AmigaActive (849/2249)

From:Michael O'Hara
Date:12 Jul 2000 at 22:26:35
Subject:Re: Back to MySQL again (wuz Re: Matts attitude)

Hi Matt, on 12-Jul-00 19:28:08 you wrote:

>Besides, if you wanna run SQL stuff, learn SQL, play with SQL, there are at
>least two SQL databases on Aminet (miniSQL and another one?) that you can
>play with. Why bother porting MySQL?

MySQL only features a subset of the whole SQL feature table so it's
significantly faster. Hence with the low-horsepower available on Real Amigas,
MySQL would give better speed than a full SQL port.

I believe the phrase is... "What a Fscking stupid question?"

>It looks like AmigaUni are gearing up to make the Amiga a proper server
>platform, and that just makes me laugh SO much.

Well just ignore the whole thread and leave those of us who are interested in
the idea do something more productive than reply to your emails.

Carpe Diem,
Mike O'Hara

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