AmiTrix Development

Devoted to producing Amiga� hardware and software


* AWeb-II - Full-featured World Wide Web browser

* Amiga-Link ­ a floppy port network adaptor for all Amigas

* SCSI-TV ­ a SCSI interface for the Amiga� A570 and CDTV

* PNetBox ­ a Parnet adaptor box

Ordering and Pricing Information

On-Line Product Registration Form ­ for Customers that have purchased AmiTrix products

Press Releases

March 3, 2000 - AmiTrix is now shiping new AWeb-II v3.3 packages and v3.3SE Upgrades for OS3.5!

November 2, 1998 - AmiTrix Development is now providing AWeb-II, v3.2

September 4, 1998 - AWeb-II, v3.2 patch update for v3.x now available

Contact Information


AmiTrix Development Inc.,
P.O. Box 43008,
Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 4M8
Fax: +1 (780) 929-8459

AmiTrix Company Information!

AWeb Now


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Amiga, the Amiga logo, AUTOCONFIG, AmigaDOS, Kickstart, and Workbench are trademarks� of Amiga Inc. and Amiga Development LLC.

AWeb is Copyright� 1996-2000 by Yvon Rozjin. The AWeb-II software compilation is Copyright� 1996-2000 by AmiTrix Development Inc.
AmiTrix, AWeb-II, SCSI-TV, and SCSI-TV570 are trademarks of AmiTrix Development Inc.

This Page last updated June 12, 2000
Copyright © 1996-2000 AmiTrix Development Inc.
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