Modbus/TCP Settings

The following table provides detailed information about the Modbus/TCP Settings Configuration page options. You can refer to Configuring Modbus/TCP Settings for configuration procedures.

If you want detailed information about the IO-Link Master to Modbus/TCP interface, see the IO-Link Master Modbus/TCP Reference Manual.


Modbus/TCP Configuration Descriptions

ISDU Data Settings

ISDU Response Timeout (1-10000)

(Default = 20 seconds)

The time that the IO-Link MasterÆs Modbus/TCP interface waits for a response to an ISDU request. The timeout needs to set long enough to allow all commands within the ISDU request to be processed.

Process Data Settings

PDI Data Block Size (To PLC)

(Default: 36-bytes)

This is the configurable PDI data block length. Optional lengths are:

  • 4-bytes (header only)

  • 8-bytes (4 bytes data)

  • 16-bytes (12 bytes data)

  • 24-bytes (20 bytes data)

  • 36-bytes (32 bytes data)

PDI Byte-Swap Method

(Default: No byte swap)

If enabled, the IO-Link Master swaps the data bytes in word (2 byte) format or dword (4 byte) format. Options include:

  • No byte-swap - data passed through as received

  • Word (16-bit) byte-swap - data is byte-swapped in word format

  • Dword (32-bit) byte-swap - data is byte-swapped in dword format


  • Because both IO-Link and Modbus/TCP use big-endian byte ordering, byte swapping typically is not required for word and dword data.

  • Byte swapping is most commonly required when receiving byte (8-bit) data and it is desired to place the first data byte in the least significant byte position of the holding register. For these cases, word (16 bit) byte-swap is typically used.

PDO Data Block Size (From PLC)

(Default: 32-bytes)

This is the configurable PDO data block length.

Optional lengths that do not include the event code are:

  • 4-bytes = 2 data words

  • 8-bytes = 4 data words

  • 16-bytes = 8 data words

  • 24-bytes = 12 data words

  • 32-bytes = 16 data words

  • 34-bytes = 16 data words, 1 pad word

Optional lengths that include the event code are:

  • 4-bytes = event code word, 1 data word

  • 8-bytes = event code  word, 3 data words

  • 16-bytes = event code word, 7 data words

  • 24-bytes = event code word, 11 data words

  • 32-bytes = event code word, 15 data words

  • 34-bytes = event code word, 16 data words

PDO Byte-Swap Method

(Default: No byte-swap)

If enabled, the IO-Link Master swaps the data bytes in word (2 byte) format or dword (4 byte) format.

Options include:

  • No byte-swap - data passed through as received

  • Word (16-bit) byte-swap - data is byte-swapped in word format

  • Dword (32-bit) byte-swap - data is byte-swapped in dword format

Because both IO-Link and Modbus/TCP use big-endian byte ordering, byte swapping typically is not required for word and dword .

Append PDO to PDI Data

(Default: False)

If selected, the IO-Link Master appends any PDO data to the end of the PDI data.

  • False-Do not append PDO data

  • True-Append PDO data

Clear Event Code In PDO Block

(Default: False)

If enabled, the IO-Link Master expects the first word of the PDO block to be used for event code handling. Valid values are:

  • True  = expect event code

  • False = no event code, expect only PDO data

Clear Event Code After Hold Time

(Default: True)

If enabled, the IO-Link Master will clear any event code reported in the PDI data block after the Event Active Hold Time. Valid values are:

  • True  = clear event code after hold time

  • False = do not clear event code after hold time

Active Event Hold Time (1-65535)

(Default: 1000ms)

If Clear Event Code After Hold time is enabled, the time period an event code is reported in the PDI block before it is cleared. Valid units are:

  • ms (milliseconds)

  • sec (seconds)

  • min (minutes)

  • hours

  • days

Clear Event Hold Time (1-65535)

(Default: 500ms)

Once an event code clears, the time an event code stays cleared in the PDI block before another event code is reported. Valid units are:

  • ms (milliseconds)

  • sec (seconds)

  • min (minutes)

  • hours

  • days

Transfer Mode Settings

Slave Mode Device ID (1-247)

(Default: 1)

The Modbus Device ID used to access this IO-Link port.

PDI Receive Mode(s) (To PLC)

(Default: Slave)

This determines which PDI Receive (To PLC) Modes are enabled. Selectable modes are:

  • Slave

  • Disabled

Note: Not selecting Slave mode disables Modbus/TCP access to the PDI data block.

PDO Transmit Mode(s) (From PLC)

(Default: Slave)

Selectable modes are:

  • Disabled

  • Slave