History ~~~~~~~ Pre-v1.0 - Old classic Spitfire. Development shall cease with release of SpitfireČ SpitfireČ * All new SpitfireČ. Version numbering shall start at 1.0 V1.0 Pre-Releases 16-01-00 - First beta sent to testers... 17-01-00 - Added scanning of "user" directories when no user.dat file found - Added intro for first time users of SpifireČ (no user.dat or user directory are available) - Fixed some misspellings in the HSM - Fixed typo in HSM calling SpitfireDTM insteasd of SpitfireDAM - Added simple Installation script - HSM gives better feedback when viewing log files now. - Fixed remapping problem with loading disk images for DAM on screens other than the frontmost. Needed to change startup also to accomplish the remapping for Newicons/GlowIcons. - Added ability to set the SpitfireČ data directory via prefs (defaults to "Spitfire:") - HSM assumed that it was located in the Spitfire: directory, so problems would arise with locating resources for itself. Fixed. - HSM had problems creating a user directory if the "users" directory was not present. 18-01-00 - HSM wasn't properly releasing its lock on newly created directories - Added prefs for Installer.desktop - Installer.desktop now remembers last directory used. 19-01-00 - Fixed problem of 'All' category not being the very first one shown, like original Palm applications do. 21-01-00 - System.conduit was freeing memory that was still in use! Fixed. - Modified some of the main sync code within Throttle subtask. - Accidently mixed MUI List with NList commands, and was leading to crashes. - DEBUG mode activated for HSM. 22-01-00 - Fixed problem of HSM not looking in correct directory for conduits when launched from outside the main Spitfire: drawer - Work-around for systems that patch asl.library (MagicASL, RTPatch, etc.) within Install.desktop - Fixed enforcer hit when removing files from Install.desktop - system.conduit will not attempt to backup files that are currently in use/open within PalmOS - Changed all exclusive directory locks to Shared Locks. - HSM will forcefully remove subtask if it refuses to listen to break command (not very elegant, I know...). 23-01-00 - Added category editing to Memo Pad desktop - Removed some references to NList when they should have been to List 24-01-00 - Added category editing to Address Book and To Do List desktop apps - HSM and DAM localized. Still need to localize conduits and desktops - Fixed bug with system.conduit in which it did not properly scan through the PalmOS RAM databases and thus causing problems with backups (i.e. getting stuck on certain files, missing files, etc.) - Changed some internal IDs dealing with MUI, therefore prefs need to be reset if installing over a previous beta. - Began work on AmigaGuide file for SpitfireČ 25-01-00 - When conduits would perform a "Handheld overwrite Amiga" action the old .dat file would still be in place. It is now deleted, and a new .dat file is generated from the backed-up .pdb file. - Disabled "Abort" button in Hotsync. Use Palm "Cancel" until fixed (see "Bugs" below) 02-02-00 - Proper restoring (amiga -> handheld) of database items completed for the memo, todo, and address conduits. - Changed some text items. - Renamed desktop filenames. - All desktop applications can now only be launched once. Attempting to launch them a second time will result in the application's main window popping to front. Same applies to DAM. 05-02-00 - Worked a little more on the AmigaGuide file. - Created AmigaOS 3.5 GlowIcons! 16-02-00 - Syncing of categories was not properly functioning - Memo items from desktop were not being synced 18-02-00 - Conduit information was not properly displayed in window - Localization of conduits 19-02-00 - Localization of Install - Localization of Memo Pad - Localization of Address Book - Localization of To Do List - Selecting cancel for deletion of a category would result in the category being deleted anyways. Fixed for all desktop apps. - Modified and added to AmigaGuide documentation 21-02-00 - Localization of Date Book v1.0 Preview 1 23-02-00 - Public release Preview 2 24-02-00 - Fixed errors with Install.script copying files that I changed filenames. - Fixed filename typo in Install.script - Fixed Install.desktop and conduit not being able to remove files with its delete protection bit not set. Preview 3 26-02-00 - Fixed all applications crashing when attempting to run them more than once. - Fixed desktop applications which were not opening locale.library Preview 4 01-03-00 - Fixed bug with install.script - Fixed bug with HSM causing system havoc when key file not found. Preview 5 08-03-00 - Added Spit_NotifyServer() to spitfireAPI.library - All conduits now log all errors encountered, not just the last one generated. - New additions to catalog developer files. - Restoring of backups was broken in system.conduit. - Updated textinput classes. - Small code changes to DAM. - Icons in DAM should now all be same height (GI images) Preview 6 13-03-00 - Fixed bug in spitfireAPI.library that could lead to crashes. - Updated vapor_toolkit.library - Modified code in install.conduit for installation of files 14-03-00 - System would crash if images for HSM and desktops were not found. - Install.desktop now updates display after a hotsync 15-03-00 - Added progress window to system.conduit for backup/restore - System and install conduits give better feedback to hotsync.log - Modified items from Address, To Do, and Memo were not being updated on Amiga side during HotSync. - Address, To Do, and Memo conduits were passing wrong memory pointer to procedures causing eventual enforcer hits. Preview 7 16-03-00 - Fixed English typo in system.conduit's "partial backup". - Fixed bug in newicon includes I was using. - I seem to have forgotten to update the Install.script in the archive. Opps. Anyways, this script will add the necessary ASSIGN and copy the SpitfireČ folder icon. 17-03-00 - Fixed missing string in spitfiredesktop.cd/.ct files. - Updated Spitfire locale to handle keyboard and menu shortcuts. - HSM prefs window had inactive shortcuts for Port settings. - Added a window ID to the system.conduit progress window. - System.conduit was not properly deleting files there were no longer available on the Palm in Partial and Mirror backups. 