Using Log Files

The IO-Link Master provides four different log files. For information about the log file types, see Log Files. Log files are intended to be used by Technical Support in the event there is a problem.

You can use the following procedures to:

View a Log File

Use this procedure to view a log file.

  1. Select the log file type from the drop-list.

  2. Click the REFRESH button.

  3. Optionally, export the log file.

Clear a Log File

Use this procedure to clear a log file.

  1. Optionally, export the log file.

  2. Select the log file type from the drop-list.

  3. Click the CLEAR button.

The log file automatically starts logging the latest information.

Export a Log File

Use the following procedure to export a log file.

  1. Select the log file type from the drop-list.

  2. Click the EXPORT button.

  3. Click the Save button drop-list and click Save to save it to your user folder or Save as to browse to or create a new folder.