
Other safety Web sites

Tools and Materials

scoop shovel
steel rake

Tool and hardware-related resources on the Web