IO-Link (Diagnostics)

The IO-Link Diagnostics page provides the following information. You can refer to IO-Link Settings, if you need additional information about changing IO-Link configuration parameters.

Click the PAUSE LIVE UPDATES button to pause the diagnostic data collection. Click the RESUME button restart the data collection.

Click the RESET STATISTICS button to reset the values and gather the latest statistics.


IO-Link Diagnostics Descriptions

Port Mode

Displays the active Device Mode:

  • Reset û The port is configured to disable all functionality.

  • IO-Link û The port is configured to IO-Link mode.

  • Digital In û The port is configured to operate as a digital input.

  • Digital Out û The port is configured to operate as a digital output.

Port Status

Displays the Port Status:

  • Inactive û The port is in active state. Typically, this indicates that the device is either not attached or not detected.

  • Initializing û The port is in the process of initializing.

  • Operational û The port is operational and, if in IO-Link mode, communications to the IO-Link device has been established.

  • PDI Valid û The PDI data is now valid.

  • Fault û The port has detected a fault and is unable to re-establish communications.

Device Vendor Name

Displays the Device Vendor Name as stored in ISDU index 16.

Device Product Name

The Device Product Name as stored in ISDU index 18.

Device Serial Number

The Device Serial Number as stored in ISDU index 21.

Device Hardware Version

The Device Hardware Version as stored in ISDU Index 22.

Device Firmware Version

The Device Firmware Version as stored in ISDU Index 23.

Device IO-Link Version

The supported Device IO-Link Version as stored in ISDU Index 0.

Auxiliary Bit Status

The current status of the auxiliary bit as received on Pin 2 of the IO-Link port.

Device PDI Data Length

The supported Device PDI Data Length, in bytes, as stored in ISDU Index 0.

PDI Data Valid

Current status of PDI data as received from the IO-Link device.

Last Rx PDI Data (MS Byte First)

The last Rx PDI data as received frm the IO-Link devices.

Device PDO Data Length

The supported Device PDO Data Length, in bytes, as stored in ISDU Index 0.

Lost PDO Controller(s) Errors

The number of times that the PDO controller(s) were present and then lost connection.

PDO Data Valid

Status of PDO data being received from controller(s).

Last Tx PDO Data (MS Byte First)

The last Tx PDO data.

Time Since Initialization

The time since the last port initialization.

Lost Communication Count

The number of times that communication has been lost to the IO-Link device.

Initialization Attempts

The number of times the IO-Link port was initialized.

Initialization Errors

The number of port initialization errors that occurred.

Process Data Errors

The number of process data errors the port received.

Process Data Retries

The number of process data retries the port performed.

Internal Communication Errors

The number of IO-Link Master internal communication errors that occurred on this port.

Device Communication Errors

The number of device specific communication errors that occurred.

ISDU Read Cmd Attempts

The number of read ISDU command attempts.

ISDU Read Cmd Errors

The number of read ISDU command errors.

Minimum ISDU Read Cmd Resp Time

The minimum, or shortest, read ISDU command response time.

Maximum ISDU Read Cmd Resp Time

The maximum, or longest, read ISDU command response time.

Average ISDU Read Cmd Resp Time

The average ISDU read command response time.

Average ISDU Read Cmd Byte Time

The average per-byte read ISDU response time.

ISDU Write Cmd Attempts

The number of write ISDU command attempts.

ISDU Write Cmd Errors

The number of write ISDU command errors.

Minimum ISDU Write Cmd Resp Time

The minimum, or shortest, write ISDU command response time.

Maximum ISDU Write Cmd Resp Time

The maximum, or longest, write ISDU command response time.

Average ISDU Write Cmd Resp Time

The average ISDU write command response time.

Average ISDU Write Cmd Byte Time

The average per-byte ISDU write response time.

Total Events

The total number of events that were received on this port.

First  Events

Up to the first, or oldest, three events that were received on this port.

Last Events

Up to the last, or most recent, three events that were received on this port.