Uploading Software

You can use the appropriate procedure to update the IO-Link Master software or optionally, you can use PortVision DX. For information about images and applications, you can refer to the Software discussion.

You must sign in with administrative privileges to update software.

Uploading Images

Use this procedure to upload images using the Software page.

  1. Download the latest image from the Comtrol Corporation ftp site.

  2. Click Advanced and Software.

  3. Click the UPDATE link next to the image you want to update.

  4. Click the Browse button (or Choose File, depending on the web browser), navigate to the file location, highlight the image file, and click Open.

  5. Click the Install button.

  6. Click the CONTINUE button to the Update Image message.

  7. Click Ok to close the Update Image Successful message.

Uploading Applications

Use this procedure to upload applications using the Software page.

  1. Download the latest application from the Comtrol Corporation ftp site.

  2. Click Advanced and Software.

  3. Click the Browse button (Choose File, depending on the web browser) under Update Application, navigate to the file location, highlight the image file, and click Open.

  4. Click the Install button.

  5. Click the CONTINUE button to the Update Application message.

  6. Click Ok to close the Update Application Successful message.