----------------------------------------------------------- Sonork External Applications Support ----------------------------------------------------------- The sys.ini and usr.ini files contain the applications that may be launched from within Sonork; they may be modified to add your own applications. sys.ini is created and replaced by the installer. usr.ini you must create manually and is not modified when re-installing. The application code should be listed under [Apps] and have value '1' to be active and also have a corresponding section named after the code. The application code is simply an arbitrary name you give to your entries and must be less than 32 characters long. See the sys.ini file for working examples and feel free to send us your application's entries in order to make Sonork detect it. We will try to include them in the next release. Visit the Developer Zone at http://www.sonork.com ------------------------------ MAIN.CMD SERVER.CMD CLIENT.CMD ------------------------------ Specify the command Sonork will use to start the application from the main console (MAIN.CMD), in server mode (SERVER.CMD) and in client mode (CLIENT.CMD). The mode is decided by the user when launching the application. These lines may contain replaceable variables (explained below) Example: -------- MAIN.CMD=C:\\MyApp.EXE or CLIENT.CMD=""%path"" (%path is a replaceable variable) ------------------------------ MAIN.ICON ------------------------------ Icon index. The icon will be obtained from the application specified by MAIN.CMD. ------------------------------ FLAGS ------------------------------ Comma separated list of flags that specify behaviour/capabilities. * MainCtx Application should appear in main console and has a MAIN.CMD and MAIN.ICON, if specified, will indicate icon index. * UserCtx Indicates that the application does something with a user's information, it will appear in user-context 'Applications' menu and has one or both CLIENT.CMD and/or SERVER.CMD lines. * RemoteStart Application can be remote started. If user starts application in CLIENT mode, the remote user will be requested to start his/her application in SERVER mode and vice-versa. If this flag is set, both CLIENT.CMD and SERVER.CMD are required. * NeedAddr The application requires the remote user's (valid) network address. * NeedOnline The application requires that Sonork is connected. Example: -------- flags=MainCtx Application will appear under "Applications" in the messenger flags=UserCtx,NeedAddr Application will appear under "Applications" in the user's context menu and requires that the selected user has a valid network address flags=UserCtx,MainCtx,NeedAddr,RemoteStart Appears in both main and user context, needs a valid address and can be remote started. ------------------------------ NAME ------------------------------ Label that will be displayed on the interface. Add additional language-dependent labels by suffixing language code. Example: -------- Name=Friend Name.es=Amigo Name.de=Freund ------------------------------ STARTDELAY ------------------------------ When starting a server, Sonork will wait the seconds specified by this variable before starting the client. Example: -------- StartDelay=10 ------------------------------ REPLACEABLE VARIABLES ------------------------------ Variable start with a percentage sign (%) and may be included in the ".CMD" lines. These values are resolved at run-time using the "v."-prefixed lines in the same section. If a run-time variable cannot be resolved, the ".CMD" line is ignored (as if it did not exist) Example: MAIN.CMD=""%path"" v.path=C:\MyApp.exe ------------------------------ VALUES PREFIX ------------------------------ Variables starting with these special prefixes are treated differently. EXE:RV:Executable relative value ------- v.path=EXE:RV:notepad.exe Search path for "notepad.exe". Value is full path. If not found, resolution fails. EXE:AV:Executable absolute value ------- v.path=EXE:AV:C:\notepad.exe Value is the exact path. If path does not exist, resolution fails. REG:RV:Registry relative value ------- v.path=REG:RV:HCR\callto\Shell\Open\Command Path is "(default)" value for Key. If key does not exist or does not have a default value, resolution fails. REG:AV:Registry absolute value ------- v.path=REG:AV:HLM\SOFTWARE\MyApp\Path Path is string stored in registry path. Only strings supported. If key does not exist or not a string, resolution fails. Note: The REG:XX: lines use HLM, HCR and HCU as aliases for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and HKEY_CURRENT_USER respectively. XOR:Multi resolution ------- XOR allow to test values and fail resolution only if ALL values in the XOR list fail. Sonork will use the first resolved value. Up to 4 options may be specified. v.path=XOR:path1,path2 v.path1=EXE:AV:C:\MyApp.exe v.path2=EXE:AV:C:\MyOldApp.exe If path1 exists, value of path will be path1 if path1 does not exist but path2 does, value will be path2 if none exists, resolution fails. VAR:Sonork variable ------- A Sonork variable is derived from the selected user or internal state. v.myvar=VAR: where is one of: user.id : Remote user id user.alias : Remote user alias user.name : Remote user name user.addr.ip : Remote user IP (as resolved by Sonork) user.uts.ip : Remote user IP (as resolved by remote) user.host.ip : Remote user IP (as resolved by server) prof.id : Local user id prof.alias : Local user alias prof.name : Local user name prof.uts.ip : Local user IP (as resolved by local) prof.host.ip : Local user IP (as resolved by server) ----------------------------------------------------------- End of readme -----------------------------------------------------------