Highlights of Amiga Active CD 15

Here are a few highlights of this Amiga Active CD. This is only to get you started, the whole CD is packed with useful and entertaining material. These highlights contain a few pointers, but half the fun is in exploring the CD yourself.

We have a special version of MorphOS, the PPC Amiga operating system. This has a longer timeout than the current public release as well as some other differences. This version is currently only available on this Amiga Active CD, although it will be available for download from the MorphOS web site some time after the magazine is published.

Demos of Earth2140 and Exodus
Check out these two new games, before they are released. These playable demos should whet your appetite for the real things when they are released.

Home Automation
Read the feature on home automation and controlling your Amiga from afar, then try it for yourself. All the software needed to do this in on the Amiga Active CD this month.

Web sites, mailing lists, for sale and wanted adverts. The Information drawer has plenty from the Internet and some besides. Read what others think of Amiga Active in the archive of our mailing list. If you are online, you can join in by subscribing at http://www.egroups.com/subscribe/amigactive

This drawer is on every AACD and contains a range of essential programs. If you get stuck, or you need to start again after a hard drive problem, this is the place to look.

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