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Amiga introduces Windows Development Environment for Multi-platform Applications

The Amiga Software Development Kit for Windows allows pure multi-platform Amiga applications to be developed on Windows. Now users of Windows can join Linux users in developing for the Amiga Digital Environment. Read More.

Amiga Announces the AmigaOne
In an announcement from the Alternative Computing Expo in Melbourne Australia, Amiga today announced plans for its new specification of computers that host the Amiga Digital Environment. Read More or visit the AmigaOne web site.

A Message from Amiga VP of Distributor and Reseller Sales
Petro Tyschtschenko has news about the completion of Amiga Deutschland's contracts and his announcment of retirement. Read More.

A Note to the Community
Amiga mourns the loss of an integral member of the Amiga family, Bob "Coz" Cosby. Read More.

Amiga President Addresses Community in Melbourne
In this Executive Update, Bill McEwen reports his announcements made first at his Alternative Computing Expo keynote address, including Amiga OS 3.9, updates to the Amiga Software Development Kit, and the AmigaOne. Read More.

Want to Know What Amiga is All About?
So the world may know, Amiga is sharing the vision of the new Amiga Digital Environment by revealing precisely its important purpose, amazing advantages, and exciting future. Read More

MeterNet Teams with Amiga to Build Simplebox Internet Devices for Broadband
New, Easy-to-Use, All Solid State Internet Appliance Products Powered By the Next Generation Amiga include streaming and Java support. Read More.

Amiga President Addresses the Community
Bill McEwen addresses Amiga Digital Environment business opportunities, multimedia additions to the Amiga Software Development Kit, and the AmigaOne in this latest Executive Update.

First Wildfire, Now Taifun
Get ready for the new high-end in video and animation special effects. WK Artworks, creators of the much-acclaimed Wildfire effects software, is developing the new state of the art--Taifun--only for the Amiverse. Read More.

Hyperion Entertainment is Bringing the Coolest Games to the New Amiga
Renowned game developer Hyperion, who brought Heretic II to Amiga, has announced a long-term partnership with Amiga to bring leading-edge game titles to the Amiverse. Read More.

IBM DeveloperWorks Gives Amiga Software Development Kit a Thumbs Up
In the second part of a series at the IBM DeveloperWorks Linux Library, the Amiga SDK is examined. The piece exposes the raw cross-platform power of the new Amiga Digital Environment. Read More.

Software Developers' Kit Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers about the Amiga SDK, Amiga graphics, and other Amiga issues using Amiga's new FAQ-o-matic.

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