AmigaActive (682/2249)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:10 Jul 2000 at 19:14:22
Subject:Re: Porting MySQL database engine to AmigaOS for68K/PPCsystems

Hello Steve

On 10-Jul-00, you wrote:

>>> Stop behaving like you`re somehow better....
>> I *am* better than those deluded fool Amigans, because they're deluded
>> fools.
> deluded fool <insert computer of choice here>
> Everyone is deluded..after all they *bought* something and therefore are
> victims of salesmen ;)

I don't buy my computing equipment from salesmen, I get it wholesale from
a price list over the phone. Therefore, according to your argument, I'm not
deluded. My argument stands ;)

>> So?
> Your argument is weak..that`s what. You know..the one that asks "Amiga
> software...why bother?"

Correction, "Amiga CLASSIC software... why bother?"

>>> Amiga`s focus isn`t even on the desktop..
>> Case in point! 99.9% of Amigans *don't* want some kind of new fangled odd
>> hybrid freak doobry controlling their house: they just want a computer
>> and/or OS that performs better than <insert_OS_you_hate_here>
> Heh...nice to agree on some things.


>>> Really`re not much better than a troll in 5/10 occasions (rather
>>> than the 1/10 quoted ;) )
>> And that last line from you ISN'T a troll, is it? Such displays of double
>> standards from so-called Amigans is one of the things that makes me hate
>> them so much ;)
> heh..touche
> There`s only one other thing I wish.....that they`d drop the name
> does nothing but confuse and obfuscate.

Agreed, I liked them better when they were called Amino.


Matt Sealey <>

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