Eyetech Group Ltd

Amiga Product Notes

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MIDI-Plus Interface



The Amiga has always been popular with musicians - both amateur and professional, thanks largely to the excellent commercial, shareware and free software available - such as Octamed Sound Studio, Bars & Pipes Professional, Music X. However these programs have always relied on Amiga hardware add-ons to make full use of their functionality.

In particular most music programs require the use of a sound sampler - such as the Eyetech EZ-Sample (�29.95) and a MIDI interface for interfacing with keyboards and other electronic instruments. However MIDI interfaces have been increasingly difficult to find in recent times, so Eyetech have bitten the bullet and developed their own interface, the MIDI-Plus - which is available from Eyetech and approved dealers right now. The MIDI-Plus plugs into the standard Amiga serial socket and connects to the MIDI equipment using stsndard MIDI cables. The MIDI-Plus is priced at just �29.95 (inc UK VAT) or USD39.99 (US carriage USD10).