Welcome to Vision Factory Development's CyberGraphX Version 3 Retargetable Graphics System for ELBOX's Mediator PCI Busboard ©1997-2000 by Vision Factory Development This archive includes a generic driver what should work with most PCI cards based on the S3 ViRGE 86C325 and ViRGE/DX 82C375. The drivers should function with most cards as most have used a reference design standard set by S3 for ViRGE. ************* FREE Custom named V3 driver! FREE *************** CGX Team is keeping a complete list of makes and models of ViRGE (86C325) and ViRGE/DX (82C375) cards that work with the CGX driver. If you find a card that is not on http://www.vgr.com/mediator and you can send us the cards information and maybe a nice picture we will create a custom named V3 driver for you. Please email us at virge@vgr.com with the cards info! Thanks! ********************* CyberGraphX V4 ************************** CGX V4, an expanded and current upgrade to CGX V3, can be bought from one of the many fine Amiga Dealers near you or Stefan Ossowski's Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH (http://www.schatztruhe.de/softe/cgx4.html). V4 includes Hardware Blitter support along with many other things. Please see http://www.vgr.com/v4/ for an overview. Please note that you can't get the 'upgrade' price for V4. The V3 driver are supplied free to you and Elbox. Note: If you are using Release 1 or 2 of the ViRGE drivers, you must remove the ElboxGenericViRGE driver from devs:Monitor, then reinstall. The driver name has changed to MediatorViRGE. INSTALLERS: ----------- Two installers are included with the CGX Elbox archive. You should use the latest installer binary version 43.3. You can find this installer updated by Escom/AMIGA Technologies on Aminet, Installer-43_3.lha CGXV3_install ---------------------------------------------------------------- This will install CGX for the first time on a system. It will copy the correct libraries and files to the correct places. It also sets the tooltypes and environment variables required. You will need to know the MAX KHz for your monitor to set this correctly. CGXV3_Update ---------------------------------------------------------------- This will update your CGX V3 system to the current libraries and monitor files in the archive. REPORTING BUGS: --------------- There is a webpage setup for reporting bugs directly to the CyberGraphX Authors. You can fill out the form fully with all your systems information. You can find it at: http://www.vgr.com/bugform.html WEB PAGES: ---------- http://www.vgr.com/cybergfx Latest CyberGraphX & Amiga Graphic Card Information http://www.vgr.com/mediator Latest Mediator Information http://www.vgr.com Vision Factory Development's Webpage © STUFF: -------- CGX V3 ©1997-2000 by Vision Factory Development CGX Docs/Installer/WebPages ©1994-2000 RCR & FM You must have direct permission from FM/RCR for any type of use! Mediator ©2000 by Elbox Amiga is (TM) by Amiga, Inc.