
FWCalendar is localized for several languages (currently English, German, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, French, Norsk, and Portugese) by including the proper translations for month names, weekday names, and requester strings in the FWCTranslations.txt file. Not speaking any of these languages other than English, I relied on help from people using these macros or used the translation utility available from Alta Vista to translate the information. Without your help, I have no way of confirming the accuracy of these translations.

In addition to New Year's Day and Christmas, national holidays or celebration days are listed for many countries: America, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Scotland, Spain, and Sweden. Much of the information for this area was obtained from The Worldwide Holiday & Festival Site. I would appreciate your contributions for other countries. Please email me the "highlights" for your country and I will update the available preference files.

To see the variables that can be localized, look at the FWCTranslations.txt file in the American folder or, if it exists, in the folder for any of the supported countries.