6.2.12 The reget and reput commands: resuming file transfers

If a file transfer fails half way through, and you end up with half the file stored on your disk, you can resume the file transfer using the reget and reput commands. These work exactly like the get and put commands, but they check for the presence of the half-written destination file and start transferring from where the last attempt left off.

The syntax of reget and reput is exactly the same as the syntax of get and put:

reget myfile.dat
reget myfile.dat newname.dat
reget -r mydir

These commands are intended mainly for resuming interrupted transfers. They assume that the remote file or directory structure has not changed in any way; if there have been changes, you may end up with corrupted files. In particular, the -r option will not pick up changes to files or directories already transferred in full.