7.5 Using Plink with WinCVS

Plink can also be used with WinCVS. Firstly, arrange for Plink to be able to connect to a remote host non-interactively, as described in section 7.2.2.

Then, in WinCVS, bring up the ‘Preferences’ dialogue box from the Admin menu, and switch to the ‘Ports’ tab. Tick the box there labelled ‘Check for an alternate rsh name’ and in the text entry field to the right enter the full path to plink.exe. Select ‘OK’ on the ‘Preferences’ dialogue box.

Next, select ‘Command Line’ from the WinCVS ‘Admin’ menu, and type a CVS command as in section 7.4, for example:

cvs -d :ext:user@hostname:/path/to/repository co module

or (if you're using a saved session):

cvs -d :ext:user@sessionname:/path/to/repository co module

Select the folder you want to check out to with the ‘Change Folder’ button, and click ‘OK’ to check out your module. Once you've got modules checked out, WinCVS will happily invoke plink from the GUI for CVS operations.