18-03-00 - Added more logging function to conduits Preview 8 18-03-00 - Forgot to call the MUI input handler to handle snapshoting of the system.conduit progress window. 20-03-00 - Fixed desktop apps to change database info when changing user. - Install.conduit will now only install supported PalmOS applications (.prc, .pdb, .pqa, .pnc, and .scp files). - Memory allocations were not being properly cleared with category sync and could lead to thrashing of database categories. 22-03-00 - When changing user the last shown category was not being remembered. - Changed users.dat file and all library support code for it. Was done to have HSM recognize Palms by userid and not usernames. - HSM updated to handle userids and changes in usernames. - HSM now sets the lastsyncPC id for your Amiga and on the Palm. - Spitfire will now remember the last active user. - Install.conduit now brings up a progress window. Preview 9 26-03-00 - HSM would crash with no users.dat file. Preview 10 28-03-00 - Desktops would not save data when switching users. 03-04-00 - Fixed typos in catalog files. - Datebook.desktop can now edit/create appointments. - Fixed bug with displaying weekly events in datebook. - Datebook.conduit now syncs events (not tested completely). - Moved expiry date in unreg previews to May 30/00. - Fixed crashing HSM on startup (wrong version made it into the archive). 05-04-00 - Desktops apps would release unallocated memory when existing from a start up error, resulting is a crash of the system. Preview 11 06-04-00 - HSM would crash with no users directory. Opps... Preview 12 08-04-00 - Fixed problems with category syncing in conduits (hopefully). - Hitting Edit in desktop apps when no items in listviews would generate enforcer hits. - Archive includes a new Helvetica/13 font containing PalmOS glyphs. - Desktops and conduits were looking in the wrong PROGDIR: for the locale files. Would only work if catalog files were placed in LOCALE: - 'Listening for Hotsync...' text in HSM and 'None' were not using the catalog translation. 12-04-00 - Added some more strings for translators. - Added category indicator for shown memos and addresses. - Changed layout of About window, somewhat, and cropped SpitfireLogo image. Preview 13 16-04-00 - Forgot to include Ingo Heinicke's excellent Spitfire.font in the archive. 22-04-00 - Updated date.library. - Fixed note editing in Date Book. 29-04-00 - Added translations for desktop applications. This involved changing the internal behaviour of DAM and adding to the API of the conduits. - HSM's Tools menu now has listing of available desktop applications. Preview 14 06-05-00 - Now using PLTAG_SerialTimeout=0 in serial connections. - Recompiled for use with palmlink.library v2.0. 13-05-00 - Reactivated the Abort button in HSM. - Log file reports connection speed of hotsync (MSGID_USER has changed in catalog file, and new strings added) 27-05-00 - Fixed problem of data corruption within the desktop apps if they were open during a hotsync. - Datebook was setting the wrong year for items on the Amiga side of things. Would result in appointments being scattered into the future... - Debuged datebook.conduit for proper HotSync. - Updated installation script for installing of catalogs and fonts - Updated TextInput MCC and palmlink.library in archive. - Added "Home Page" menu item for HSM. - Correct some spelling mistakes for HSM. v1.00 (May 31, 2000) · First public release! v1.1 (June 21, 2000) · Demo expiry date was being incorrectly calculated. · Date & Time conduit sync completed [registered users only] · Re-wrote routines that took into account 'virgin' (ID=0) Palms. Things should be much better now with changing user names and ids on Palms. · datebook.conduit did not always return a text error to log file. · datebook.conduit would try to open 'datbookdb' instead of 'datebookdb' on restoring files (Amiga->Handheld). · todo.conduit did not always return text error to log file. · Cleaned up some code in memo and address conduits. · In order to handle username changes without userid changes on handheld devices, the userid is now appended to directories that are created for database storage. · First new user to Spitfire would not be seen until a restart. · users.dat file updated before clients are notified of new user addition. · Changed all desktop apps to support new user path directory name format. · HSM was doubling usernames in listviews when multiple users present. · The file pocketchess.prc was being distributed with the SpitfireČ archive. It has been removed. · Under OS 3.1 the icon images for DAM are now all the same height. v1.2 (July 10, 2000) · If a required library was not found by HSM then it would crash on exit. · Added editing of users to HSM. Deletion of user currently completed. · If items in date, address, to do, and memos were deleted but not archived on the handheld side then the changes were not properly being reflected on the Amiga side. · Find in the Address desktop app was not working correctly. · SpitfireHSM would crash if application was terminated with open windows. Now all windows should be properly disposed of to ward off the Guru! · Fixed crashing of HSM when in demo mode. · On startup of the apps Memo, Todo and Address book, a prefs file would be inaccurrately written to the program directory. v1.3 ( , 2000) · Datebook app entries must now have a valid description when created. Seems that the PalmOS does not like a NULL field for descriptions and will crash if one is found (bug in PalmOS?).