AmigaActive (828/2249)

From:Conor Kerr
Date:12 Jul 2000 at 04:57:09
Subject:It's a bit wierd but... bye ;-)


I've been on this list since it started (and the CU-list before it since 1997) but have finally decided to take the plunge and stop receiving any more mail from it. I'll make use of the web-based interface from time to time but doubt that it will be often that I do so.

There have been many times previously that I've considered leaving this list (and the other mailing lists I'm on) but it is only now, as life gets ever more hectic and lots more fun, that I feel that my time would be better spent on all the other things I love and have to do.

It's really wierd, I mean, it's been four years now, I think that one of the main reasons I didn't actually leave when I had considered doing so before was that this list (and its previous incarnation as the CU-List) has been such a steadfast part of my life, pretty much part of my daily routine.

I always thought that I'd be a bit more eloquent about leaving than this, but well, what the hell... :)

Most of you will find this post to be pretty wierd and maybe a bit egotistical as well but when I say that I'm leaving this list I'm pretty much cutting out the "classic" Amiga from my life so it's a significant change for me. There will still be the odd remnant left, checking out moobunny and ANN for example, messing around with the A4000T and testing out website in the Amiga browsers but I won't really be as much of a part of this nice wee community anymore.

What can I say though? It's been good. :)

I look forward to rejoining when the next generation is on its way, I'll certainly be putting the effort in to help make sure that it is as good as it can be! :)

Andrew, Neil, Don and Andy1... I'll still see all you guys about as always. Everyone else... see you in the future I hope! :)

All the very best...

[did I mention that it's really wierd finally doing this?!! ;) ]

[message ends...................

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