Highlights of Amiga Active CD 12

Here are a few highlights of this Amiga Active CD. This is only to get you started, the whole CD is packed with useful and entertaining material. These highlights contain a few pointers, but half the fun is in exploring the CD yourself.

Amiga.com web site
Following requests from readers, we now include Amiga's full web site on the CD. We also have copies of the first two issues of their online "Amiga World" magazine in the Information section.

Vapor software, past and present
To go with our interview with Olli Wagner, we include current Vapor and previous Vapor software. See how far programs like Voyager and AmIRC have evolved since the early days.

The Seige for Heretic II
The Seige is a 3rd party add on for Heretic II. We have everything you need to use it with the Amiga version of Heretic II. We also have an update to Heretic II itself.

Article Database
The article database is almost complete now, and has received a few enhancements. Now it is easy to find where a particular item was mentioned in your collection of magazines. You can view the contents of any issue, or you can search the database for a particular product or type of article.

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