C programming

This C programming page contains only C projects with no C++ elements. These projects
were written with Pelles C IDE for Windows 64 bit architecture.
You can also use LLC-Win64 C compiler system to create and compile the projects.
 All examples are free in any use.




























     This simple graphics tutorial shows how to center window on
  the screen and draw filled shape functions.  

     Typer is a simple text tutorial which demonstrates how to get input             
  characters from the keyboard and display them in the window client

     This tutorial shows how to create and use windows button controls.
   It includes a button, check box, radio button and groupbox controls.

     This simple tutorial demonstrates how to work with windows edit
   and static controls.

     Combo box is a simple combo box tutorial.

     This tutorial shows how simple to work with windows list box

     The scroll bar tutorial demonstrates how to use windows scroll bar

     This is a resource tutorial which demonstrates how to use windows
    resources: icons, cursors, menus, bitmaps and text strings.

     This simple mouse tutorial shows how to use mouse and process
    mouse messages.
     Child windows tutorial demonstrates how to create and use child
    windows. Child windows can be used to create your own controls
    for different demands.

     This dialog tutorial shows how to create your own dialog window
    using a resource template.     
     This tutorial demonstrates how to use Open and Save dialog boxes
    to get filenames.  

     Color dialog tutorial shows how to use a Color dialog box to
    select a color that is used to draw the text and its background. 

     This font tutorial shows how to use a Font dialog box to choose
    font and its color.

     This simple tutorial demonstrates how to use a shortcut menu.
     A shortcut menu is a menu to be displayed when the user clicks
    the right mouse button in the window.
     This tutorial shows how to open and create files. It also shows
    how to use an edit control to view, edit and save text files.  

     Status window tutorial shows how to create a status bar,
    a horizontal window at the bottom of a parent window.

     This tutorial demonstrates how to create and use a toolbar, to add
    buttons to it and set their bitmap.   

     This tutorial shows how to use up-down, trackbar and progress
    bar controls.

     This tree-view tutorial shows how to use a tree-view control, to set
    its items and process messages.
     This is a simple list view tutorial. It demonstrates only basic code
    to create and use a list view control.

     This tutorial shows how to create and use a tab control.

     Property sheet tutorial shows how to use the pages of dialog boxes
    with controls. They allow the user to view and edit the properties
    of items.  
     This tutorial shows basics about threads. Threads can be used to
    perform long calculations and tasks in the background without freezing
    graphical interface.

     This is a DLL tutorial which shows how to write and use
    Dynamic-Link Libraries .dll files.        

     This Multiple Document Interface windows tutorial shows basics about
    creating MDI applications. MDI interface enables to work with more
    than one document at the same time.

     This tutorial is an introduction to the Windows Sockets programming
    interface, Winsock. This is a simple example of hostname to
    ip address resolution.

Copyright ⌐ Evgeney Kupin 2013