If you would like to subscribe to the Go Fetch! mailing list to discuss Go Fetch! with other users and the author, or to receive information on new updates, please follow these instructions:.
NB This List Server is still under construction, it may not always behave itself.
Mailing List Subscription Address: GoFetch@bleach.demon.co.uk
Permitted Languages: English
Commands should be sent in the SUBJECT like of messages to the above address. Mail with commands in the subject will NOT be sent to the rest of the list.
Mailing List Commands:
Adds the senders E-Mail address to the list. If you are already subscribed
then Rhyme will ignore this command and pass the mail onto the rest of the
Removes the sender from the list. MUST be the only word in the
Replies with the list of people on the list
Sends the current Help File for the list. MUST be the only word in
the subject.
Problems should be sent to dbny@bleach.demon.co.uk